"You killed an evil beast (mountain ape), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 21100 points."

"You killed an evil beast (mandrill), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 32900 points."

"You killed an evil beast (wind demon snake), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,500 points."


After killing a large number of evil beasts with one blow, Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and as he opened his mouth, two streams of blood-colored smoke gushed out from the corners of Qiao Ye's mouth.

"Old Lin!" Qiao Ye said, "I'll charge and you'll cover, can you keep up?"

Lin Jiexu grinned and said, "Little ghost, do you look down on me too much? Although there hasn't been a real fight for a long time in recent years, you were still in your mother's belly when the old man was galloping around."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Then, I'll do it!"

Almost instantly, blood gushed out from Qiao Ye's side, surrounding Qiao Ye's body, exuding a strong bloody smell, slowly drifting towards the surroundings!

Hundred battle blood techniques, six styles of blood massacre!

Six-style Blood Slaughter: Using your own blood as a sacrifice, you can enter the blood slaughter state, and the majestic madness directly enters the tenth floor, and you can use blood coagulation to turn into blood pupils to assist in the battle.


A hundred battle blood techniques, five styles of bloody majesty!

Vigor and vitality: Every time you get injured, you will trigger a layer of madness, improve your physical body, weaken your pain perception, increase the recovery speed of all trauma, ignore any poisons and illusions, take healing pills, you can immediately digest the properties of the medicines, and increase the properties of the medicines by 30%.

The combination of Xuetu and Blood Qi, in addition to the sudden surge in Qiao Ye's physical arrogance, the madness was directly stimulated to the tenth floor, which also made Qiao Ye ferocious.

Infinite killing intent suddenly erupted from Qiao Ye's body.

Lin Jiexu's pupils shrank, even though the killing intent was not aimed at him, it still gave Lin Jiexu a cold feeling, like the feeling of a gleaming knife on his neck.

However, only for a moment.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and forcibly suppressed the killing intent!

The current level of fighting is not enough for Qiao Ye to immerse himself in the supreme killing environment. Moreover, the killing intent must be deliberately controlled, and it is not something that can be used frequently, otherwise the result will be sinking into I can't extricate myself from the killing intent and lose myself!

This is what surprised Lin Jiexu even more. He could tell that Qiao Ye's Supreme Killing Realm had already been cultivated to a certain level, definitely not the level where he had just comprehended his state of mind, but Qiao Ye was able to control it.

And at this moment...

Qiao Ye's waist sank slightly, she looked forward, and said in a low voice, "Kill!"


Qiao Ye stomped on the ground, crushing a piece of the ground, and rushed forward.

With a bang, as Qiao Ye rushed forward, his blood was surging, and he rushed forward, and the evil beast in front was also blown away in an instant.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye spread out his palms!

The blood that flowed from the wound on Qiao Ye's body actually floated up and turned into streams of blood, which quickly came to Qiao Ye's palm, continuously flowing clockwise, and finally became the size of a fist. blood cells!


In the center of the blood cell, a crack suddenly appeared, and then slowly opened, revealing golden eyes!

Where is the blood cell, but...

A blood pupil!

The blood pupil appeared in Qiao Ye's hand, the moment he opened his eyes!

A bloody light suddenly flew forward!

After the blood pupil passed by from the side, a building was directly cut in half, then collapsed, and hit the ground fiercely, pressing a large number of evil beasts on the ground.

Qiao Ye didn't intend to stop at all, and stepped forward again.


The blood pupil closed and opened his eyes, and a blood light swept forward again, moving forward along the street.

The place swept by the blood light exploded in an instant, and the evil beasts on the street were also smashed to pieces in an instant, turning into corpses and falling to the ground.

"You killed an Evil Beast (Sifang Magic Box), absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 88100 points."

"You killed an evil beast (black monster), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 72900 points."

"You killed an evil beast (wind vine), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12500 points."


With the fall of a large number of evil beasts, Qiao Ye continued to absorb the power of the martial soul, and then moved forward quickly.

Lin Jiexu stood not far from Qiao Ye's side, with a jade knife dancing impenetrably, beheading those fish that slipped through the net.

"Turn left ahead." Lin Jiexu shouted, "Do you see a pavilion with a purple gold roof and bells hanging from the corners of the eaves?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I see."

Lin Jiexu said: "The magic circle is on the top of the attic, but it has been completely occupied by evil beasts. I can feel a strong aura inside. There should be quite unusual evil beasts sitting there."

rather unusual?

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, and Lin Jiexu was able to say "quite unusual" Evil Beast, which is really quite unusual, and it should be a wild god, or close to the level of a wild god.

And the level of the sun and the moon...

Qiao Ye thinks it's best not to do it. The sun and the moon are already infinitely close to the level of the gods, but they are still strong against several supreme beings by themselves. If they fight alone, it is very likely that no one is an opponent of Sun and Moon.

Even, Qiao Ye suspected that in the era when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were not broken, the real Sun and Moon might have already possessed the power of the God Realm.

It wasn't that Zhu Huai and Wushen both pushed out the sun and the moon, maybe they couldn't beat them.

Where is this buddy going to seek refuge, he is completely usurping the throne.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye swung the black halberd forcefully in his hand, and the evil beast in front of him was cut off again!

However, as long as there is no such strength as the sun and the moon...


Just kill it!

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye leaped high and came directly to the top of the herd of evil beasts. He raised the black halberd in his hand high, and black smoke kept pouring out, which looked very strange.

next moment...

With a trembling of Qiao Ye's arm, he threw the black halberd in his hand downward.

The black halberd was surrounded by black smoke, turned into a stream of black light and hit the ground directly, piercing into the group of evil beasts, followed by a loud noise, a deep pit was blasted on the ground, and layers of strong winds swept towards the surroundings, blowing The evil beasts around were constantly pushed away.

Qiao Ye fell back to the ground at this moment, stretched out his hand upwards, and the black halberd fell back into Qiao Ye's palm again.


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