Chapter 1520 Attack

The terrifying golden blade light appeared, shining brightly, covering the sky, extremely blazing!


A dragon chant breaks all directions!

The golden sword light fell, and there were nine in total, each of which turned into a golden dragon. Surrounding the golden dragon, there were countless golden sword auras, constantly surrounding the golden sword light, galloping and wrapping around the golden sword light. With a sword glow.

In the center of the golden sword light, there is a lifelike dragon pattern, as if it will transform into a giant dragon at any time, shaking and roaring in all directions.


The slashing blade glow finally collided with the round platform.

Boom, boom, boom!

Layers of air waves pushed away towards the surroundings, surging like a tidal wave, and the golden blade light fell down like a golden cloud, covering all directions.

What a terrifying knife!

Zhu Huai...

do you died?

Seeing that incomparably terrifying knife, everyone couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts, because no one thought that they could live under that terrifying knife.

But, in the next moment...

"Are you tickling me?"

Zhu Huai's voice came from the gradually dissipating sword light: "This is not the strength that a Valkyrie should have!"

The golden blade light gradually spread out, and Zhu Huai reappeared in front of everyone, with a wide mouth.

Zhu Huai looked at Yan Feiyu and said, "I'm so disappointed."

Yan Feiyu said: "I hope you will feel the same way later!"

Yan Feiyu was not surprised that Zhu Huai could come out.

This guy, who had faced countless gods and demons without fear, ran rampant in the Heavenly Realm, tore off the heads of gods and demons, swallowed their flesh and blood, and gnawed their bones.

This guy once confronted the last Martial God in Wuyu. The sky was dark and the sky was dark, and the void trembled, causing the Valkyrie to vomit blood and retreat.

This guy, with one punch, smashed an ancient city that has been around for thousands of years, and the city wall full of historical traces shattered before everyone's eyes.

This is Zhu Huai, one of the strongest six evil beasts back then!

how is this possible……

It can be cut off with one knife!


Yan Feiyu slashed again!

Yan Feiyu raised the knife, and the black starry sky suddenly became bright, illuminated by the silver light of the knife!

In the sky, the light of the knife danced, and the void trembled, as if it was about to shatter.

The sky exploded, and thunder was like a waterfall!

That waterfall is actually a knife, a knife formed by the densely packed light of the knife. The bright silver light of the knife illuminates the sky and disperses the clouds in all directions, which is extremely terrifying.

This endless light is the light of Ye Xuan's sword alone, piercing the sky, it is unimaginable, what kind of power is this?

Yan Feiyu obviously only slashed once, but this slash was like tens of thousands of slashes.

This knife seemed to split the sky.

With a bang, Ye Xuan's saber slashed down, and the place exploded, and the sky was full of sword lights, as if the world was destroyed, the sword lights startled the sky, spreading tens of hundreds of meters.

The silver sword glow lasted for half a stick of incense, and the waterfall formed by the sword glow fell from the sky and hit the ground continuously.

The roar continued to sound, deafening.

And this time...

Zhu Huai didn't allow Yan Feiyu's knife to cut on his body easily!

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Zhu Huai roared crazily, and then his body suddenly swelled a lot. Under the thick cow hair, the muscles became sharp and angular, which made the already extremely strong body even stronger.

"The black sun burns the sky!"

A large cloud of black smoke suddenly gushed out from Zhu Huai's body, surging up.

And when the black smoke filled the air, countless black flames appeared in the black smoke, and began to burn and rise continuously.

Incredibly hot.

The whole world is burning, and it seems to be able to burn everything up.

There was a domineering aura in the flames, just like this diffused, it was frightening, so strong that it made everyone around feel that their bodies were about to split apart.

Zhu Huai said ferociously: "Although I want to eat you more, but since you refuse to be obedient, let me burn you to ashes, not even bones will be left."

Silver blade light, black flame.

Two bright colors suddenly collided in the air, constantly pushing!

As if the catastrophe of the doomsday appeared, the feeling of destroying the world spreads at this moment.

The black waves soared into the sky, and the flames spreading around were like a vast ocean.

The flames erupted, and the spreading sea of ​​flames suddenly collapsed, pouring down from the sky, like a waterfall, attacking Qiao Ye.

Yan Feiyu's face changed slightly, Zhu Huai...

Really strong!

But also at this time...

Tiance Longzun shouted loudly: "Shoot, help!"

Yan Feiyu is very strong, his knife is very sharp.

Yan Feiyu held the saber in his hand, and seemed to be able to cut through everything in the world.

However, Zhu Huai did not come from the human world, so Yan Feiyu's knife could not cut Zhu Huai.

However, everyone came to the throne of the sky and climbed here step by step, is it just to come here to watch?



Tiance Longzun immediately threw out a stack of spells, and the spells scattered in the air, drifting in all directions like rain.

Tiance Longzun quickly pointed forward.

The talisman rose against the wind, ignited spontaneously without wind, and turned into endless runes!

No one can understand, but at this moment, everyone feels that the aura in their bodies is gradually getting stronger, the fatigue on their bodies is swept away, and their energy and spirit have been greatly improved.

As a magician, it is very difficult for one person to do anything.

However, everyone knows that the stronger the person standing in front of the sorcerer, the stronger the sorcerer will be!

And now...

Those who can stand here are almost the strongest people in the world, except for those two who hide in the corner and huddle together.

King Ruyang jumped up first, and with the golden gun behind him, he slapped forward with his palm.

"Open the sky with fists and palms!"

"Open the sky?"

Zhu Huai said contemptuously: "Who are you, how dare you open the sky?"


There was a huge roar, and a huge fist appeared, falling from the sky, and smashed down fiercely. Even, in the process of falling, it continued to grow bigger, and soon, it became ten times bigger than that of the throne. The round tables of the two seats are all huge.

On the other side, Grandma Taishang let out a scream, and then, the phantom of nine tails suddenly appeared.

"Tail gun!"

Grandma Taishang screamed: "God kills!"

The phantom of the nine tails stretched straight instantly, like sharp spears that could penetrate the sky and the earth, stabbing towards Zhu Huai's chest.

Xia Wuchang's face was stern, and the six pairs of wings on his back were slowly unfolding at this moment.

As Qiao Ye thought, those six pairs of wings were really terrifying, and the wingspan was probably at least twenty or thirty meters long!


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