Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1525 Asura Great Formation

Chapter 1525 Asura Formation

There is actually a third God Realm?

Divine power?

Spiritual God?

Accompanied by the reappearance of the beam of divine power, there was a loud noise around again.

The surrounding space seemed to tremble, and everything in the world felt like it was completely torn apart.

Zhu Huai also stared at the copper bell-like eyeballs wider at this moment, watching the divine light beam fall fiercely towards him, enveloping himself in it.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

In the beam of divine power, Zhu Huai's body continued to bear the impact, leaving only a black figure.

Accompanied by Zhu Huai's roar, under the impact of divine power, Zhu Huai's body seemed to be annihilated at any time, and his body was trembling violently.

It can be seen that the flesh and blood on Zhu Huai's body is constantly being torn and crumbled, pieces of flesh and blood are constantly peeling off, and the bone is deep in the wound.

Qiao Ye growled, "Die to me!"

Zhu Huai's recovery ability is indeed extremely terrifying, but as long as Zhu Huai's physical body is completely annihilated without leaving any bones, no matter how strong Zhu Huai's recovery ability is, he will never be able to regenerate his physical body!

Qiao Ye also gritted her teeth, crazily mobilizing her divine power, and kept enveloping her arms.

But at this moment...

"The magic flames are overwhelming!"

Suddenly, Zhu Huai's furious roar came from within the beam of divine power.

next moment...

In the center of the divine power beam, a ray of black flame suddenly appeared, and then kept burning, expanding, and spreading!

A look of surprise appeared on Qiao Ye's face, because the black flame was actually eating back his own divine power!

Zhu Huai's roar reappeared, and in the beam of divine power, he suddenly punched the air!

Accompanied by Zhu Huai's fists blasting out, pitch-black flames surged up into the sky!

The beam of divine power was like shattered glass, with cracks appearing continuously, and then...

It collapsed!


Qiao Ye vomited blood, fell from the air, and fell hard to the ground.

As the beam of divine power dissipated, Zhu Huai walked out again.

Zhu Huai was also miserable at the moment, at least one-third of the flesh and blood on his body had disappeared, one right leg and one left arm had turned into bones, and of the four horns on his forehead, only one remained!

However, this guy is still alive, and...

Raw bones!

The flesh and blood that had been annihilated by the divine power was growing back.

"Little offal!"

Zhu Huai looked at Qiao Ye ferociously and said, "If you are really a spirit god, given the state of hunger I have just returned to the human world, I might really be no match for the three god realms. Unfortunately, you are just a fake. The divine power obtained by using the treasure is not the real divine power after all!"

Zhu Huai raised his left hand tremblingly, pointing at everyone with his finger that had turned into bones.

"Now, who else among you can fight me?"

Zhu Huai laughed loudly and said, "After struggling for so long, you can only become food in the end!"

While talking, Zhu Huai walked towards Yan Feiyu.

Zhu Huai planned to eat from the strongest one, because the strongest one could make his injury recover faster.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth, and then cursed: "Jiang Liuxue, you bastard, are you still watching?

You've said so much beautifully, now you're a coward?

I curse you eighteen generations! "


At this moment, the magic array that covered the round platform and had already dimmed suddenly radiated light!

The lines of the art array reappeared.

Zhu Huai lowered his head fiercely and looked at his feet.

"Don't scold so badly."

Jiang Liuxue's voice suddenly sounded: "Aren't I here?"

In the sky, a void crack suddenly appeared, and Jiang Liuxue walked out of the void crack, and then fell towards the bottom.

"Zhu Huai!"

Jiang Liuxue looked at Zhu Huai and said with a smile, "You should die!"

"The guy who came out of nowhere..." Zhu Huai shouted, "It's up to you?"

Jiang Liuxue smiled, stretched out her hand slowly, and then...


Jiang Liuxue snapped her fingers crisply.

Almost instantly...

Between the heaven and the earth, there are thunders and lights running across from time to time, squeezing the sky and the earth, making everything around it feel like it is about to be shattered in half, like a catastrophe descending on the world.

There are low-pitched sounds all around, and the sky and the earth emit a blazing light.

next moment...

The surroundings of the round platform were constantly shining with brilliance. In the brilliance, ancient runes appeared one after another. A total of eight runes turned into eight colors of brilliance, blending with each other.

The terrifying aura is permeating, spreading all around, there is a chilling and cold aura that can crush everything.

The endless killing intent even gave people a feeling of penetrating heaven and earth.

"Asura formation!"

Zhu Huai's eyes widened, and he shouted at Jiang Liuxue: "Why do you know how to build a large formation?

Impossible, impossible, that person died a long time ago, and no one knows how to build a large formation! "

"Don't you believe me?"

Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "When you die, you will naturally believe it!"

Suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation, and then my cheeks became moist, and a red mist of blood began to float in the air.

Zhu Huai looked sideways, and then showed an incredulous expression, his other right arm suddenly burst open.

There was no minced meat, no bone fragments, the whole arm just turned into a cloud of blood and exploded, leaving nothing left.

The feeling of killing all around became more and more intense, Zhu Huai's body trembled even more violently, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by fear, a deep look of fear.

Zhu Huai still had an expression of disbelief, and roared frantically: "This can't be the Shura formation!"

"Trust me, you will soon!"

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said, "Goodbye!"


The moment Jiang Liuxue's words fell, there was a muffled sound from Zhu Huai's waist, and Zhu Huai's waist exploded, turning into a large cloud of blood mist.

Zhu Huai's body turned into two pieces and fell to the ground.

The blood mist is like the most violent poison in the world, constantly corroding Zhu Huai's body, causing Zhu Huai's body to dissipate continuously, as if being melted.

"I don't believe it, how could it be the Asura formation."

Zhu Huai roared: "I just came back, I won't just die like this, give me food, just give me enough food, let me eat enough human beings, you will all die, all of you will die..."

Zhu Huai's voice became smaller and smaller, because the blood mist had completely melted his upper and lower body, leaving only his head.

And that head...

After all, it was also swallowed by the blood mist. In the blood mist, it gradually turned into white bones, and then the white bones shattered, turned into powder and scattered, completely...

Disappeared between heaven and earth!

Zhu Huai...



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