Chapter 1537 Summoning Order

Qiao Ye raised his head and pinched the bridge of his nose!

This file of the guardian of the boundary covers almost the entire history of his father, except for the very important secret mission, which will not be recorded, and everything else is available.

Qiao Ye's father entered Tianwu Academy at the age of fifteen, much earlier than Qiao Ye's. However, this mainly depends on the invitation letters from the four major academies. Like the Twelve Kingdoms of the Martial Domain, they belong to the type that occurs every year, while the Xuanning Kingdom The small country in the country only happens once every few years, so Qiao Ye's father is a relatively lucky type. He entered Tianwu Academy very early, like Qiao Ye who entered Blood Sea Academy was actually too old.


In a year and a half, Qiao Ye's father perfected the three forms of Tianwu and went to the Nine Realms Battlefield to practice. He graduated at the age of seventeen, but he didn't directly become a Guardian. , with a brilliant record, and was finally recommended to enter the field defender.

Qiao Ye's father showed a strong talent when he first joined the Guardian. In addition to cultivation, he also had the ability to handle affairs. At the age of 21, he became a day-level leader and led a team alone. Qiao Ye's father met Qiao Ye's mother and fell in love.

Of course, the matter about Qiao Ye's mother will not be written in this file. After all, this is a private matter, but it can be calculated by calculating the time.

So far, there was nothing wrong with this file, but Qiao Ye felt weird later on.

After his father became a day-level guard, although he also completed a lot of tasks of the guardian, which can be regarded as outstanding, but it is far from being able to become a guard. In fact, according to the records, his father's second At the age of fifteen, he became a boundary guard.

Nowadays, it is not impossible to become a world-defender at the age of twenty-five. Qiao Ye has done it, Qin Jianchuan has also done it because of the Sky Throne, and Jin Shengyi and Lin Ziyi will sooner or later, and apart from the four of them However, there are still a few candidates who can become boundary guards before the age of twenty-five. Although the number is not many, there are indeed.

However, the era of my father is incomparable to the present. At that time, there was no Jiang Liuxue making troubles, there were not so many bullshit things going on, and the Nine Domains did not reconnect, let alone twenty-five years old. It is almost impossible to enter the world defense class before the age of thirty.

To give the simplest example, Liang Zhicheng and his father were in the same batch of boundary defenders. He became a boundary-defender at the age of thirty, and climbed to the position of twenty-eight stars at the age of forty. They are all the best of the best.

It's not that Qiao Ye questioned his father's ability, but according to this information, his father's boundary-defending level is a bit watery.

However, this matter can be ignored for the time being. In the final analysis, more than half of the twenty-eight stars can nod. Maybe my father has great potential, and the twenty-eight stars intend to support it?

However, the strange thing is that after his father became a guardian class...

Didn't have any information about the content of the mission, co-authored his father and returned to his hometown after becoming a world-defender?

And in fact...

It really is!

According to the timeline, his father took his mother and dragged him back to Xuanning City to recuperate.

"Isn't this nonsense!"

Qiao Ye couldn't help but scolded aloud, just became a boundary-defender, why can't you do it?

Did you go home with your baby?

There are only two thoughts in Qiao Ye's head now.

First: The file information of my father is fake!

Second: What kind of secret mission should my father receive that cannot be recorded!

Weighing the two, Qiao Ye thinks the possibility of the former is relatively small, because if it is a lie...

Hey, respect the fake industry, such fake information is too unprofessional, is that the second possibility?

Does my father actually have a mission?

But the question is, what secret mission needs to go back to the hometown to bring the baby?


A red soil wilderness!

Desolation, dead silence, no grass grows!

All the words that can be used to describe the deserted people can all be used in this wilderness.

at the same time……

At the end of the wilderness, a figure slowly appeared, it was Yan Feiyu.

Yan Feiyu moved forward all the way, and came to the end of the wilderness. The wind blew all around, rolled up the sand and dust, and the dry weeds swayed constantly in the wind.

Soon, a cliff appeared in front of Yan Feiyu, towering into the sky.

Yan Feiyu watched silently, then slowly pulled out a knife from his side, the kitchen knife that belonged to him, and...

As Yan Feiyu raised his hand, a silvery-white blade glow suddenly appeared, moving forward, and turning into a silver line from bottom to top.

Almost instantly, the moment the silver blade light appeared, a crack appeared on the cliff in front, spreading continuously, completely cutting the cliff open in the blink of an eye.

From within the huge cliff, the sound of devil crying suddenly came, and from behind the pitch-black crack, suddenly, one by one white bone hands protruded out, constantly grabbing the sides of the cliff.

Countless bones of the dead began to stick to the cliff and appeared continuously.



A huge black claw protruded from the cliff, slapped it on the cliff, and shattered a large piece of the cliff.

Roaring, roaring, crazily sounded at this moment.

At the bottom of the cliff, in that crack, countless evil beasts rushed out suddenly, running wildly in all directions.

Yan Feiyu turned around silently, looked behind and murmured: "It's time to start!"


Outside Xinxiang hall, Tupo.

Qiao Ye leaned on the flying boat, still bewildered. He felt that something was weird, but he had an indescribable feeling. The most important thing was that if there was something wrong with this file, how should he start to check it.

"By the way..." Qiao Ye's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Maybe we can find the guardian who brought my father back then."

The fledgling defenders are generally led by someone, just like when Qiao Ye and the others needed team action in the early days, Xuanyuan Beimu was the one who was responsible for leading them. It was not until they changed from the night duty level to the day level that they were qualified to form a team by themselves action.

Bringing the old to the new has always been a relatively common situation among the defenders, and most of the time, the one who plays the role of the guide will be relatively close.

If you can find the defender who brought your father, or the defender who was on the same team as your father, you will be able to ask some questions.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye seemed to have sensed something, looked at his waist, and then took out a spiritual paper of summons.

"Great changes have taken place in the red soil wilderness, all defenders gather!"


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