Qiao Ye said: "With the Ningxin Pococoon Pill, I can increase my combat power in a short time."

Jin Shengyi and Qin Jianchuan spread their hands together and said, "None of us have any."

The two of them were quite rich, but the Ning Xin Po Cocoon Pills were not something that could be obtained with money. Back then, Liang Zhicheng helped Qiao Ye clear the warehouse of the boundary guards and only got five.

Lin Ziyi said: "Me neither."

Qiao Ye showed a look of disappointment. After all, the thing of concentrating on breaking the cocoon and playing with pills can be called a rascal when it matches the universe.

Lin Ziyi said: "However, I still have a butterfly."

Qiao Ye gasped, and then said, "Can you stop panting!"

Huadie Pill, this thing is amazing, although according to the efficacy, it is still in the list of first-grade elixir, but everyone regards Huadie Dan as a super-first-grade elixir.

The effect of Huadie Pill is almost the same as that of Ningxin Pococoon Pill, but Huadie Pill is actually an enhanced version of Ningxin Pococoon Pill. It is powerful in two points.

Huadie Dan can also restore a small amount of mental power at the same time, and this alone is rare enough. There are very few pills that can affect mental power. Secondly, Huadie Dan also has a continuous effect, which can be continuously recovered within a stick of incense. , In other words, the battle within a stick of incense, as long as it is not a battle of mental power, is equivalent to zero consumption.

Ningxin Pococoon Pill is jokingly called Life-Saving Pill, while Huadie Pill is nicknamed Changing Fate Against the Heavens. Maybe it's because of the time when the incense burns that the battle situation has been reversed in an instant.

"Then I'm fine, you can watch the allocation yourself." Qiao Ye stopped Lin Ziyi from giving the Butterfly Pill to herself and said, "You take it yourself first, you may not be able to use it."

While talking, while charging.

Although they haven't cooperated for a long time, they still have a good understanding. Qiao Ye and Polaris are in charge of the charge, Jin Shengyi and Qin Jianchuan are in charge of the flanks, and Lin Ziyi is in the rear.

About half an hour later, Qin Jianchuan suddenly shouted: "Look at the side!"

The others looked in the direction Qin Jianchuan was pointing at, and then frowned involuntarily.

They've arrived at Post 1.

To say it is a sentry post is not simply to erect a sentry tower.

These sentry posts can actually be understood as a tiny garrison. There are a total of six sentry towers, and there are more than a dozen built houses. In addition to the boundary guards, there will be two to three teams of eight to twelve guards who will be on duty in shifts. The scale is not large, but it is not too small.

But now, the No. 1 sentry post has been completely destroyed. Apart from the densely packed evil beasts, it is the collapsed sentry tower. The wall is almost collapsed. There are still a few houses inside that are intact, but there is no What's the point? This scene means that the No. 1 sentry post has been completely destroyed.

Qiao Ye chopped off the head of an evil beast with a halberd, and said, "Go and have a look!"

Such a scene, in fact, hardly needs to be seen. It is impossible for a place completely destroyed and occupied by the evil beast to have a living. Taking a step back, even if there is a living, it must have been killed, and it is absolutely impossible to stay here.

But now that we have arrived at the place, we still have to take a look at it more or less, maybe there may be any clues.

Qiao Ye and the others quickly rushed over, and when they came to the collapsed wall, Xiao Ji suddenly grabbed Qiao Ye's clothes and pointed to the side.

Qiao Ye looked up, but there was a dead body hanging on the wall. He was wearing the clothes of a guard, his chest was pierced by a broken stake, and there were signs of being eaten by evil beasts on his body.

Qiao Ye sighed, jumped up, came to the side of the corpse, reached out to wipe the other's eyes, and closed the eyelids.

There is no way to take the corpse away. Facing the vast number of evil beasts, how should we move forward with the corpse.

However, although it is impossible to go to the ground and rest in peace, at least people can die in peace.

After entering the sentry post, Qiao Ye saw some bones, which had been gnawed to pieces. They were obviously the masterpieces of the evil beasts around them. As for the origin of the bones, it was easy to know without guessing.

Qiao Ye pouted towards the two houses that were still in good condition.

There is actually nothing to see in this place. After all, most of the places have been destroyed and can be seen at a glance. The only things that can be seen are the few houses that have not collapsed.

Several people rushed to the door of a house. Qiao Ye raised his foot and kicked it, but he couldn't open it.

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment and then said, "There is someone, the door is blocked."

Jin Shengyi fought with the evil beast that came up, and said: "Go from the roof, you can go in, we will stand up."

Qiao Ye nodded and jumped onto the roof, while the others leaned against the wall of the house to resist the evil beasts. Originally, after the place was destroyed, although there were many evil beasts around, they were all in a state of wandering, but when Qiao Ye and his party appeared, they naturally entered the state of attack.

After Qiao Ye jumped onto the roof, he punched the roof open, and then jumped into the house.

The doors and windows in the house were blocked by furniture, and a man covered in blood was sitting against the wall.

Qiao Ye hurried forward, stretched out his hand to check the other person's breath, then sighed, he had already died.

Qiao Ye looked at the opponent's clothes. It should be a boundary guard. There were more than a dozen wounds on his body. He should have bled to death after the battle. At the same time, Qiao Ye saw the opponent's fist clenched, as if he was holding something.

Qiao Ye forcefully separated her fingers. In one hand, she was holding the spiritual paper for summoning, but it was intact. She obviously wanted to send a message, but she couldn't make it in time. Locks, the kind worn by newborn babies.

Qiao Ye's chest felt a little congested, and he felt unspeakably uncomfortable. He could guess what this long-life lock was used for. The man in front of him was afraid that a child from his hometown had just been born. Unfortunately, he had no chance to lock this long-life lock. He took the life lock back and put it on his own child.

"rest in peace!"

Qiao Ye patted the corpse's shoulder, and then put the Longevity Lock into the jade tablet. Since the other party couldn't take the things back, let him take it for him.

it seems...

It was also the only thing Qiao Ye could do!

at the same time……

The three of Lin Ziyi blocked the door and kept killing the evil beasts that rushed up.

None of these evil beasts are particularly powerful, but there are so many that three people can deal with them, but this does not mean that these evil beasts are not terrible. The scary thing about evil beasts is that when you can't even lift your sword , they will still appear in front of you in a steady stream.

And at this moment...

"Oh?" Suddenly, there was a voice from ahead: "Are there any living humans in this place? It seems that we can have a full meal again!"

Accompanied by that voice, presumptuous laughter soon followed.

The next moment, the Evil Beast in front of the three of them moved aside strangely from left to right!


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