
Qiao Ye grabbed the sword general's head and pressed down hard, followed by a loud noise.

A deep pit was smashed out on the ground, and the whole head of Dao Jiang was embedded in the ground.


Bang, bang, bang!

Qiao Ye raised his fist, and kept dropping it down, hitting the sword general's face.

With every punch, stone chips would bloom on the sword general's face, and cracks would appear continuously, which were constantly shattering.





Dao Jiang wanted to speak, but Qiao Ye didn't give him such a chance at all. Before Dao Jiang could speak, the fist had already come down, one punch after another, with no intention of stopping at all.

The sword general suddenly roared, and the terrifying mental power appeared again, and then...

Boom, boom, boom!

The surrounding ground trembled continuously, as if an earthquake had occurred suddenly, and then countless cracks appeared on the ground, spreading in all directions.

Dao Jiang wanted to use his spiritual power to cut open the surrounding ground, and then create a collapse, breaking free from Qiao Ye's hands.

But also at this time...

"Hey!" Qiao Ye's fist suddenly stopped, looked at the sword general and said, "Actually, my mental strength is quite strong!"

In an instant, behind Qiao Ye, a large piece of spiritual charm appeared, forming a spiritual map of ten thousand dharmas!

With the appearance of the ten thousand dharma spiritual diagram, the surging spiritual power spread in all directions, and then, the trembling ground gradually quieted down, and the cracks no longer spread in all directions.

The sword general's mental power was forcibly suppressed.

The sword general was shocked and said: "You..."

Qiao Ye raised his fist again and said, "You can die willingly this time!"


Qiao Ye's fist came down again, hitting the sword general's face fiercely. Immediately afterwards, the sword general's head exploded completely, turning into a pile of fragments in the blink of an eye.

"You killed an evil beast (sword general), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 630,000 points."

This guy……

Qiao Ye stood up, frowning slightly!

This guy is stronger than Luming, Zongshi and Xinhun that he has encountered before, and he is much stronger!

Although Qiao Ye already felt this way during the battle, after all, Qiao Ye did not need to use the Supreme Killing Realm to follow the demon to kill the insect master and Lu Ming, and, looking at the mess around him, he also knew that when fighting The attack power is not at the same level at all.

But the most intuitive thing is undoubtedly the martial soul value. The martial soul value absorbed from Dao Jiang is obviously much higher, which is also the best proof of strength.

As Qiao Ye thought about it, she broke away from the state of being enchanted, and at the same time broke away from the state of supreme killing state. It is obviously not a good thing to be immersed in killing intent for too long.

But this doesn't mean that Qiao Ye got a chance to breathe, the fight will continue, because...

The evil beasts around have gone berserk!

Originally, the red soil wilderness was completely covered by evil beasts, and there were crowds of evil beasts everywhere. Those evil beasts were very honest before. Naturally, there is no one to control those evil beasts.

"Go!" Qiao Ye waved decisively at the others: "Follow me, kill!"

Shang Xiong ordered Lilac and Situ Yuanye to be carried on his back, and he quickly caught up and said, "Qiao Ye, how did you get here? Teleportation? Can we just teleport away? Situ can't last long."

"There is no way!" Ding Xiang explained to Qiao Ye: "That is the triangular teleportation performed by my master using the Six Ding Liujia Strange Talisman. This is a very complicated teleportation technique, no, it should be at the level of a magic circle to be precise. That’s right, under normal circumstances it would take an hour just to arrange it, it’s not enough to just rely on the Six Ding Liujia talisman paper, moreover, only one person can be teleported at a time.”

Shang Xiong said anxiously: "Alone is fine."

Qiao Ye said: "It will take an hour, and you can't teleport beyond the void fault, the power of the magic circle will be blocked by the void, otherwise you will not be teleported here, but you will be teleported away, do you think the red soil wilderness Is there a safe place now? Throwing Situ Yuanye anywhere is a dead word!"

Shang Xiongxian was a little discouraged, so he could only fight out, but fortunately, Qiao Ye came over, so it shouldn't be a problem to fight out.

"Hurry up!" Qiao Ye said, "I don't want to save you, my people have an accident."

Although Qiao Ye came over, Lin Ziyi and the others naturally had to face the herd of evil beasts alone.

Qiao Ye said: "Lilac, ask for directions!"

Ding Xiang said: "The current direction is right."

Qiao Ye said: "I didn't ask you to ask the way to find the sentry post, but to ask the way to find the direction of Lin Ziyi."

Ding Xiang said: "Huh?"

Qiao Ye chopped off the head of an evil beast with a halberd and said, "You only have an approximate direction to find the sentry post, because you can't know where you are, so you can't know the exact location of the sentry post, right?"

Ding Xiang nodded and said, "Yes!"

Qiao Ye said: "However, Lin Ziyi and the others know their current location and can confirm the route. They are also heading in the direction of the sentry at the moment."

Ding Xiang suddenly said: "Then, as long as we maintain a diagonal direction with them, we can confirm the position of the guard post."

"Correct answer, hurry up!" Qiao Ye took out a Ning Xin Po Cocoon Pill and threw it to Shang Xiong as he spoke, "Give it to Situ Yuanye to eat."

"Ningxin Pococoon Pill?" Shang Xiong was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "We have also prepared pills and Ningxin Pococoon Pills, but Master Situ didn't have much effect after taking it. bodily harm."

Qiao Ye said: "I know, so, look carefully!"

Shang Xiong was stunned for a moment, then looked at the elixir again, it should look like Ning Xin Po Cocoon Pill, but...

Shang Xiong's eyes suddenly lit up and said: "Butterfly Pill, this is Huadie Pill!"

Huadie Dan can be regarded as an upgraded version of Ningxin Pococoon Pill, and it is one of the few medicines that can act on mental power.

Ning Xin Po Cocoon Pill could not cure Situ Yuanye, Qiao Ye had already guessed it, after all, after the fight, Qiao Ye discovered that the guy with the knife looked like a knife, but in fact that guy was a beast that was good at mental power, except for the knife In addition to the physical damage caused by the slash, there is also the damage caused by the impact of mental power. Qiao Ye did not get hit because Qiao Ye's mental power is stronger than that of the sword general, and he directly ignored the part of the impact of mental power, but Situ Yuanye obviously couldn't do this a little.

Therefore, the reason why Situ Yuanye is so weak is not physical injury, but mainly mental injury. Moreover, it is well known that the recovery of mental trauma is extremely slow, and generally it can only be recuperated.


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