If the wise general really wanted to fight, he wouldn't attack the garrison. Naturally, there would be nothing wrong with the garrison. As for the fight, with the three supreme beings on the stage, wouldn't they be able to win?

"The time has come."

At this time, Lin Ziyi suddenly spoke, but it was already noon.

Qiao Ye looked at Zhang Liwang again and said, "Is there still no movement?"

Zhang Liwang shook his head and said: "There is no movement, even, there is no abnormality at all."

Qiao Ye said: "Looking at the time, even if there is no fight at this time, we should have met. If it's Tiaohulishan, it's almost time to attack. Get up, I'll go to Tiance Longzun to ask."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she led Xiao Ji towards the entrance and exit of the residence.

Finding Tiance Longzun standing at the entrance of the resident, Qiao Ye said: "Longzun, how is the situation?"

Tiance Longzun shook his head and said, "Nothing was found."

Qiao Ye doubted: "Did we guess wrong?"

"It's hard to say." Tiance Longzun said: "I just contacted Ruyang King, and Ruyang King said that those evil beasts haven't appeared yet."

Qiao Ye said, "It's already noon."

Tiance Longzun said: "But they didn't say they would arrive at noon, so wait, don't be too impatient!"

Noon generally refers to noon time. Strictly speaking, noon is considered noon, but you can't say that someone is late just after noon.

Qiao Ye nodded, and pulled Xiao Ji to the shadow of the side house to hide from the sun, while looking towards the outside of the residence.

A boundless wilderness, empty, sometimes the wind blows, it will roll up a large amount of dust.

Qiao Ye felt inexplicably uneasy, and always felt that something was wrong.

However, it seems that there is no good choice but to wait.

As time passed by, even Tiance Longzun showed a little more worry and doubt on his face. It can be seen that the frequency of Tiance Longzun's communication gradually increased.

Qiao Ye looked up at the sky. It was only a cup of tea before noon, but there was still no movement at the moment.

Qiao Ye got up and came to Tiance Longzun again and said, "Longzun, something is wrong."

"It's not right, we seem to have been tricked." Tiance Longzun said in a deep voice, "King Ruyang said that those evil beasts still haven't appeared, and it's almost afternoon."

Qiao Ye wondered: "But, what is the intention of the other party doing this? Just to amuse us?"

Tiance Dragon Venerable frowned and said: "I don't know, but the current situation is very abnormal, and it is completely different from what we expected. What exactly do those evil beasts want to do?"

Tiance Longzun seemed to be asking Qiao Ye, and himself, the current situation was really confusing.

But also at this time...

"It's not good, it's not good..." A magician quickly ran out from the garrison, came to Tiance Longzun in a hurry and said: "Uncle Master, it's not good."

Tiance Longzun frowned, this is the disciple he brought over from the Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion, and he is responsible for using magic formulas to convey messages. Less convenient, but more reliable.

Tiance Longzun said: "Speak slowly, what happened?"

The magician said: "A large number of evil beasts appeared on Huyuepo on the front line, and they raided Huyuepo. In addition, three of the newly built guard posts on the front line were destroyed in an instant, and a large number of evil beasts attacked the frontline guards. tent."

"What?" Tiance Longzun was shocked, and then said: "Has Wei Changping been notified?"

The disciple of the famous magician said: "The other brothers went to the handsome camp to report."

"Understood, you go down first." Tiance Longzun shouted at Qiao Ye: "Qiao Ye, let's go."

Qiao Ye was also in shock at the moment when he heard the famous magician's words. He recovered after being shouted by Tian Ce Long Zun, and quickly followed Tian Ce Long Zun.

"Long Zun..." Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Right now this is..."

Tiance Longzun said with a gloomy face: "It's still a trick, or we guessed half of it right, but not completely right. The wise general is indeed a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, but his goal is not this garrison, but the attack on the front line. The team responsible for cleaning up the evil beasts!"

The current layout of the red soil wilderness is roughly divided into three parts.

The first part is the original three garrisons in the red soil wilderness, which have been completely occupied by evil beasts. The second part is the resident where Qiao Ye is now, which is close to the entrance and exit of the red soil wilderness. It exists as a strategic station for logistics transfer. The third part is the front line. Wei Changping led a large number of guards to clean up the evil beasts on the front line. The area was centered on the No. 1 sentry post and connected to two closed void gates to form a front line.

Qiao Ye, Wei Changping, and Tiance Longzun all thought that the goal of the wise general was the station in charge of logistics transfers, but they never expected that the goal of the wise general was the front line.

"But..." Qiao Ye said: "The purpose of the fight is to transfer the tiger away from the mountain, and transfer at least five experts. If the goal is the front line, then the effect of transferring a few experts will not be so great, right? After all, there are a large number of defenders and guardians stationed there, and the Demon Realm and the Beast Realm even sent manpower a while ago."

This is also the possibility that the three of them never thought about the possibility that the target was the front line. Transferring a few masters is indeed a huge weakening of the strength for the station. In fact, there are not many masters in the station itself. Before being recalled, he was actually active on the front line, but if the target was the front line, temporarily losing a few masters would not give the opponent much advantage.

Tiance Longzun suddenly stopped, his expression became gloomy and he said: "Unless the other party knew from the beginning that we would have guessed that we were going to transfer the tiger away from the mountain and made arrangements in the station, Wei Changping mobilized a lot of people from the front line overnight yesterday. Come back!"

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain, and then attack the west?"

Qiao Ye's eyes also became gloomy. If it was true, then this time she was really wise, and stepped into the opponent's trap abruptly.

Tiance Longzun said: "Stop talking, hurry up and go."

The two quickly came to Wei Changping's camp.

Wei Changping was also furious at the moment. When he entered the camp, Qiao Ye saw the table and table smashed aside, and things scattered all over the place. It was obviously Wei Changping who did it.

"You guys also know the news from the front line?" Wei Changping looked at the two of them and said, "We're missing a move!"

Tiance Longzun said: "Don't talk so much, it is more important to return to the front line first."

"Yes!" Wei Changping nodded, and then said, "Qiao Ye, hurry up and bring a few experts there first."

Qiao Ye showed helplessness and said, "I have no objection, but Duan Kong is not in my hands."


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