Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1632 All thanks to Jiang Liuxue

Didn't you say that your physical body is vulnerable? Being able to take a blow from yourself at will is still vulnerable, so what is yourself?

For a moment, Gu Jiang felt that he was numb.

Oh, the bones will not be human? That's fine again!

But in any case, both the bone general and the wise general obviously miscalculated. Qiao Ye's physical body has not been weakened. No!

Qiao Ye deliberately waited until the moment Gu Jiang came to kill him before taking the Ningxin Pococoon Pill.

First of all, the normal function of Ningxin Poyu Pill is to save lives, how can it save lives if it takes effect slowly? Therefore, the effect of the medicine can be exerted almost instantly, and Qiao Ye does not need to take it immediately, and the time is enough.

Secondly, Zhijiang saw through the flaw of the divine light beam before. Now that he knows that Zhijiang has such an ability, Qiao Ye has no reason not to use Yin Zhijiang's hand to sell him a flaw!

Of course, it's not the smart generals who look cloudy right now, but the bone generals!

At such a close distance, does Qiao Ye have any reason not to attack, and let the bone general avoid his own attack?

of course not!

Almost instantly, a large amount of divine power around him gathered and came towards Qiao Ye.

However, if it is not condensed into a beam of divine power, it is too slow after all. Even at such a short distance, it is still difficult to hit easily because of the accumulated time.

Therefore, this time, Qiao Ye directly blasted the bone general with divine power.

The general's reaction was quick, and he chose to retreat immediately, but it was obviously too late.

With a bang, the incoming divine power hit the bone general, and a large piece of white light exploded in the air. Immediately afterwards, the bone general's body was directly blasted down from the air.

With a loud bang, the moment the bones were about to hit the ground, the ground was smashed to pieces, and the ground exploded into huge deep pits.

In the center of the deep pit, the body of the bone general was shattered, and the body was completely smashed.

If it was someone else or another evil beast, this blow would definitely be over, but the bone general's physical body and the ability to reorganize his body kept him alive, and even the broken parts of his body were still on the ground. Wriggling, trying to put it back together.

Without any hesitation, Qiao Ye raised her hand and pressed forward.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!


A thunderclap suddenly appeared, and lightning pierced the sky, like a long dragon, crashing towards the ground.

Qiao Ye obviously wanted to take the opportunity to directly kill the Bone General, but at this moment...

The wise general's figure suddenly appeared in front of the deep pit, his body was shining golden, and the golden light condensed again, but this time, instead of attacking, it turned into a giant golden shield, which was placed in front of him.


The wise general gritted his teeth and blocked the falling thunder, which was regarded as abruptly saving the bone general's life.

However, the wise general also paid the price. He was directly sent flying by the thunderbolt, and fell to a place more than ten meters away. Black smoke continued to rise from Zhijiang's body.

Compared with pure strength, wise generals are much worse than bone generals. Moreover, wise generals are not like bone generals. The long years and hunger have made the strength of wise generals significantly weaker than when the three realms and nine domains were broken. a lot of.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye slowly fell from the air to the ground.

Bone General is still reorganizing his body, and he can fight again after the reorganization is completed. However, the body is broken into that way, and it will take a certain amount of time to reorganize the body. Before that, the bone general will be frozen to stop him. reorganize.

As for the wise general, the injuries are not serious, but the huge consumption of one attack and one defense has greatly reduced the combat power of the wise general, and he is no longer able to fight anymore.

But at this moment...

Zhi Jiang raised his head sharply, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Human, do you think you have won?"

Qiao Ye said: "What else do you think you can do now? Or, do you plan to leave a last word?"

"My name is Zhijiang, the wisdom of wisdom." Zhijiang suddenly laughed, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "You didn't understand from the beginning that our battle is meaningless, and whether we kill you or not is not important to us. Even if we can kill you, it is just to clear the obstacles for our purpose, and now, we lost? No, our purpose has been achieved, and in this case, of course we will win!"


The moment the wise general spoke, there was a huge roar, and immediately after, the earth trembled continuously.

Qiao Ye turned around sharply and looked in the direction of the station.

The entire garrison was shaking, because the entire Tiger Leap Slope was constantly shaking, and with the tremors, the garrison was also constantly collapsing.

The outer walls began to fall piece by piece, and huge gaps were opened in the ground inside the garrison, and then countless black lights gushed out of the cracks crazily.

And with the appearance of that black light, the surrounding ground trembled even more violently, the ground was shattered crazily, and there was a strong sense of oppression all around.

Qiao Ye looked at General Zhi and said angrily, "What are you going to do?"

The wise general smiled and said: "You can't stop all this now, because everything is a foregone conclusion, so it doesn't matter if I tell you, we are welcoming the return of our Lord."

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Gu Diao?"

The wise general laughed loudly and said, "Now you know it's too late!"

Qiao Ye's brows furrowed even tighter.

In fact, the wise generals are making troubles, and they are fighting each other, diverting the tiger away from the mountain, and attacking the west. They must have a plan. Both Qiao Ye and Tiance Longzun felt that something was wrong.

It's not like Qiao Ye has never thought about the possibility that the real purpose of these guys is Gu carving, but the problem is that it's useless to think about it. Even if Qiao Ye thought of this possibility before, so what?

Qiao Ye didn't know where the place where the Gu carvings were suppressed was, so even if he guessed this possibility, he had no way to prepare in advance.

To put it bluntly, the information we have is not enough, so we are in a passive state. If we can know that the gu carvings are suppressed in Huyuepo, where there are so many troubles, and the army is directly defending Huyuepo, even if we will fall into a long-term war, it is not You can't give it a go, as long as you don't let the evil beast release the Gu sculpture.


This topic goes back and forth, and there is only one core!

All thanks to that bastard Jiang Liuxue!

If it wasn't for Jiang Liuxue who couldn't find anyone at the critical moment, how could this situation have turned into this?

Although Qiao Ye didn't know where the Gu Diao was suppressed, Jiang Liuxue definitely knew about it, so even if this bastard was going to disappear, at least she should explain these things clearly before disappearing!


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