Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1634 The Secret of the Gu Carving

Boom, boom, boom!

The coffin of life and death made a loud noise, and the coffin lids flew out continuously and bounced downward.

The coffin lid smashed into the crowd of evil beasts, and in an instant, it was a piece of flesh and blood, and the evil beasts fell down one by one.

Immediately afterwards, people in the coffin of life and death stood up continuously, rushed down, and fell into the group of evil beasts in the blink of an eye.

Qiao Ye glanced at Liang Qiu and Lin Jie and said, "Hurry up and send them away, those people are enemies, not friends."

While talking, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to wipe it, and the spirit map of ten thousand magics appeared, and Qiao Ye used the aura and all phenomena to break through the air and quickly came to the air.

"Jiang Liuxue!" Qiao Ye shouted towards the surroundings: "Come out quickly, if you hear me, get out."

"What are you shouting for?" A formation pattern of the spell appeared around Qiao Ye, and Jiang Liuxue got out of the formation pattern of the spell, and floated in the air with the help of the spell, saying, "I'm here."

"Why did you go so early?" Qiao Ye said cursingly, "I didn't show up when something happened, but now I'm willing to get out?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "I was going to do something, and what I did was the big thing."

Qiao Ye said: "Can it be bigger than the matter of Gu Diao?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Why did the Gu carving suddenly appear? This is a big deal, a big deal!"

Qiao Ye wondered, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Did I tell you that the next target is the Dragon Cave?"

Qiao Ye nodded. This Jiang Liuxue did say that this bastard was still provoking herself with the Dragon Cave, where her parents disappeared back then.

Jiang Liuxue continued: "It was the ghost car that was suppressed in the Dragon Cave, and that was my second target."

Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "So what? Is there a problem?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "The problem is serious, don't you understand? The ghost car is my second target!"

Qiao Ye said: "Can't you replace the second target with a Gu carving?"

There is a problem with the communication between the two. Jiang Liuxue's focus is on the appearance of Gu carvings, which is not in his plan, while Qiao Ye's focus is on the ancient six kings of evil beasts. , Jiang Liuxue has been slaughtered, and there are five left. If Zhu Jian who died on the Sky Throne is removed, there will be four left.

Anyway, the remaining four are all to be killed, so what difference does it make which one you kill first?

"The difference is huge!" Jiang Liuxue gave Qiao Ye a white look and said, "Do you really think those guys can be killed casually? If it is so easy to kill, do you think the gods and demons of the two worlds will be wiped out? Will the Nine Realms be broken? How to kill, how to kill them?" There is a certain order in which to kill, I have already arranged everything in the Dragon Cave, I only owe Dongfeng, can it be the same as killing Gu Eagles?"

Qiao Ye said: "Talking nonsense for a long time, you can just say that you didn't arrange it here, and I can understand that it needs to be arranged in advance. Why do you have to kill in order?"

Jiang Liuxue looked at Huang Mang, who was getting stronger and stronger below, and said, "I won't be able to explain this matter for a while, so let me tell you, there must be someone playing tricks on this matter, just to disrupt my plan."

Qiao Ye said, "Who?"

"I don't know." Jiang Liuxue also said with a confused look on his face: "It stands to reason that no one knows where those evil beasts are suppressed except me."

Qiao Ye said, "Could it be an accident?"

Jiang Liuxue looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Accident?"

Qiao Ye said: "Hey, this was originally a Void Fault, and it's not a closed place. The defenders often go to hunt evil beasts, and there is an ore trade in the red soil wilderness, so it can be regarded as a semi-open Void Fault. Who accidentally let it out?"

Jiang Liuxue glanced at Qiao Ye and said contemptuously, "Idiot."

"You are not old enough." Qiao Ye said angrily, "Don't force me to disrespect the old and love the young."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Think about it a bit, even if you hit the place where the gu carvings are suppressed by mistake, do you think ordinary people have the ability to release the gu carvings?"

Qiao Ye glanced and wondered: "Hasn't the Gu carving come out yet?"

Both of them dislike each other, so there is still no way to have a good conversation.

Jiang Liuxue was talking about Gu carvings, but what Qiao Ye was talking about was not Gu carvings, but those guys who were wise generals. The Evil Beast was released, and the first of the three generals should be the Sword General, and then the Sword General probably led the release of the Bone General and the Smart General. Right now, the Smart General planned everything and planned to release the Gu sculpture.

Jiang Liuxue said: "What ability do they have to escape the suppression? Besides, even if it is them, it is not something that ordinary people can release."

Qiao Ye couldn't help but asked, "What's going on?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Other things can be ignored for the time being. The matter of the Gu carving is obviously the most important thing right now. No matter what, we have to solve this trouble first, and our time is running out."

Qiao Ye looked down and said, "I have eyes, and I can see by myself."

Jiang Liuxue said: "It's not what you think, the gu carving has three heads, which can separate into three bodies, this is one of the abilities of the gu carving, and the gu carving with three heads in one is the strongest." , when the gu carving was suppressed back then, the three poems of the gu carving were suppressed separately. Simply put, the gu carving has three bodies at the moment. If the gu carving wants to restore its strength in its heyday, all three bodies need to escape from the suppression , and everything before was because the body of one of the gu carvings was released, and everything they did was to release the second song of the gu carving!"

Qiao Ye pointed to his feet and said, "Tiger Leaping Slope?"

"That's right!" Jiang Liuxue said: "In my previous plan, after the Dragon Cave was the red soil wilderness, because the Gu sculptures are relatively easy to kill, so I'm not in a hurry."

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, she glanced at Qiao Ye.

Jiang Liuxue continued: "If you're not an idiot, you should already have thought of how to kill the Gu Eagle."

Qiao Ye said: "Release the three bodies separately, and then kill them, so that the gu carvings will have no chance to return to their heyday."

"The answer is correct." Jiang Liuxue said: "Compared to the other evil beasts, the way to kill the Gu Eagle is the easiest and safest way. If you want to solve it, you can do it at any time with a little arrangement. Besides, The reason why I put the Gu sculpture in the third place and deal with the Dragon Cave and the Ghost Car first is that after experiencing the Throne of the Sky, you defenders don't trust me enough, otherwise you wouldn't have split into two factions. "

Qiao Ye interrupted: "This is a disagreement, not a split. Twenty-eight stars, the defenders of the boundary, have always made decisions through meetings and discussions, not with fists, so you'd better not wishful thinking and play divisive here. "


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