Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1662 The Way of Life and Death

Chapter 1662 The Way of Life and Death

Qiao Ye looked at the Bana flowers in full bloom, and then...

Squeeze hard!


When Qiao Ye's palm was clenched into a fist, the blooming Bianhua flower was crushed by Qiao Ye, turning into countless bright red halos and swaying forward.

The other shore flower represents the end of the world of mortals.

Beautiful, but deadly.

Because, when the flowers on the other side die, it means the end of everything.

In the haze, a fog suddenly appeared and pushed away towards the surroundings.

Under the thick fog, Qiao Ye saw the other shore flower, and saw the gorgeous red bloom.

A feeling of falling into hell.

In the hazy mist, white skulls appeared one after another, and in the eye sockets of the skulls, flowers of the other side bloomed one after another, as if welcoming Qiao Ye to Huangquan.

The crisp sound of running water suddenly sounded at this moment.

The dim yellow river flowed slowly, with a strong smell of blood and rot. With the tumbling of the river, countless white bones floated up and swayed on the Huangquan River.

Gloomy, murderous and deadly.

Annihilate all feelings!

This was the last blow of the Bana flower, an extremely terrifying blow, and the price of this blow was to shatter the Bana flower.

Since then, there will be no other flowers in the world!

Xing Ming was still furious, looking at the mist drifting around, looking at the Huangquan River rushing towards his face, he seemed even more manic.

In the next moment, Xing Ming raised the meat sword and slashed forward.

"Human, do you think this kind of thing can kill me?"

Xingming roared angrily, and then swung his sword vigorously to chop it down!

The black sword light is like a sea, a vast expanse, infinitely numerous, extremely frightening.

The surrounding world was instantly illuminated by Senhan's sword light.

The incomparably terrifying coercion of swordsmanship appeared at this moment, making people feel oppressive and hard to breathe.


In the next moment, a terrifying sword sound sounded, and the black sword light descended suddenly, like a giant dragon with a hundred feet long, boiling across the sky, tearing the sky into a crack, the light scattered all over the field, and the earth It was shrouded in a terrifying aura of destruction.

Amidst the loud noise, the black sword light slashed fiercely at Huangquan River, making a violent collision sound.

The power of that sword was so terrifying that it actually cut the Huangquan River open.

The shattered Huangquan River turned its waves towards both sides, and the white bones floating in the river burst into pieces under the power of that sword, and were instantly crushed into powder.

The ghost floating on the Huangquan River was howling in pain at this moment, constantly scurrying in the air, and finally was crushed and scattered.

"Hahahahahahahaha..." Xingming laughed ferociously and said, "It's all just some small tricks, after all, it's just a group of human beings, even if you become a warrior, do you think you can stand up to gods and demons?

Do you know how many gods and demons I killed in the God Realm back then? "

Roaring, Xing Ming raised the meat sword again.

But also at this moment...

An extremely intense tingling pain suddenly hit, causing Xing Ming's face to change abruptly, and he backed up a few steps involuntarily.

Enduring the pain, Xing Ming looked at his body.

A bone spur under the ribs was actually emitting green smoke at this moment, and then the bone spur began to rot at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then broke. scattered.

at the same time……

The Huangquan river water that was split on both sides also began to gather again at this moment, and then fell in the direction of Xingming.

Xing Ming recovered quickly, and then swung the meat sword vigorously again.

The black sword light appeared again, quickly condensed, turned into a black giant sword, and swept forward.


The big black sword swept across, and the tumbling Huangquan River was torn apart again.

However, because of the moment of stupefaction before, Xing Ming's movements were obviously a beat slower.

Some of the splashed Huangquan River water fell and landed on Xingming's arm.


In the next moment, Xing Ming wailed in pain, and looked at his left arm, which was drenched by the yellow spring water, and that left arm had become almost haggard.

"Is it poisonous?"

Xing Ming gasped and said, "No, it's not poison. Poison is useless to me."

"It's life and death."

Qiao Ye said leisurely: "The Huangquan River, from birth to death, symbolizes the end of the road of reincarnation, and the end is death!"

At that moment, Xing Ming was robbed of his vitality!

When the vitality is exhausted, it naturally means that life is coming to an end, and then...

Welcome to death!

This is a shackle that even the evil beast cannot overcome.

Even though the Evil Beast has an unimaginable lifespan, no matter how long it is, when they deserve to die, they will still die.

Xing Ming clenched his teeth, looked at his left arm, and then hissed continuously.

The already haggard arm swelled up little by little, and quickly returned to its original shape.

Xing Ming yelled at Qiao Ye angrily: "That's all, you can't kill me!"

After Xing Mingyan said, he raised the meat sword again!

Qiao Ye also frowned slightly. As an evil beast, Xingming's vitality was too terrifying.

Even after countless years of suppression and still in a state of starvation, the vitality in his body is still terrifying and unimaginable.

"But..." Qiao Ye said coldly, "You will die, right?"

Qiao Ye let out a low drink, and clasped his palms forward, and the water of the Yellow Spring rushed forward quickly, heading towards Xingming again.

Xing Ming roared, and the meat sword in his hand slashed down hard again, and a large black sword light appeared.

The terrifying sword light covered the sky and covered the earth, pushing forward without knowing the geometry, rolling up like a black wave.

Boom, boom, boom!

The wave condensed by the black sword light constantly collided with the water of Huangquan River, obstructing the advancement of the water of Huangquan River.

Xing Ming jumped up and shouted at Qiao Ye: "As long as you don't get touched, you can do nothing to me, right!"

Xingming roared angrily, and the meat sword slashed again!

"Absolute sword in the sky!"


In the sky, there was a loud noise, and then the clouds drifted away, and endless sword intent sprinkled down from the sky, wearing endless determination, as if it could tear everything in this world apart.

Xing Ming condensed the sword light into a huge lightsaber!

The sword pierced through the clouds, and with great power, the black sword light pushed towards the surroundings, like a black waterfall hanging down, dazzling and dazzling, it was difficult for the piercer to open his eyes.


The earth was torn apart, and a crack appeared from the bottom of the blade, spreading crazily towards both sides, and everything it passed was cut open.

Also includes...

The endlessly rushing water of the Yellow Springs!

Xing Ming fell into madness again, laughed loudly and said: "I said, you can't kill me!"


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