Chapter 1664

Jiang Liuxue turned around and shouted at Qiao Ye: "Is she really that important?

She is not human at all, so can she be more important than the world? "

Qiao Ye turned her head and looked at Jiang Liuxue coldly.

Jiang Liuxue said: "Back then, Ba's strength was close to number one, destroying the demon realm alone, but unfortunately she is not a real evil beast. After the death of other evil beasts, her strength will not increase. Now she must be I can't beat the ghost car, but as long as she is willing to make a move, cooperate with my magic circle, and those two boys' restrictions on space and time, there is at least a 50% chance of killing the ghost car, and once the ghost car dies, all disasters will be counted. The strength of the beast is all due to the Gu Eagle, after his clone is destroyed, his strength will be greatly reduced, and the probability of killing him is still very high, and from then on, the world will be peaceful."

Qiao Ye said, "Have you finished talking nonsense?"

Xiao Ji couldn't make a move, because if she made a move, everyone would know that she was Ba, one of the main culprits who broke the Three Realms and Nine Realms back then.

Will someone let the past go by because of Xiaoji's help in destroying the ghost car and the gu carving?

Qiao Ye believes there will be!

But definitely not all.

Even more people will try their best to kill Xiaoji. After all, those evil beasts are dead, and Xiaoji is the last threat. If so, why not kill them?

Only by killing it can we never suffer from future troubles!

It was a mistake to be strong. The God Realm exiled her because of Ba's strength.

And now...


It's also hard to tolerate Xiaoji!

Jiang Liuxue spread her hands and said, "Then let's find Jiejia."

Qiao Ye said, "What do you mean?"

"It's one thing that you don't want to, but more importantly..." Jiang Liuxue glanced at Xiao Ji and said, "If you don't die, she won't be willing to make a move."

In fact, Jiang Liuxue never expected Qiao Ye to come back to life. Letting Qiao Ye die was the best way for Xiaoji to take action.

Because, after Xing Ming killed Qiao Ye, Xiao Ji would definitely kill Xing Ming, and also kill ghost cars and gu carvings, just like when the God Realm expelled her and she and the evil beast exterminated the gods and demons together.

Jiang Liuxue knew better than anyone that Xiao Ji's terror did not lie in her strength, but in that her anger would destroy everything.

This is all that Xiaoji has to bear. Wherever she goes, everything is dead and barren.

This is Xiaoji's ability. Only after Qiao Ye's death can this ability be fully stimulated.

"However, fortunately, I also expected this situation."

Jiang Liuxue said: "So there is a backup plan, as long as you find the boundary nail, you can also kill the ghost car and annihilate the gu eagle."

Qiao Ye said, "What is that?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "When the evil beasts invaded the God Realm and the gods and demons found it difficult to resist, they wanted to use the Heaven Realm as a cage. After trapping the evil beasts, they escaped from the Heaven Realm and came to the Nine Realms. I told you about this. ,Right?"

Qiao Ye said, "Yes, then?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "But the plan failed in the end, and since it failed, those gods and demons could only bite the bullet and find a way to wipe out the evil beasts, and the method they came up with was not the same as the method you humans used later. Very similar."

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "Void Fault?"


Jiang Liuxue said: "However, there are still some differences. The Void Fault is similar to exiling those evil beasts, not killing them, because there are too many evil beasts. A good solution, the only problem is to deal with the six strongest evil beasts as commanders, because the void faults can't trap them, and the way the gods and demons thought of is to kill those evil beasts at once!"

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Is it possible to do this kind of thing?"

"Since you dare to think about it, of course it is possible to do it."

Jiang Liuxue spread her hands and said, "Of course, this statement is really not convincing, after all, all gods and demons have been wiped out."

Qiao Ye said, "What exactly do they want?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Open a world!"

Qiao Ye was stunned and said, "Open a world?

What's the meaning? "

Jiang Liuxue said: "Open the fourth realm beyond the three realms."

Qiao Ye asked the same question again in amazement: "Is this possible?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "At that time, the fourth realm that the gods and demons wanted to open was a world of nothingness, so it was indeed possible to do it, because there was nothing in that world, no mountains, water, flowers, birds, only endless Nothingness and chaos, there are no laws that constitute the world, including time, space, life and so on."

Qiao Ye wondered, "Can that count as a realm?"

Jiang Liuxue reminded: "Gods and demons want to kill the evil beasts, not to create a home for the evil beasts, because there is nothing, as long as the evil beasts are exiled into the realm of nothingness, those evil beasts will undoubtedly die, because nothing There are no conditions for survival in the world. Secondly, it is possible to do it because of the nothingness world. In this world, there are only irreversible laws, the alternation of day and night, the passage of time, and the cycle of life and death. These are things that gods and demons cannot violate. Therefore, if they really want to create a home for the evil beast, it is really impossible to do, because the gods and demons cannot open up a real world."

Qiao Ye said: "But it didn't work out in the end."

"indeed so."

Jiang Liuxue said: "There are two reasons why it didn't work. The first is that even if it is a world of nothingness, it cannot be regarded as a real world. It is not so easy. The second is because of time. It is very tragic, there is not much time left for the gods and demons, and they were finally wiped out by the evil beasts before they completed the fourth realm, but this does not mean that this idea is completely impossible to realize."

Qiao Ye said, "So, are you going to continue with this idea?"

"Of course not."

Jiang Liuxue curled her lips and said, "How many gods and demons were there in the God Realm back then?

now what?

Just two crooked Martial Gods, they didn't succeed at that time, how could it be possible to create a realm of nothingness now? "

Qiao Ye said: "Co-authoring is still nonsense."

Jiang Liuxue said: "It is definitely impossible to create the fourth realm. However, our goal is not all the evil beasts. Most of the evil beasts are still trapped in the void fault, and even if there are a large number, Constantly destroying, there will always be a time to kill them all. The problem is still the last two evil beasts, the Gu sculpture and the ghost car. If this is the case, why do we need a void world?

As long as a space similar to the Void Realm can be constructed, both the ghost car and the gu sculpture can be killed if there is a chance, and if there is no chance to kill the ghost car, leaving the gu sculpture behind will not be a great tool, so naturally the big things can be settled. "

Qiao Ye said, "What should I do?"

"That goes back to what I just said."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Go to the God Realm and find the Jie Nai!"


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