Chapter 1668 The Secret

Qiao Ye would inquire about her parents, of course, because of what Jiang Liuxue said before.

However, Qiao Ye found it difficult to get the answer by himself.

The way Qiao Ye pursued was to find the truth based on the footsteps of her parents when they returned to Xuan Ning Country. For this reason, Qiao Ye went back to Xuan Ning Country and also went to Tianwu Academy.

Qiao Ye did find something puzzling, but he didn't gain anything.


Qiao Ye wanted to understand some things. If there was really something hidden about her parents' return to Xuanning Country, it must be something that needs to be deliberately hidden. If this is the case, the truth cannot be obtained just by following the footprints.

Moreover, it is too difficult to investigate by myself. After all, what happened so long ago is different, how should I inquire about it?

Therefore, this matter has to start from the previous generation.

Lin Ziyi can be of great help, because her father is Zi Yihou.

Although Zi Yihou is not a boundary guard, but as the general who guarded the broken boundary back then, he has a very deep connection with the boundary guards and knows a lot about the boundary guards.

Whether it was the matter of his parents being the guardians back then, or the battle in the Dragon Cave ten years ago, Zi Yihou knew all about it, so Qiao Ye asked Lin Ziyi to help him find out.

Lin Ziyi hesitated for a moment and said, "Are you worried that your parents and you..."

What Lin Ziyi said was very cryptic, but the meaning was just that, and Qiao Ye could understand it.

"Not yet."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "I'm mainly worried that someone is planning to set me up again."

Lin Ziyi suddenly asked, "Jiang Liuxue?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

Lin Ziyi said: "No wonder you want me to check. If you check it yourself, you are afraid that Jiang Liuxue will stare at you?"

Qiao Ye said: "Mainly, I don't know where to start. Tell me what you found out?"

Lin Ziyi said: "The behavior of your parents back then was not normal. At that time, they were the key training objects among the defenders, and their status was not low, but they returned to Xuanning Kingdom. The most inexplicable thing is that your parents did not It’s not about leaving the Boundary Guardians, they were still Boundary Guardians at that time, but they were not in the Breaking Boundary, they were not stationed at the Void Fault, but in Xuanning Country, the two of them were Boundary Guardians.”

Qiao Ye nodded. Jiang Liuxue had said this before, and he didn't think there was any problem when he was a child, but after becoming a boundary guard, he learned about the existence of a boundary guard, and after being told by Jiang Liuxue, Qiao Ye felt Not quite normal.

Lin Ziyi said: "What's even more incomprehensible is that your parents have not been expelled, nor have they been held accountable. Therefore, the only way I found out about this matter is that your parents received the task."

Qiao Ye said, "Task?"

Lin Ziyi said: "What if they were ordered to stay in Xuanning City?

Is it reasonable? "

Qiao Ye hesitated and said, "In a rural place like Xuanning Country, what should the defenders pay attention to?"

Although it doesn't feel good to talk about my own homeland, but, to be honest, a small country like Xuanning Country is really a backwater for the defenders.

Lin Ziyi continued: "It's just a guess, and then you asked me to check your birth date. I'm sorry, but I didn't find it."

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Huh?"

Lin Ziyi said: "Guardians are also human beings. If there is such a thing as pregnancy, they should rest, and this thing will actually be registered. A guardian, especially a guardian of the guardian level, needs to leave for a year. It will be recorded, so that you can take a vacation, but your mother has no record of this at all."

"However, it doesn't matter if there is no record, you can't just pop out of her belly for no reason, so, according to your age, you can reverse it, considering that when your parents brought you back to Xuanning Kingdom, you may have been a couple of years old. years old, I extended this timeline to two years."

Qiao Ye said: "You said you heard something, and it seems to be on the timeline of these two years?"

Lin Ziyi nodded and said: "Old accounts are still hard to find, but thanks to my father's relationship, I finally found them. In the first year, I don't think there should be anything suspicious. In that year, your parents were not Boundary Guard class, but Daytime class, there are no garrison missions, a total of twelve missions throughout the year, the longest takes three and a half months, and the shortest is six days, with this kind of mission frequency, your mother should not have time to give birth, the key lies in the first Two years."

Qiao Ye nodded, indicating that he was listening.

Lin Ziyi said: "In the second year, your parents recorded three missions, two of which are just small missions, the key is the third mission, they are responsible for stationing a void fault called Xufeng, And it lasted fifteen months, and after finishing this garrison mission, they returned to Xuanning Country. If they had to find the time point of your birth, then the 15-month garrison period is the only possibility. "

Qiao Ye pondered for a while and said: "Besides, after they left, they returned to Xuanning Country. If they really carried the mission, then it is also likely to be related to this garrison mission?"

"Yes, but I have never found out why your parents returned to Xuanning Country, and no one cared about them, but I found some interesting content."

Lin Ziyi said: "That mission was ordered by Lin Jie."

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Lin Jiexu?"

Lin Ziyi said: "If it was only ordered by Lin Jiexu, it would not be surprising. After all, Lin Jiexu was already a twenty-eight-star guardian at that time, and he already had such qualifications. The problem lies in the task. It is impossible for the forest community to sign and issue it."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

Lin Ziyi said: "At that time, Lin Jiexu was in Wuhuan City. By the way, you should not know Wuhuan City. To sum it up in one sentence, Wuhuan City was one of the three major void faults at that time. It was very dangerous. Even, It is far more than today's void faults, and at that time there was chaos in Wuhuan City, a dozen void faults became void gates, at least one-third of the defenders were dispatched, and there were more than 5,000 guards It took four months for the soldiers to calm down, and the leader of the team was Lin Jiexu, he was not only in Wuhuan City, but also stayed in the Void Gate almost all the time."

Qiao Ye interjected: "Distributing missions is the internal affairs of the defenders. Firstly, although Lin Jiexu had passed his peak at that time, he was much younger than he is now. Regardless of this, he was responsible for the charge. Second, he Take care of this, since we are charging forward, of course we can't have time to take care of it."

Lin Ziyi said: "It is indeed the case, but I also deliberately checked the files left at that time. Although it is a long time ago, it is really not easy to find, but I still found it. The name signed at that time was indeed Lin Jie. Must, the seal on the document is also his.”


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