Chapter 1670 Doubts


Jiang Liuxue said: "Oh, you are talking about Yan Feiyu's age?"

Qiao Ye said: "According to the time, Yan Feiyu wasn't even sure if he was a boundary guard at that time. Even if he was already, he was probably just an apprentice, or a night duty officer. Therefore, he should think clearly about sowing discord before speaking."

Yan Feiyu was actually not very old, younger than Qiao Ye's own parents, so it was impossible for Yan Feiyu to be the twenty-eight star guardian at that time, and it was even more impossible for Yan Feiyu to be regarded as the man closest to God.

Jiang Liuxue said disdainfully: "Do you really believe the rumors about him in the world?"

Qiao Ye said, "What do you mean?"

"At the age of twenty, he became Emperor Wu, at twenty-two he became Emperor Wu, and at twenty-four he entered the ranks of the supreme beings in the world, and then he became the twenty-eight star of the guardian of the world. The key is that he didn't practice until he was sixteen!"

Jiang Liuxue curled her lips and said, "Do you think it's realistic?

You are not as fast as him in cultivating the way of magic. Moreover, although you were a little useless when you were young, your parents gave you the foundation anyway, and you are not a monk who became a monk halfway. "

Qiao Ye said: "There are always geniuses in this world."


Jiang Liuxue said: "But it can't be done to this extent."

Qiao Ye said, "Why?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Because I couldn't do it back then."

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes and said, "You can really put gold on your face."

Jiang Liuxue said: "I don't have direct evidence for this matter, but I have some clues. Yan Feiyu was born in the past, and there was no sign at all. Moreover, I checked his origin, but I couldn't find it out. Moreover, he was easily It's not like you haven't seen Rong's ability before, don't you remember Ye Xuan?"

Qiao Ye said: "What can this explain?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "The clue lies in Ye Xuan. He has something to do with King Ruyang. Of course, King Ruyang doesn't know that he is Yan Feiyu."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "You should also know what happened to the Demon Realm back then. The Supreme Emperor wanted to practice the way of iron heart and ruthlessness to become a demon god, so he indulged his grandson to be a useless emperor, and almost ruined the Demon Realm. However, here are some A question, why is it a grandson, not a son?"

Qiao Ye said: "Nonsense, can King Ruyang destroy the Demon Realm?"

"that's right."

Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "Prince Ruyang still has strategies. Secondly, an adult son is not as easy to control as a young grandson. Besides, children are ignorant, and it is easier to abolish a dynasty. Therefore, the Supreme Emperor is right. My sons have made arrangements, those who are honest and obedient will be idle princes, and those who are disobedient will be assigned to the frontier, otherwise..."

Jiang Liuxue scratched her neck as she spoke.

"As for the intersection between King Ruyang and Ye Xuan, it also happened when King Ruyang was dispatched to the frontier."

Jiang Liuxue said: "At that time, Ye Xuanwan died on the side of the road, and it was King Ruyang who rescued him. After Ye Xuan woke up, King Ruyang found that his strength was unfathomable, and asked him to work for him in return. Of course Ye Xuan refused, and only agreed to do three things for King Ruyang, and the first thing is to help King Ruyang get the map of thousands of miles and thousands of years of mountains and rivers, and the second thing is to help King Ruyang become a demon king."

Qiao Ye suddenly said: "Could it be that the third thing is to kill the Supreme Emperor?"

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said, "Yes!"

Ye Xuan killed the Supreme Emperor, except for Ye Xuan and Ruyang King, no one knew about it. However, the Supreme Emperor never showed up during the war in the capital, and Jiang Liuxue talked about it again. How could Qiao Ye not guess? arrive?

If King Ruyang wants to usurp the throne, the Supreme Emperor will definitely not do it. Stopping it is inevitable. The only reason why he didn't show up is that he is dead. Who killed him?

Ye Xuan is definitely the most suitable candidate!

Jiang Liuxue said: "Ruyi Restaurant was opened for the third thing. That guy Ruyang Wang is also very thieves. He deliberately only said two things and withheld the third thing, so that Ye Xuan couldn't help it." After leaving Demon Realm, I opened Ruyi Restaurant."

Qiao Ye nodded. Ye Xuan wanted to leave, but King Ruyang would definitely not be able to keep him, but how should we talk about this matter...

If the same method was used on Qiao Ye, it would definitely not work, so Qiao Ye patted his ass and left.

The boss of the sky, the second of the earth, Qiao Ye will not do what he doesn't want to do.

But in such a big world, since there are people like Qiao Ye who are indulgent and unrestrained, of course there are also people who value loyalty and keep their promises. Ye Xuan himself made the promise, so keep the promise.

"Here comes the problem. This happened almost twenty years ago."

Jiang Liuxue said: "At that time, the Supreme Emperor drove all capable sons out of the capital, leaving only a few useless sons, and asked them to try their best to have sons. It's a pity that his sons didn't live up to expectations. When she came out, she gave birth to a daughter. Seven years later, she finally had a grandson. After waiting for another two years, when the grandson was a little older, the Supreme Emperor couldn't wait to abdicate. And the little emperor, you have seen it before, only eleven Looks like a two-year-old, right?"

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "That's right."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Then do the math yourself. If Ye Xuan was Yan Feiyu, how old would he be?"


"It's easy to work out, isn't it?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Yan Feiyu was trained by the defenders, of course because of the terrifying cultivation talent he displayed, but the reason why he became famous among the defenders was the Dragon Cave ten years ago. Although the battle of the Dragon Cave was very tragic and a large number of defenders died in the end, Yan Feiyu performed unimaginably outstanding in that battle, and that was also when Yan Feiyu stepped into the Supreme Realm and became the guardian of the realm. The first battle after the twenty-eight star, in other words, he was twenty-four years old that year."

Ten years ago was twenty-four years old...

Isn't it fourteen years old twenty years ago?


Jiang Liuxue said: "If Ye Xuan and Yan Feiyu are the same person, it was a brat who promised to do the three things for King Ruyang?

Secondly, among the first two things that King Ruyang asked Ye Xuan to do, one was to help him become a Demon Lord, which meant that Ye Xuan was at least at the Supreme Realm at the time, otherwise King Ruyang would have gone crazy, and let a No one in the Supreme Realm can help himself become a Demon Lord? "

Qiao Ye pondered for a moment, this matter is indeed weird, but...

"Even if there is some secret in it, what does it have to do with my parents' mission orders back then?"

"The above are clues, and what follows is really just a guess."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Although there are twenty-eight guardians with the most twenty-eight stars, you should know that, except for very important matters, there will be a twenty-eight-star meeting. Delegates make decisions, right?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

Today's decision-maker, Yan Feiyu, is the only one. As the strongest defender, no one can ignore his opinion.

Secondly, the representatives of the old school are Lin Jiexu and Wang Yueyang, while the representatives of the new school are Wei Changping and Liang Chengzhi.

Generally, things that are not very important are given by the five of them as the core.

Of course, it's not wrong to say four, Yan Feiyu has such qualifications, but in fact he doesn't see anyone all year round.


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