Chapter 1675 Kill

"That is?"

The stone steps were terribly long, but with Qiao Ye's continuous running, they finally reached the end.

Looking at the end of the stone steps, Qiao Ye found that the building seemed to be a huge trapezoid, because the top of the stone steps was a platform.

But things are obviously not that simple!

The platform at the end of the stone steps was completely enveloped in a huge lavender light ball.

The ball of light was surrounded by black thunder, and wisps of gray-white mist were constantly floating around the ball of light.

"Chaos Thunder and Chaos Haze?"

Qiao Ye showed surprise.

Qiao Ye is no stranger to these two things. Void Fault and Fault Boundary both exist, and they are unique to Broken Space. Or more directly, chaotic thunder and chaotic smog will be produced wherever void cracks are formed.

After being surprised, Qiao Ye showed some doubts.

Jiang Liuxue missed?

Isn't this the God Realm?

But in a certain void?

If not, how could there be areas covered by Chaos Thunder and Chaos Haze?

However, Qiao Ye just lost his mind for a moment, and didn't think too much, or in other words, it seemed useless to think about it right now.

Because there is no way out!

The herd of evil beasts chased after him frantically, and there was no way to leave this place except to continue upward.

Since there is no choice, what do you want to do so much?


At this time, a beast roar suddenly sounded.

Qiao Ye immediately looked to the side in search of the sound!

It was a yellow beast surrounded by thunder. It looked a bit like a lion, but it had no neck mane. It had lightning-shaped markings on its body and a single lightning-shaped horn on its forehead.

"A leader-level evil beast?"

That Evil Beast has a strong sense of oppression and has a strong aura. Compared with those Evil Beasts with names, it is still inferior, at least it is the Evil Beast at the level of Queen Ice, who can command Evil Beasts.

But also at this time...

There was a sudden bang in the sky, and then, the thick clouds suddenly spread towards the sides, and an evil beast suddenly poked its head out of the clouds.

The evil beast looked like a dragon and a snake, like a dragon but without scales, no horns on its forehead, no claws under its body, and wings on its back, constantly swimming in the air.

Another boss-level evil beast!

Qiao Ye couldn't help squinting her eyes, feeling that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

But when Qiao Ye was about to climb to the top of the stone steps, Qiao Ye could feel that the herd of evil beasts that were constantly chasing behind her seemed to suddenly become more irritable. It's not such a surprising thing, but it didn't appear before, but now, when it appears, there are two ends.

"These guys don't want me to go up there?"

Qiao Ye glanced at the top of the stone steps and had some guesses in his mind.

At this moment, the evil beast wrapped around the lightning had already arrived at Qiao Ye's side. After a roar, the wrapped lightning turned into a yellow lightning bolt, and it slashed at Qiao Ye.

God of War map, Yin and Yang counterattack!

Catch the dragon and move the crane, yin and yang counterattack: catch the dragon with one hand, and move the crane with the other, reverse yin and yang, multiply the power, use the way of the other, and return it to the other body.

After Qiao Ye attracted Lei Ting over with one hand, he immediately pushed it out into the air with another palm.

The thunder cluster in his palm soared upwards, and then exploded suddenly in the air, and a large arc of thunder swung in all directions, like a huge thunder net.


The thunder light soared straight up, heading directly towards the evil beast in the shape of a flying snake in the sky, and after a loud noise, it directly blasted the flying snake away.

Qiao Ye used the attack of one evil beast to deal with another evil beast.

The two evil beasts became even more angry in an instant, and then attacked at the same time.

The yellow thunder light reappeared and roared violently. Countless thunder lights converged, enveloping Qiao Ye in it.

at the same time……

The flying snake kept swimming in the air, and then flapped its wings.

In an instant, there was a gust of wind in the air, and in the gust of wind, blue wind blades were condensed, and densely packed all over the sky in the blink of an eye.

The flying snake spread its wings and waved again, and the wind blade kept falling downward.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and did not move, watching the attack coming, and then...

Qiao Ye's body suddenly burst into golden light, making Qiao Ye look like a dazzling little sun.

Nine-turn golden body: the supreme skill of the ancient Xuantian sect, which can shape the body of a golden god, which is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and can be unparalleled in the world when it is fully cultivated.

Qiao Ye stood there motionless, letting those attacks hit her crazily.

Boom, boom, boom!

With Qiao Ye as the center, the sound of explosions resounded continuously, the stone steps under his feet were continuously smashed, and large swaths of sand and dust flew up into the sky, constantly churning.

For a moment, wait until the moment the attack ends...

Qiao Ye's figure suddenly jumped out of the smoke and dust, approaching the beast that flashed with thunder, and slapped the opponent's head fiercely.

Immobility Reversal: Absorb the attack with the body of Jin Zun. After absorbing the attack, within 30 breaths, the attack can be transferred to any target.

Almost at the moment when Qiao Ye slapped it, all the previous attacks were concentrated on the evil beast, and then...

With a bang, the body of the evil beast exploded directly, and there was no bones left in an instant, turning into countless corpses and flying around.

"You killed an evil beast (crazy thunder beast), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 192,000 points."

After the blow, Qiao Ye didn't delay and looked up into the air.

Qiao Ye met the flying snake's eyes. Immediately afterwards, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand fell behind his back, and then he slapped the sky with his palm.

The map of the God of War, a blow from the universe!

Heaven and earth in the palm, heaven and earth in one blow: Heaven and earth are in the palm, the sun, moon and stars are in the hands, everything in the universe is one blow, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

With Qiao Ye's palm, the sky was instantly filled with wind and clouds.

The color of the surrounding world changed, and suddenly dark clouds appeared.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind blowing around!

The wind was tyrannical, and it swayed in all directions. On the surrounding mountain walls and stone steps, cracks continued to burst.

Immediately after...

The surroundings suddenly became slightly cooler, and countless raindrops continued to sprinkle from the sky.

The rain kept rushing to the ground.


The ground began to tremble, the surrounding ground cracked one after another, and countless finely broken stones rolled up.

The power of one palm changes the world!

next moment...

A bright moon!

A big day!

After one palm, the sun and the moon are in the sky!

The brilliance of the sun and the moon sprinkled down from the sky, and then condensed into one, and slashed fiercely towards the flying snake!


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