Chapter 1679 Village

Entering the vortex of light and shadow, the surrounding space is distorted.

After a while, Qiao Ye found himself still in the forest after the scene changed.

"It shouldn't be too far away."

The stone palace was located between the mountains and forests, so Qiao Ye felt that he was just sent away from the range of the stone palace.

Qiao Ye walked forward while thinking, what is this place?

This is one of the doubts.

The second doubt is that Qiao Ye actually saw two gods!

This made Qiao Ye suspect that he had already reached the God Realm, but it was wrong to think about it. The God Realm was already a piece of scorched earth, not to mention the God Realm, there should be no one who could even run.

Qiao Ye felt a pain in his head, and the more he thought about it, the more weird he felt.

While thinking, Qiao Ye's eyes flashed, and he suddenly froze.

"what is this?"

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to pull up the hem of his clothes, then touched his chest, and fell into a dazed look again.

These are not my clothes!

Qiao Ye usually only wears military uniforms, the kind that fit close to the waist.

This is a habit left by the Blood Sea Academy. The students of the Blood Sea Academy all wear it like this. After becoming a boundary guard, although there is no such requirement, Qiao Ye also retains this habit. After all, fighting in a military uniform is indeed quite Convenience.

But right now, Qiao Ye found that she was wearing a black robe with cloud patterns embroidered with gold thread on the edge, loose trousers and a pair of cloud climbing shoes, and a soft armor inside the robe.

This is obviously not Qiao Ye's clothes, and it is not the style of Qiao Ye's clothes. I have never bought a similar outfit.

"Don't you know when you're not clean?

What did a thief do to himself? "

Suddenly, Qiao Ye vaguely heard the sound of water, her eyes lit up, and she immediately galloped through the forest.

Soon, Qiao Ye found a mountain stream, and then looked towards the stream.


Looking at the reflection in the stream, Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment: "Who is this?"

First of all, the clothes, as expected, completely changed, and then the face...

Qiao Ye couldn't help reaching out and touching her cheek. It seemed to be her own face, but it didn't seem to be it!

Qiao Ye's facial features are undoubtedly the same, but Qiao Ye's eyes have turned into a pair of red vertical pupils, there are two black horns growing backwards on both sides of his forehead, and there is a bloody, flame-like line under his left eye. texture.

Qiao Ye rubbed it with her hands a few times, but she couldn't rub it off at all. It was a bit like a tattoo. Then, Qiao Ye forcefully broke off the two corners of her forehead, and almost burst into tears.

"What the hell is this!"

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and said, "Did you get out of the enchanted state?"

Qiao Ye looked at the stream again with a puzzled expression.

Fortunately, the appearance is his own, otherwise Qiao Ye would feel even more confused.

"do not care!"

Qiao Ye sighed, "Get out of here first."

Qiao Ye thought for a while, and felt that it was going to be done step by step.

If you want to find out what's going on, you have to find out what this place is, and to find out what this place is, you need to find other people. Communicate with yourself, so that you can hear the information.

If you have to fight...

Then come two weak chickens, you can beat each other up, and then conduct interrogation, and get the news you want from each other's mouth.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye touched her waist, and then couldn't help but patted her forehead.

Qiao Ye wanted to release Si Bu Xiang, but remembered that Si Bu Xiang had placed it with Xiaoji, and Si Bu Xiang's imperial beast cage was not by her side.

Qiao Ye suddenly became a little sad again, wondering how Xiaoji was doing. As for Jiang Liuxue, he didn't have to worry, with so many clones, it didn't matter how many died, but Lin Jiao and Zhang Liwang couldn't die.

Qiao Ye thought about it, and took out the meeting talisman to try to contact other people, but the sound of the waves remained the same, and there was no response from the broken thing in his hand.

Silently put away the Seeing Grass Talisman, Qiao Ye wasn't too surprised, the expected result, I couldn't get in touch before, now this ghostly place looks even more confusing, it's normal if I can't get in touch, just get in touch It's called a surprise.

Qiao Ye didn't know how to get out of here, so he could only walk downstream along the stream. Generally, people lived in places with water sources. As long as they could find other people, it would be easy.

Going all the way like this, Qiao Ye didn't know how long he walked. The forest gradually thinned out, and the surrounding trees gradually decreased.

Suddenly, Qiao Ye's eyes lit up.

There is smoke!

Right in front of it, a wisp of black smoke slowly rises and drifts towards the surroundings.

There is smoke, which means that there is a high possibility of someone.

Qiao Ye immediately waved his hand, and a large cloud of black smoke appeared to envelop his body, and then Qiao Ye's body was like a ghost, using the black smoke to quickly move towards the place where the smoke rose.


After a while, Qiao Ye found the place, but also frowned.

This is a village, but it was destroyed, and there were signs of burning everywhere. The black smoke that rose was not the smoke from cooking, but the black smoke from the burned village.


Evil beast!

The corpses of evil beasts are everywhere!

From about a mile outside the village, the corpses of evil beasts began to appear, and all the way to the inside of the village, they were completely densely packed. sword.

Obviously, a great war broke out here once, and one side of the great war was the Evil Beast.

However, it is not difficult to understand without seeing human corpses.

The village was destroyed, but the humans should have also repelled the evil beasts, and all the human corpses that died in battle were taken away.

That is to say, the enemy they are facing is an evil beast. Otherwise, when a war breaks out, there is usually a tacit understanding, that is, when the exemption card is hung, the two sides will take away their own corpses and bury them. After all, the dead are the most important.

As for whether it was done by one person, Qiao Ye thinks it is impossible. After all, there are so many battle marks around, and there are broken and discarded weapons. One person can't use so many weapons.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye entered the village, looked around, and felt his head hurt again.

Originally, if you found a village, you should have found someone, and you could inquire about the situation, but the village was destroyed.

This is really when people get unlucky, drinking cold water will clog their teeth.

However, there is no good news at all. Since there is a village in this area, there may be a second, third, or even a city around it.

After all, human beings live in groups. It is not ruled out that there are self-sufficient villages built in deep mountains and old forests, but there must be county towns near most villages. Otherwise, daily life will be inconvenient. It is impossible to live a lifetime without going out to buy goods. anything?


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