Chapter 1681 Little Ghost

Qiao Ye was still shocked by the pile of rags, the little boy struggled again, and shouted loudly again: "Let go of me, do you hear me?"

Qiao Ye put the man down and said, "Answer me a few questions and I won't make things difficult for you, and you don't have to try to escape..."

Before Qiao Ye finished speaking, the little boy ran away, not forgetting to drag the pile of things, and there was another burst of clanging sounds.

Qiao Ye sighed, her figure flashed, and appeared in front of the little boy again.

The little boy immediately changed direction and continued to run away, but Qiao Ye's figure flashed again, blocking him again.

After doing this several times, the little boy finally stopped running.

"It's useless for you to run away."

Qiao Ye said, "I don't want you to go, so you won't be able to."

The little boy said angrily, "What exactly do you want?"

Qiao Ye said: "I said, you just need to answer a few questions for me."

The little boy thought for a while and said, "Just ask."

Qiao Ye said, "What's your name?"

Qiao Ye decided to be more tactful and ask some simple questions first.

The little boy said: "I don't know what my name is, they call me Little Mandarin Duck."

"Little mandarin duck, um..." Qiao Ye said in shock, "Woman?"

The little mandarin duck asked, "Is there a problem?"

Qiao Ye was speechless. It turned out that it was not a little boy, but a wild girl.

Qiao Ye said, "Do you know where this is?"

Little Yuanyang said: "Dangshan Village."

Qiao Ye said, "Do you know what happened here?"

The little mandarin duck had an expression of "you're out of your mind", then looked at the corpse of the Evil Beast nearby and said, "Of course the Evil Beast is here, are you blind?

Can't see it by yourself? "

Qiao Ye suppressed her anger, forget it, don't bother with a brat.

Qiao Ye said: "What I'm asking about is not what this place is, and it's not right. What I'm asking is where is this place. I mean to be more specific. I don't just want to know what village is here, but what is the specific boundary .”

The little mandarin duck said: "Qingping Plain, Fenglan, the ninth city in the sky."

Qiao Ye hesitated and said, "Be more specific?"

The little mandarin duck said: "Qingping Plain, Fenglan, the ninth city in the sky, Lanfeng Field in the southwest, and Dangshan Village outside the sea of ​​trees."

Qiao Ye said awkwardly, "Can you be more specific?"

The little mandarin duck said angrily: "Are you kidding me?"

"No..." Qiao Ye said, "I mean, can you tell me where Qingping Plain is?

Where is Fenglan, the ninth city of the sky? "

The little mandarin duck said: "Qingpingyuan is a place name, Fenglan, the ninth city in the sky, is Fenglan City, of course it is a city."

Qiao Ye rubbed her hair, feeling so mad.

There was nothing wrong with his own question, and there was nothing wrong with the answer that Xiao Yuanyang answered, but in fact, what Qiao Ye wanted to know was not these. Of course he knew that the other party was talking about place names, but what he wanted to ask was not place names, but the answer to place names was also wrong. nothing wrong.

Qiao Ye felt like she was going to be dizzy, it was like a tongue twister.

The little mandarin duck couldn't help but said: "You can walk through the realm of the sky and walk in the realm of the gods, you are considered a big devil, don't you even know the ninth city of the sky?

What country are you from? "

"Big devil?

me? "

Qiao Ye pointed at herself, and then she had a flash of inspiration, realizing that she seemed to have captured important information, and immediately widened her eyes and said, "Is this the God Realm?"


The little mandarin duck said: "This is not the God Realm, what else could it be?"

Qiao Ye said: "Hasn't the God Realm been destroyed?"

The little mandarin duck suddenly became angry, pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "Let me tell you, even if the God Realm is destroyed, your Demon Realm won't be able to get anything good, and it will be over sooner or later."

Qiao Ye didn't have time to pay attention to the little boy, but fell into deep thought.

It's really the realm of the gods!

Qiao Ye found that he really found some useful information.

Speaking of which, the correct name of the God Realm is not the God Realm, but the Heaven Realm. The Heaven Realm is governed by gods and demons, and is divided into two parts, the God Realm and the Demon Realm.

The reason why it was later called the God Realm was mainly spread in the human world, and only those who entered the God Realm could enter the Heaven Realm. Therefore, after the two were connected, more people called the Heaven Realm the God Realm.

As for why the little mandarin duck doesn't feel inconsistent with this statement, isn't this nonsense, here is the God Realm, then of course she is a god, and naturally hopes that the Heaven Realm is called the God Realm, and the group of demons also want the Heaven Realm to be called the Demon Realm.

But it doesn't matter what it's called, it's nothing more than a title, the important thing is that this place is the God Realm.

But the problem is that the God Realm has long been destroyed by the invasion of evil beasts. Why are there still people?

Jiang Liuxue shook herself again?

no, no...

Qiao Ye shook his head, something is wrong. First of all, the Three Realms and Nine Realms have been broken. This is the biggest evidence that the God Realm has been destroyed, and it can be right. Secondly, the God Realm has not been destroyed. Jiang Liuxue lied and said that the reason for the destruction is What?

Why bring yourself to the God Realm?

Qiao Ye looked at the little mandarin duck and said, "What year is it now?"

The little mandarin duck said: "Sixth year of the divine calendar!"

Qiao Ye scratched her head, it was a bit embarrassing, she couldn't understand.

Qiao Ye said: "Can I walk through the Heavenly Gate to the world now?"

The little mandarin duck looked confused and said, "What is the world?"

Qiao Ye patted his forehead, it's over, there is a generation gap.

Qiao Ye knew about this, mainly because of what Jiang Liuxue said.

Gods and demons, high above, everyone in the world wants to enter the realm of gods, climb the road to heaven, enter the realm of gods, and see the wider world, but gods and demons will not go to the world, so, for the world of humans, it is really not all. All gods and demons know it. To be precise, only a small group of gods and demons know the human world after they have just come into contact with it. Most of the gods and demons don't know it. It is so easy to come across, especially gods and demons are not interested in knowing.


The little mandarin duck said impatiently: "Okay, let me go after answering your question. If you have any questions, I will leave if you have no questions."

Qiao Ye said: "There are still problems."

The little mandarin duck said impatiently, "Where do you have so many questions?"

Qiao Ye said: "It doesn't matter whether I have many questions or not. The important thing is that you can't beat me. Of course, you can only listen to me. That's important."

The little mandarin duck said angrily: "You are also a great demon, but you turned out to be a pauper and bully me as a child, don't you think it's embarrassing?"

It's not shameful to bully children, but it's a little bit heartbreaking for poor people.

"You don't care about me!"

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes, and said, "You want to collect things on the battlefield and sell them, right?"

The little mandarin duck immediately pulled the rope and said: "These are all mine, you won't even want to snatch children's things, right?

Are you going to lose face? "

"Who stole your stuff?"

Qiao Ye said: "When you find something, there is always a place to sell it, right?

Is that the ninth what? "


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