Chapter 1739 Pictured

Ye Xuan looked at Jiang Liuxue, suddenly laughed and said, "You are a roe owl, right?"

Jiang Liuxue's face changed instantly.

After a while, Jiang Liuxue said in a deep voice, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"The heavenly gods and demons were exterminated, and a world was shattered. However, the beast's footsteps did not stop there. After breaking a world, it went to the human world. At this time, King Shura discovered his mistake. He originally He wanted to use the power of the Evil Beast to avenge the gods and demons and seek justice for the Shura clan. He originally thought that with his own strength, he could control the Evil Beast. The beast is obedient."

"Therefore, King Shura wanted to kill the evil beast and prevent the evil beast from entering the human world."

"The number of evil beasts is too large to be resisted by one person, so what should we do?

Therefore, King Shura set his target on the six evil beasts in charge of commanding. As long as these six evil beasts are killed and the participating evil beasts lose their command, it will cause huge damage to the world, but as long as everyone works hard to hunt Kill, there will always be a time to kill. "

"King Shura's first eye was the roe owl. Roe owl is greedy for food. Compared with other evil beasts, it was the first to invade the human world. It wanted to taste the delicious human flesh, but fell into the trap of King Shura. King Shura was the roe owl. The Asura Field was built, they fought all day and night, and finally the Asura Field collapsed, but what is quite interesting is that after this battle, King Shura and Roe Owl disappeared together without a trace."

"Afterwards, the rest of the evil beasts entered the Nine Realms and invaded the human world. It was not until the Nine Realms were broken and the five evil beasts were sealed that everything settled down."

Jiang Liuxue said disdainfully: "It's a bunch of nonsense."

"Actually, it is not quite correct to say that you are a roe owl."

Ye Xuan smiled, looked at Jiang Liuxue and said: "The greatest ability of the roe owl is devouring. You were not the opponent of King Shura that day, and your body was destroyed by King Shura, but King Shura didn't expect that you are a beast born in chaos. , Even if you lose your body, you can still activate the ability to devour, so you took advantage of King Shura's unpreparedness and devoured King Shura's body."

"Your lifespan is very long, but King Shura's physical body can't last that long. This is the reason for your decline in strength. You have so many clones, but each one is real. Over the years, relying on the body obtained by devouring, but the human body is indeed unable to display your full strength, even if you fight in your way, those flesh bodies will be broken easily, so you start to use those flesh bodies to cultivate different human cultivation method, right?"

Jiang Liuxue said in a deep voice, "Who the hell are you?"

"Ask who am I?

Don't you argue? "

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "In other words, you admit that you are a roe owl?"

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "But, he is really killing the evil beast."

"Because, after countless years, he discovered that the human body is still useless to him."

Ye Xuan looked at Jiang Liuxue and said: "He originally wanted to use different bodies, learn different exercises, cultivate to a very high level, and then use swallowing to unite all the bodies to create the strongest body, but It failed in the end, and what made him even more troubled was that he could no longer find a strong enough physical body."

"The three realms and nine domains are broken, the resources in the human world are getting less and less, and there are fewer and fewer masters. There are no strong people who are in the state of gods. Cultivation, it can't bear the consciousness of the roe owl at all, what is the result in the end?

When there is no physical body available, this guy will end up falling. "

"So, now you understand, why did this guy suddenly come out to make trouble?

Because he wants to live, he doesn't want to die yet. "

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "He originally wanted to cultivate a few physical bodies by himself, but some things are destiny, and destiny cannot be violated. If you want to change all this, you need to reconnect the broken nine domains and let the human world return to the nine domains." Before it was broken, he could have a chance, but when he reconnected the Nine Realms, he discovered something, that is..."

"The other five evil beasts didn't die!"

Ye Xuan sat back on the stone table again, slanted his body showing a bit of laziness, supported his head with his hands and said: "He thought that his former companion had already fallen after being sealed, but he didn't think he was still alive. If so, why? What about using human flesh?”

"As for why he killed those former companions, there are two reasons. Even the evil beast has a long life, but it is not unlimited. So many years have passed, and it has been in a sealed state. The rest Although the five evil beasts cannot be said to be about to die, they are already at the end of their lives. Secondly, since they want to regain a physical body, why not the best one?

His method of using devour to gather all the flesh bodies is feasible, but the human body is too fragile to bear this kind of devour, but if it is the bodies of the other five evil beasts, it is another matter. "

Having said this, Ye Xuan glanced at Qiao Ye.

"Didn't you find out?"

Ye Xuan looked at Qiao Ye and said: "Zhu Huai, Gu Diao, Xing Ming, he completed the last blow, what do you think he is doing?

He is devouring them! "

Jiang Liuxue's eyes were blood red, her expression became a little ferocious, she stared firmly at Ye Xuan and said, "Who the hell are you?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "You have been avoiding me for so many years, but you have been looking for me. Now that I appear in front of you, don't you know who I am?"

Jiang Liuxue's face changed suddenly, she stared at Ye Xuan with wide eyes and said, "You really exist?

No, it's impossible! "

The three of Qiao Ye looked at Jiang Liuxue and Ye Xuan, confused, they didn't understand what charade they were playing.

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "You have seen the power of the evil beasts in the Dao of Reincarnation, and the horror at their peak, so, do you still think that humans can defeat the evil beasts?

What the gods and demons in the heavens can't do, can humans do it?

Just rely on those land gods in the world?

Even if there are some outstanding ones among them, no matter how strong they are, they can still surpass the Twelve God Kings and the Six Great Demon Venerables. All the methods were thought up by the gods, but they failed. Do you think it is really possible to do it with the help of human beings in the human world? "

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "But those evil beasts were indeed sealed."

"Of course, I just said that no one in the world can do it, but I didn't say that no one can do it."

Ye Xuan pointed at himself and said, "I sealed all those evil beasts!"


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