Chapter 1741 I Have a Sword

In the void crack, the incandescent light is extremely dazzling, like a shining ribbon, like a flowing galaxy, illuminating the pitch-black color under the void crack.


A light blade carrying a terrifying aura directly broke through the cracks in the void and landed in this world.

The light was cold and thick, and there was an aura that could annihilate everything, making people feel trembling.

A huge light blade quickly condensed into shape, and with incomparably terrifying power, it slashed towards the stone ball.

Seeing that it was about to hit, but at this moment...


A gap suddenly opened on the stone ball.

Xiao Ji couldn't help but look up!

In the next moment, an arm pierced the stone ball suddenly, protruded out suddenly, and then grabbed the light blade that had been cut from the air!

Click, click!

There were more and more cracks on the stone ball, and finally it became completely scattered, and Jiang Liuxue reappeared.

Jiang Liuxue looked at Qiao Ye and said ferociously: "Little devil, I let you go before, do you think I really can't beat you?"

The moment Jiang Liuxue's words fell, she suddenly raised her head and roared, and then squeezed hard!

The mighty Sky Void Blade unexpectedly exploded with a "bang" sound when Jiang Liuxue pinched it with his bare hands.

The huge light blade turned into countless silvery white halos floating in the air.

Jiang Liuxue roared again, and took a sharp step forward. After smashing the ground with one foot, she pushed forward with both palms, and the falling halo went towards Qiao Ye.

Xiaoji's figure flashed immediately and came to Qiao Ye.

at the same time……

The moment Xiaoji appeared, the ground rumbled again, and a stone wall rose up, blocking the two of them.

Boom, boom, boom!

Violent voices appeared continuously, and the moment the halo touched the stone wall, there were traces of slashes on the stone wall, criss-crossing and criss-crossing, looking extremely hideous.

Jiang Liuxue grinned ferociously, and with a sudden push of her legs, she rushed forward.

Coming to the front of the stone wall, Jiang Liuxue punched out without hesitation!


The moment the fist hit the stone wall, the stone wall collapsed.

When Qiao Ye saw it, she immediately went to meet her, her whole body glowing with golden light.

Nine-turn golden body: the supreme skill of the ancient Xuantian sect, which can shape the body of a golden god, which is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and can be unparalleled in the world when it is fully cultivated.


Qiao Ye's fist collided with Jiang Liuxue, but there was a sound of gold and iron clanging. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye felt a huge force coming, which was irresistible, and his whole body was blasted backwards abruptly. .

Xiao Ji's eyes were cold, and she immediately waved her hand forward, and then the ground around her turned into mud again, continuously surging, and she headed towards Jiang Liuxue.

Jiang Liuxue sneered: "Daughter of Heaven, I can't kill you, but just because I can't kill you doesn't mean I can't beat you!"

While Jiang Liuxue was talking, she waved her sleeve fiercely, a crack in the void appeared instantly, and then spun wildly, turning into a black shadow vortex.


Jiang Liuxue let out a low snort, and immediately afterward, all the mud that surged around was sucked in by the black shadow vortex.

After absorbing Xiao Ji's attack, Jiang Liuxue let out a low growl, and then the black shadow pushed forward, hit Xiao Ji's chest, and sent Xiao Ji flying.

Xiaoji's body receded towards the back, and after stabilizing her figure, blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

Qiao Ye got up from the ground, gritted his teeth, and said, "Enchanted!"

At Qiao Ye's feet, a large cloud of black smoke rose up, covering Qiao Ye's body, but at this moment...

Jiang Liuxue's figure flashed, and suddenly came to Qiao Ye, one arm pierced through the black smoke, and pinched Qiao Ye's throat!


Jiang Liuxue sneered, "Do you know how many demons I have killed?"

With a fierce force, Jiang Liuxue lifted Qiao Ye up abruptly, and threw it far away.

Xiao Ji quickly reached out her hand, and the ground turned into soft mud, and Qiao Ye was caught.

Jiang Liuxue strode forward, but at this moment...

"What are you mad at them for?"

Ye Xuan's voice sounded faintly: "Don't you want my body?

That should come to me! "

Jiang Liuxue turned her head sharply, Ye Xuan folded his hands in his sleeves and looked at himself with a smile.

In the next instant, the sound of sword cries suddenly appeared in the sky.

One blue and one purple, two sword lights suddenly appeared, passed across the sky, pierced the sky, and landed in front of Ye Xuan.

The pair of swords, a silver-white color, were carved like ice and snow, and the blades were frosty, slowly rising.

The other sword is surrounded by purple smoke and surrounds the sword, like a small dragon hovering, giving it a sense of immortality.

Ye Xuan stepped forward, pulled out the sword from the ground, and said with a smile: "Old friend, long time no see!"

But also at this moment...

Jiang Liuxue suddenly exploded and grabbed at Ye Xuan.

Almost instantly, around Ye Xuan, void cracks appeared one after another, and then spun crazily, turning into black shadow vortexes one after another.

Jiang Liuxue growled, "Look, I've accepted you!"

Ye Xuan smiled, then casually raised his sword and swept it forward!

At that moment, Jiang Liuxue's eyes widened!

It was obviously an understatement of the sword, and it didn't even seem to use much force, but the moment he swung the sword, Jiang Liuxue felt the endless and powerful sword intent.

Incomparably terrifying, and chilling!

I have a sword, four seasons spring and autumn, wind and rain are like darkness.

I have a sword, so I can travel all over the world and ride the waves.

I have a sword, to probe the netherworld, there is death but there is no life.


There was a sudden crackling sound in the sky, and a terrifying sword intent emanated from Ye Xuan's body, gathered on the sword, and slashed towards the sky.

The thick clouds suddenly dispersed, and after a sword strike, a hole was directly pierced through the white clouds in the sky.

That sword pierced the sky!

Similarly, this piece of space was completely cut apart, and the surrounding void cracks were all cut off, continuously shattered, and then turned into nothingness.

Jiang Liuxue's face remained unchanged, and then she opened her mouth and roared!

"Earth burst!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by Jiang Liuxue's roar, the ground continued to disappear, and deep pits appeared one after another.

Almost in an instant, the ground seemed to be hollowed out, and it was directly annihilated into ashes!

A look of surprise appeared on Qiao Ye's face, the ground explosion was the ability of Gu carvings, Ye Xuan was right, Jiang Liuxue really used devouring to take those evil beasts for his own use.

On the other side, watching the surrounding ground continue to shatter, Ye Xuan didn't show any expression, his face was still indifferent, and he just raised the sword in his hand again.


Cut off with one sword!


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