Chapter 1763 Weapon Spectrum

In fact, Qiao Ye was about the same age as the two guys lying on the ground.

However, speaking of combat experience, Qiao Ye was able to outshine the opponent by two blocks, and this matter had to be thanked to the beast. Without those guys, how could he need to fight all day?

As for the means of fighting, as a human being, Qiao Ye can be proud of this.

Ninety-nine percent of the world's martial arts and magical powers, eighty-eight percent belong to Xinghai Canglan!

In the ancient times, the birthplace of martial arts and martial arts was Canglan Star, one of the seven great stars of Hongmeng, or more directly, it originated from the human race.

In the most glorious time of the ancient times, nine out of ten masters were human beings, and even those supreme beings were all human races.

One of the reasons that cannot be ignored is that above martial arts and martial arts, human beings have countless methods and infinite changes, which are far beyond the comparison of other creatures.

Nowadays, although everyone has practiced it, it cannot be denied that human beings still have an advantage in this area. After all, most of the origins of the evolution of martial arts and martial arts are all created by the human race.

This is of course also an advantage!

Qiao Ye began to gather things while thinking about it.

Those two guys from the Five Elements Department didn't look very rich either. Qiao Ye took out another bag of star stones, but there were no other good things. Qiao Ye could feel the grade of some medicinal herbs and spiritual materials. Very high, but Qiao Ye is still measured by the standard of the Nine Regions of the Canglan Star. After all, Qiao Ye has never seen the good things in the Primordial Void, so Qiao Ye estimates that these things may be ordinary goods .

The only thing Qiao Ye was more concerned about was a small box. The box was about the length of two palms. There was a clasp with a thumb-sized golden lock hanging on it. Two yellow charms were pasted on both sides of the box to seal the box. gap.

Qiao Ye tried to grab the golden lock, intending to tear the golden lock away, but in the next moment, Qiao Ye felt a sharp pain in his palm, and then his palm was bounced away.

Qiao Ye couldn't help showing surprise, and then looked at her palm, and there was an obvious burn.

"It's interesting!"

Qiao Ye looked at the box again.

This box should not be ordinary, the golden lock is also a very good treasure, and the two yellow talismans should be double insurance, used to suppress or prohibit. Open.

That being the case, Qiao Ye was very curious about what was in the box.

However, at present, it seems that it is not an easy task to violently dismantle the box. Even if it can be dismantled, there should be a lot of commotion, and I am afraid it will take a long time.

After thinking about it for a while, Qiao Ye simply threw the things into the jade tablet and came back to do it later.

"Let's go!"

After Qiao Ye put away her things, she waved to Xiaoji, and then the two of them walked over the corpse and walked forward.

Xiao Ji followed Qiao Ye and asked, "Where are we going?"

Qiao Ye unfolded the map and looked at it, "Go to this place called Weapon Book."

Although the map is incomplete, it is very detailed. You can see every place. In addition to the place name, there is a small word on the side, which briefly introduces what each place is like.

This weapon spectrum is a hillside within the sea of ​​trees, that place is filled with all kinds of weapons.

These weapons all came from an ancient great power in the ancient times, who had a habit of collecting weapons, and after his death, he threw these weapons into the Heaven of Disruption, and set up a test.

Anyone who comes here can participate in the test, and as long as they pass the test, they can take away a weapon. However, each person is only allowed to take one weapon, and cannot take it repeatedly.

At the same time, the opportunity is also only once, if the test fails, it will not be able to accept the test again.

Therefore, the Weapon Spectrum can be said to be a must-go place for everyone who enters Duolui Jietian. After all, everyone has a chance, so why not try their luck?

However, it is precisely because everyone has only one chance, so many years have passed, only half of the weapons in the weapon spectrum have been taken away, and half of them remain there.

Because, the more powerful the weapon, the harder the test, and it cannot be taken away.

Even so, among the weapons that were taken away were well-known weapons.

It is currently recognized that the three most powerful weapons produced in the weapon spectrum are Phoenix Flying, and now they are in the hands of Feng Jiu, a genius of the younger generation of the orc Phoenix blood, who is also the current leader of the eighth ring.

The second handle is the Winged Feather, which was taken away by Jin Baliang from the Golden Winged Roc lineage of the orc race two hundred years ago, and now Jin Baliang is already a famous master in the entire Primordial Void.

The third weapon is called Er Geng Killer. This weapon is very famous, but no one knows who owns it. Everyone only knows that when Er Geng Killer appears, someone will die.


Xiao Ji asked curiously, "Do you need a weapon?"

Qiao Ye doesn't need weapons, Qiao Ye's martial soul can condense weapons. It doesn't mean that the weapons condensed from Qiao Ye's martial soul must be better than weapons in the weapon spectrum, but the weapons transformed by his own martial soul must be different from his own. It is very suitable, and it is the most suitable weapon for you.

It is very important to be suitable for two words. What is great may not be suitable for you, so it may not be the best, but what is suitable for you must be the best, and it is the most powerful for you.

"It's true to say that, but we are newcomers, short of money, and have no good things. If we encounter something in need, we can't trade with others."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Since everyone has a chance to get a weapon, everyone has come, why not give it a try?"

Xiaoji nodded. Wanting and wanting to use are two different things. Qiao Ye doesn't use it, and it doesn't hinder Qiao Ye from getting the weapon. After all, the weapons in the weapon list are not ordinary, and even if they are not used, they are still very valuable.

The two were talking, and the front became empty.

This is an area in the middle of the sea of ​​trees, like a vacuum zone, the surrounding trees have been dug out, there is only a large piece of soil slope, and the soil slope is densely filled with weapons, it is impossible to count, and, what There are all kinds of weapons, there is no shortage of swords, guns, swords and halberds, and there are even some strange weapons that are not well-known.

Here is the weapon list.

There are not many people, but there are still about seventeen or eighteen people walking up and down the hillside, obviously wanting to challenge, but they haven't decided which weapon to take away for a while. After all, there is only one chance. Regardless of whether it can be taken away or not, it should be carefully considered.

Qiao Ye was not in a hurry, and also slowly observed the weapons planted on the hillside, choosing his target.


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