Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1765 Dragon Head Guillotine

Chapter 1765 Dragon Head Guillotine

Under Rong Bao's suspicious gaze, Qiao Ye broke Rong Bao's palm, took back five star stones and said, "There's no need to introduce the third handle, just the new moon."

Rong Bao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and said speechlessly: "Then you can't take the star stone back, the goods are sold, and they will not be returned."

Qiao Ye said: "Did you mention the third weapon?


That's not a sale of goods! "

For this reason, Rong Bao had nothing to say.

Qiao Ye took out another fifteen star stones and handed them over, "Halberd!"

Rong Bao thought for a while, then said helplessly, "Halberds are not easy to hold."

Qiao Ye said, "What do you mean?"

Rong Bao said: "The halberd is the weapon of the overlord, the most difficult to control among a hundred soldiers. Throughout the ages, there are not many people who use the halberd, but most of those who can use the halberd can achieve great fame. There are few halberds in this weapon spectrum. The ones that are easy to take are taken by others, and the rest are not easy to take.”

Qiao Ye said: "You said that there are still good weapons in the weapon list?"

Rong Bao was taken aback for a moment, there seemed to be nothing wrong with his words, the good ones must have been taken away, and the rest were naturally more difficult to take away than the ones taken away.

Qiao Ye said: "Forget it, let's change it, and tell me, the three most difficult weapons here."

"I do know that."

Rong Bao took the star stone and said: "The first thing, let's talk about it first, do you know why this place is called the weapon spectrum?"

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, she didn't think so at first, but when Rong Bao said that, Qiao Ye also felt weird, it's just a hillside, why not?

Why is it called weapon spectrum?

It feels weird.

Rong Bao said: "The first thing is this weapon book. This place is a peerless weapon, or in other words, it is a weapon-type treasure. The weapons placed here are all stored in the weapon book. However, No one knows what the effect of the weapon spectrum is, some people infer that it is very powerful, and some people infer that it may be a treasure for storing weapons, but if it is the most difficult to obtain, the weapon spectrum must be ranked first. Only when it is taken away can the weapon spectrum be taken away."

Qiao Ye nodded, signaling Rong Bao to continue.

Rong Bao said: "The second piece is the Nine Origins Demon Dragon Halberd. This halberd is unparalleled in the world. It was used by Di Wutian, the war god of the Canglan Star in ancient times. At that time, Di Wutian swept the Canglan Star with a black halberd. , traveling ninety thousand miles alone, fighting countless masters in the world, only seeking one defeat but not fighting, in the end, he just lost his halberd and did not fight. After countless years passed, another master was born on Canglan Star, surnamed Ye Mingxuan, who took the Jiuyuan Demon Dragon Halberd Soul, recast this halberd. However, Ye Xuan is a master of weapons in the history books, and he used a lot of weapons. The Nine Origins Demon Dragon Halberd fell into his hands, but he is not so famous. As for how it fell? When it comes to the weapon spectrum, I don't know."

Qiao Ye showed a bit of surprise, it turned out to be Ye Xuan's weapon?

Qiao Ye was a little moved, and couldn't help saying: "It's hard to get?"

"Almost impossible."

Rong Bao said: "Qingmei, the leader of Duoliao Jietian's first competition, once wanted to take away the Jiuyuan Demon Dragon Halberd, but he returned with hatred. It is said that Qingmei once said that except for one person in the world, no one else will die It is possible to take this halberd away."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Rong Bao said: "Qingmei didn't say anything, but the outside world speculates that the Nine Origin Demon Dragon Halberd is waiting for Ye Xuan, and no one is worthy to use him except Ye Xuan, so it is not advisable, and no one can take it."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "The third one?"

Rong Bao pointed at the peak of the hillside and said, "Did you see that strange knife?"

Qiao Ye looked in the direction Rong Bao was pointing at, and there was a knife stuck there, which looked really strange.

The knife is very long, much longer than ordinary knives, about one foot seven eight.

The weird thing is the handle. For a normal knife, the handle must be behind the back of the knife. However, the handle of that knife is on the side of the blade. The blade below the arc is missing a section. The handle extends all the way down to the bottom of the blade, and the handle is connected to the blade in a quarter arc.

The upper part of the hilt looks like a golden dragon swallowing a knife, and the outer arc of the lower part is a raised dragon tail. There is also a small hole in the dragon tail, which is tied with a red red cloth.

Qiao Ye didn't know how to describe the knife.

Judging from the horizontal area, this knife is very wide, but because part of it is the handle, the blade is actually not as wide as imagined. The thinnest part of the blade is narrower than ordinary large swords and wider than ordinary horizontal swords. , or you can directly disassemble the blade into two parts. The head of the blade is very wide, which is completely the width of a large sword, but starting from the place where the handle is connected, the blade is the width of a normal blade.

As for the method of use, don’t look at just the handle of the knife, but you can feel it by looking at it. The use of this knife is definitely very different from ordinary knives. Just say that the handle is on the side of the knife body. The method of force and the angle are completely different, so the saber technique used must be very different from ordinary saber techniques.

And, if you look closely...

If the knife is not inserted on the ground, but placed horizontally...

Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "Is this improved with a guillotine?"


Rong Bao smiled and said: "This knife is named Dragon Tun Sun Moon, also known as Dragon Head Guillotine. It is a masterpiece of the ancient generation of famous craftsman Tian Lingzi. There have been several masters, each of whom is a leader of an era. This knife also has a set of special sword techniques and martial skills, which are hidden in the body of the knife. Only when the knife and martial skills are combined can this knife exert its greatest power. As for the difficulty of taking the knife, let me tell you, I want to take away Long Tun The sun and the moon are both simple and extremely difficult things.”

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "Why?"

Rong Bao stretched out two fingers and rubbed them together: "Providing test content is not within the scope of introducing weapons."

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes, then took out a handful of star stones and slapped them in Rong Bao's hand.

Rong Bao said: "Compared to the test of other weapons, the test of dragon swallowing the sun and the moon is the simplest, and there are no special requirements. For example, many knives need to master a certain degree of sword intent before they can be taken away. , and Long Tun Sun Moon does not exist, only certain people can get it, as long as they can catch the three sword moves of Long Tun Sun Moon, they can take it away."

Qiao Ye said: "But if it were really that simple, then the knife wouldn't be left there."

"That's right!"

Rong Bao said: "So far, many people have succeeded in taking the first two sword moves, but no one has succeeded in the last sword move. Even after almost everyone failed, they were right. I don’t want to talk about it, and I don’t want to talk about it, so far, except for those who tried to take away the dragon swallowing the sun and the moon, outsiders don’t even know what the third sword is!”


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