Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1767 The Second Knife

Chapter 1767 The Second Knife

A bright silver blade glow suddenly erupted from the dragon head guillotine. It was extremely terrifying, and a vast expanse pushed towards the surrounding area, covering the surrounding area almost instantly.

The silver blade light burst like a star, slashed out one by one, and the sound of "rumbling" sounded continuously all around. Because of the terrifying power of this blade, the surrounding space trembled, began to show signs of instability, and began to crack A series of void cracks.

There was an indescribable feeling, as if the knife could not be avoided no matter what.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, if he couldn't avoid it...

Then don't avoid it!

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, then raised her foot and stomped on the ground.

A large cloud of black smoke gushed out from under his feet, and then Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, took a virtual grip in the black smoke, and pulled the black halberd out of the black smoke.

The next moment, Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and waved the black halberd continuously, slashing forward continuously, colliding with the falling blade light!

There was an endless stream of jingling sounds, and Qiao Ye raised his halberd and collided with the blade light frantically. After a while, all the falling blade lights were chopped into pieces by Qiao Ye!

But, it's not over yet!

The shattered blade radiated the sound of the blade again, and then reunited, turning into a silver-white ray of light, and slashed fiercely at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye was not afraid, and directly threw the black halberd across his chest!


When the swords and halberds collided, there was a huge roar, and a circle of air waves swayed towards the surroundings, causing the entire space to tremble violently.

There was a "bang" on the ground under Qiao Ye's feet, and a large crack was directly broken.

After about half a cup of tea, the huge movement gradually dissipated.

Qiao Ye held the black halberd upside down, took a few steps back, and took a deep breath.

This first cut was so ferocious, which Qiao Ye never thought of, but he still held on.

The Dragon Head Guillotine did not attack immediately, but waited for Qiao Ye to calm down before trembling again.

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Come on!"

The dragon head guillotine was raised, but it didn't come down immediately, but Qiao Ye's expression changed.

On the dragon head guillotine, a terrifying knife intent emanated instantly and spread around.

It felt extremely heavy, like the sky had collapsed, pressing on Qiao Ye's body, making Qiao Ye unable to breathe.

What a terrifying knife intent!

What a terrifying realm of the Dao of the Sword!

At this moment, the terrifying saber intent passed by Qiao Ye's side, and at that moment, Qiao Ye even felt that his hair stood on end, and his body was covered with goose bumps.

If it is said that the momentum of the first knife is just power and skill, then the second knife is a knife made of a proper state of the sword, and the level has suddenly been raised by more than one grade!

Suddenly, the cold sword glow moved towards the air, proud and lonely.

There is only one meaning expressed by that knife gesture...

It's a clean break!

Everything in this world, nothing can be put in the eyes by this knife.


In the next moment, there was a roar in the surrounding space, and a violent shock appeared. At the place where the sword light met, a huge void crack appeared, spanning the sky.


The brilliance is gone!

At this moment, Qiao Ye felt as if she was in a sea, and the vast silver blade lights around her were sea water, rushing madly from all directions, trying to completely engulf Qiao Ye.

Intense tremors, extremely terrifying noises.

Everything around seemed to collapse at this moment.


Qiao Ye suddenly laughed, and he laughed happily.

"At least..." Qiao Ye looked at the dragon head guillotine and said, "It's only interesting if it's like this!"


Qiao Ye smashed the black halberd towards the ground, and raised her palm to push it forward, but after thinking about it, she suddenly gave up.

Qiao Ye has a 100% way to take the knife, just use the yin and yang counterattack of the God of War map.

No matter how strong the attack is, the yin-yang attack can absorb an attack and then return it back. Therefore, under the current situation, the yin-yang counterattack is actually a rogue, which is also one of the reasons why Qiao Ye dared to pull out the dragon head guillotine.

Because, no matter how strong the three swords are, Qiao Ye can definitely take one!

It means that before the test begins, Qiao Ye has already picked up the knife for nothing.

However, Qiao Ye has changed his mind now!

It's not that Qiao Ye intends to save the yin-yang counterattack for the third knife, but it's really meaningless to do so. If you want to pick it up, then take it hard, so that the dragon head guillotine has nothing to say and is convinced, that's interesting!

"Huh, huh..." Qiao Ye adjusted his breathing, then raised the black halberd violently, and slashed forward, "The Sky Void Blade!"

Sky False Blade!


Almost instantly, at the moment when Qiao Ye's halberd fell, the space was torn apart, and a huge void appeared, in which chaotic haze appeared.

Incomparably domineering feeling!

The power of Qiao Ye's halberd is not inferior to the power erupting from the dragon head guillotine. It is also extremely oppressive, thick and sharp!

The next moment, Qiao Ye flicked her wrist, and after shaking out a halberd flower!

From the crack in the void, a silver-white light emerged, like a gorgeous ribbon, surging in the air, and like a long silver dragon, with extraordinary power.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, grabbed the halberd with a dance, and slashed forward.

After that halberd, the silver ribbon condensed and transformed into a silver light blade, which slashed forward!

The silver light blade fell and fell into the sea formed by the blade light, and then...


A terrifying loud noise appeared, and the sea formed by the sword light was cut into pieces abruptly!

Qiao Ye roared, danced the black halberd in his hand again, and then slashed again with the Void Blade.

This time, the silver light blade directly split the sea formed by the light of the blade, splitting it into two!

This is an extremely terrifying blow!


The second cut made by the dragon head guillotine carried two cuts in the Dao of the Sword!

All things in the world, cut in two!

In the end, the sword light was chopped into two pieces!

Hum, buzz, buzz!

The dragon head guillotine trembled continuously, and then the blade sang bursts, and the "sea" that was broken into two pieces began to converge again, and the tyrannical breath became stronger, and once again met the Void Blade.


The moment the rays of light collided, there was a violent roar, incomparably terrifying, and invisible fluctuations occurred around, constantly impacting this space, causing the entire space to violently distort.

I don't know how long it lasted, but the silver brilliance finally began to gradually dissipate, and the trembling space returned to its original appearance!

The second knife move was blocked!

However, it is not a big deal to block the first two cuts. After all, according to Rong Bao, there are many people who blocked the first two cuts of the dragon head guillotine. Taking the dragon's head guillotine is all because it can't block the third knife.


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