Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1776 Target, Scourge Mountain

Chapter 1776 Target, Scourge Mountain

Cut off the flow, the weapon spectrum!

The top of the weapon spectrum suddenly turned into a dark patch.

Those who were still choosing their favorite weapons from the weapon spectrum all looked up at the sky involuntarily at this moment.

That day, a dark cloud appeared in the sky at some unknown time. It was so dark that it covered the sky.

Suddenly, several figures fell from the sky from the clouds, and landed in front of the weapon spectrum!

Almost instantly, everyone in the weapon spectrum couldn't help but tense up!

Orcs, true dragons!

The six people who fell down had dragon horns on their foreheads and dragon scales on their bodies, looking very sturdy.

The leader of the dragon family looked around, and then said with deep eyes: "Zhanlong really disappeared, and was taken away."

Someone snorted coldly and said: "Dare to take that knife, this person is quite courageous, but he doesn't know that life is not enough!"

To get the dragon head guillotine, there are actually two difficulties!

The first hurdle is naturally the three sword moves, the first two sword moves are okay, but the third sword, there are very few people who can block it.

The second difficulty is whether you have the courage to take away the dragon head guillotine after knowing its real name. After all, to take this knife is equivalent to making an enemy of the real dragon.

The leading dragon clan didn't speak, and suddenly stretched out its hand towards the side.

The hand was a dragon's claw, and the moment it was protruded, a huge suction appeared. Before a man could react, he was dragged by the suction forcefully and grabbed by the dragon's claw.

The leading Dragon Clan said: "Tell me, who took away Zhanlong!"

The man tremblingly said: "Zhan, Zhan, what is Zhanlong?"

The leader of the dragon tribe said: "It is the dragon head guillotine, and some people call that knife the dragon swallowing the sun and the moon."

The man said: "Man, it's a man with a woman by his side."

The leading Dragon Clan frowned and said: "Say it well, I won't do anything to you. If you explain the matter clearly, I will reward you. If you stammer and speak unclearly, then don't blame me for killing you. Ask someone else!"

The man took a deep breath, and then said: "It's a man and a woman. They should be walking together. The woman took away the gun named Crescent Moon, and the man took the dragon's head guillotine. Both of them are very powerful." Qiang, the three people from the lineage of the orc Jin Maohou saw the man got the dragon head guillotine and wanted to grab it, but they were killed, and it seems that the other party did not try their best."

The leader of the Dragon Clan raised his eyebrows and said: "Which clan is this person?

What kind of creatures? "

The man shook his head and said, "I don't know, I can't see any characteristics on the outside, it's just a human form."

The leading dragon said: "Where is the woman?"

The man said: "It is also the form of the human race, and there are no characteristics that can distinguish races."

The leading dragon clan frowned and said, "Where did you go?"

The man said: "I don't know."

The leader of the Dragon Clan angrily lifted him up and said: "I don't know anything, I don't know, what's the use of me keeping you?"

"Tongbaozhai, Tongbaozhai, Tongbaozhai..." The man shouted suddenly: "The man and the woman walked with the people from Tongbaozhai, because I used the flying treasure, so I don't know In what direction did they go."

The leader of the Dragon Clan put the person down and asked, "A person from Tongbaozhai?"

The man nodded and said, "It's called Rongbao, and it's said to be Tong Baozhai's buddy."

"Small Xing Jun Rong Bao?"

The leader of the dragon clan was shocked instantly: "The killer star?

He has nothing to do with our real dragons, what is he doing? "

The man smiled wryly and said, "I really don't know about this. I only know that it was the man named Rong Bao who took him away."

The leading dragon said: "What kind of flying treasure do they use?"

"Blanket, a big blanket."

The man said: "There are trees on the blanket, and there are tables and chairs."

The leading Dragon Clan nodded, took out a piece of transparent Star Stone and threw it to the other party, saying: "Your reward, let's go!"

The man took the things, turned around in a hurry, and said, "Thank you, thank you."

After the man left, the leading dragon clan said, "Yousha!"

A Dragon Clan stepped forward and said, "Yes!"

The leader of the Dragon Clan said: "I'll go to Tongbaozhai, you take two people to find someone according to the other party's flying treasure, if you find it, kill him, and bring Zhanlong back to the weapon list."

You Sha nodded and said, "Understood!"


at the same time……

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao had completed the deal, and the flying carpet slowly descended from the sky.

Qiao Ye mentioned Xingshi and gestured to Rongbao, "Thank you."

Rong Baoxiao handed over a palm-sized conch and said, "Little brother, if you have any good things in the future, remember to take care of me."

Qiao Ye took the conch and said, "How do you say this?"


Rong Bao made a "blow" gesture and said: "After the sound is heard, you can communicate with me. In addition, we have thirty-seven branch offices with Baozhai in Duoliu Jietian. You Go directly to any one, just report my name, and someone will receive you."

Qiao Ye looked Rong Bao up and down, and suddenly said: "You don't look like a buddy."

Rong Bao said, "Why?"

Qiao Ye said, "Dude, how can you speak so loudly?"

Rong Bao laughed loudly, and then said: "The shopkeepers are enjoying their happiness in the store, and only the shop assistants will come out to find business and receive goods in the sun and rain."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "It makes sense, see you next time!"

Rong Bao said: "Goodbye!"

Qiao Ye watched Rongbao leave in the flying treasure, and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

This guy is not easy!

Although what Rong Bao said is quite reasonable, there is no shopkeeper who comes out to receive goods in the sun and rain, but Qiao Ye is still sure that Rong Bao is not an ordinary guy. The self-confidence shown by this guy is too obvious. It seems that as long as Tong Bao He can take care of everything about fasting. This is not the power that a buddy should have. Without such power, he naturally does not have the qualifications for such self-confidence.


Qiao Ye shrugged, what does this have to do with him?

At least for now, Rongbao is a friend rather than an enemy, and it is good to know a good businessman. I am not a defender now, and I don’t have the channel of a defender to help me deal with everything. Naturally, I need to Such a relationship, and Rong Bao seems to be quite honest.

Of course, this is just the first transaction, whether we can really cooperate, we need to see whether the cooperation has been pleasant.

At this moment, Xiao Ji asked, "Where are we going now?"

"Go to a place that you might not like very much."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Sky Scourge Mountain!"

A puzzled expression appeared on Xiaoji's face: "Why don't I like it?

It is also my first time to come to Duanliu Jietian, and I have never been to this place. "

Qiao Ye said: "Because, the Tianzhu Mountain is full of thunder all day long, and the sky is covered by dark clouds!"


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