Chapter 1781 Long Worm

The three dragons died, and the dragon head guillotine became quiet.

Qiao Ye bared her teeth when she looked at the three corpses. This thing was even more difficult to handle than the monkeys before. It was so big.

Yousha's real body is already about fifteen meters away, and the other two are also ten meters away...

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, he probably couldn't figure it out, it's better to find a professional at a time like this, so he decisively took out the conch shell that Rong Bao gave him and blew it.


Qiao Ye blew twice, but the conch didn't make any sound, so he had to increase his strength again, but the sound of the waves remained the same.

Qiao Ye said depressedly: "Is there a mistake, broken?"

But at this moment...

"Don't blow it, don't blow it..." At this time, Rong Bao's dizzy voice sounded from inside the conch: "If you blow the conch, it will sound from my side, but there will be no sound from your side, so don't continue." and the ears are nearly deafened."


Qiao Ye said, "Come back quickly."

Rong Bao wondered, "Where are you going back?"

Qiao Ye said: "The place where you put me landed, it looks like twenty miles to the west, and I'm here to receive the goods."

Rong Bao said: "What kind of goods do you want?"

Qiao Ye said: "I killed a few more guys, I think they should have a lot of good things."

Rong Bao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and said speechlessly, "Brother, we have only been separated for half an hour. Are you getting into trouble a little too quickly?"

"I'm the one who gets in trouble."

Qiao Ye said, "Just say if you want something."


Rong Bao said decisively: "We will arrive within half a stick of incense."

Rongbao came quickly, so it's a bastard to make complaints about money.

After getting off the flying carpet, Rong Bao looked at the corpse in surprise and said, "No way?"

Qiao Ye asked strangely, "Why not?"

Rong Bao said: "You killed three long worms?"

Qiao Ye rolled his eyes and said, "It's three dragons!"

Rong Bao laughed and said, "It's not all the same thing, many people secretly call these guys long worms."

Qiao Ye said contemptuously: "You think it's my first day out to run around?

A dragon is one price, and a long worm is another price. "

Rong Bao laughed dryly, and said far-fetchedly: "I'll take a look at the goods first, look at the goods, and make sure that the blood of these three guys is pure or not."

Rong Bao ran to the corpse in desperation, and scolded his mother in his heart, Qiao Ye, who had just arrived, knew that he was going to cheat him, it didn't make sense.

While thinking, Rong Bao climbed onto the three dragon corpses, took the dragon blood, smelled it, and put it in his mouth after dipping some more.

"This one is of the blood of the green dragon, this one is of the blood of the jade dragon..." Rong Bao pointed to the third one and said, "This one is not good, the blood of the yellow dragon and the earth dragon is mixed, impure!"

Qiao Ye said, "Just tell me the price."

Rong Bao said: "I haven't counted the things they are carrying, I have to count them before I can give the price, but let's talk about the ugly words first, this time I will take 50%."

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't your price increase too fast?

It wasn't the price half an hour ago. "

"It's the same price this time."

Rong Bao said: "Half an hour ago there were only three monkeys, but now they are three dragons, their natures are completely different, not to mention that the golden hair monkey is just a side branch of Zhu Yan's blood, even if Zhu Yan comes personally, the green dragon in the real dragon line , Jielong, Yinglong, Demon Dragon, Five-Clawed Golden Dragon, can't they all hang Zhu Yanchui?

Even if both are orcs, they are not of the same level at all, one is from a wealthy family, and the other is at best a nouveau riche, the one who is running out of money. "

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "It's okay!"

Rong Bao said: "Since that's the case, then I will do it."

While talking, Rong Bao stretched out his hand and took out a treasure.

The treasure is very strange, it is a black sphere, which seems to be formed by the condensed light, but it seems to have a solid body, although most of the time it is in the shape of a sphere, but it is constantly wriggling in Rong Bao's palm, Occasionally becomes irregular.

"Wanluo Void!"

Suddenly, Rong Bao pinched it hard, and the black sphere shattered instantly.

In the next instant, a large pitch-black screen was pushed away, enveloping everything around it.

The place was still there, but when Qiao Ye looked around, a bright starry sky surrounded the surroundings, and the starry sky was so low that he could touch it with his hand, which was obviously not real.

"A small world treasure."

Rong Bao said: "Being able to seal off an area into a small world, no one can find out, and no one can enter, it's perfect for hiding."

Qiao Ye said, "Why hide it?"

Rong Bao said: "Score the corpses, the corpses of the real dragon lineage are very precious, and they are all huge. If the treasures on the corpses are not immediately removed and sealed, after three hours, the value will be at least halved. Let alone such a big one. Three corpses, if you don’t dispose of them, it won’t be easy to take them away.”

Qiao Ye nodded. He was a novice in this regard, so just look at it.

However, looking at Rongbao took out a shelf, put it on Tieqianzi, and took out bottles and jars of spices...

Qiao Ye wondered, "Are you sure you're taking spiritual materials?"

"Spiritual materials must be obtained."

Rong Bao drooled and said: "Dragon horns, dragon scales, dragon bones, dragon blood, all are good things, but the value of dragon meat is not that great, but dragon meat is delicious, I think you don't mind if I eat it One piece?"

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes and said, "Can't you just get down to business first?"

"Oh, I don't need to do business!"

Rong Bao took out a few puppets from the space treasure and threw them on the ground, and then the wooden puppets moved, came to the corpse and began to take scales.

Rong Bao said: "It will probably take an hour."

Rong Bao took a knife and cut a piece of dragon meat on a skewer, then lit a fire and started grilling.

"Taking advantage of the barbecue time, we can first count what good things these three people have with them."

While talking, Rong Bao fetched the space treasures of the three of them, and after a glance, Rong Bao stared and said, "You're rich!"

Qiao Ye said: "There are many good things?"

"Too much."

Rong Bao said: "Sure enough, all the real dragons are rich."

While talking, Rong Bao took out the bags containing the star stones one by one.

"These are all yours, the star stone is not within the scope of the transaction."

Rong Bao said: "There are sixteen bags of ordinary star stones, five bags of star stones, one bag of spiritual star stones, his grandmother's, and a fist-sized spar stone."

Everything else is easy to say, this crystal star is an excellent good thing, it can no longer be regarded as a currency, but an excellent cultivation item formed by the essence of heaven and earth.

After Qiao Ye smiled, he handed the spar stone to Xiao Ji.

"Take it for practice!"

Although Qiao Ye can also use the crystal star stone to practice, this thing is obviously more effective for Xiao Ji.


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