Chapter 1799 Fengming City

"Then why don't you search and see if there is Xie Feng's blood!"

The old man raised his head and rolled his eyes and said, "How many years have we not seen human beings walking in the primordial void?

At least a few hundred years, right?

It is said that the Nine Realms of the Canglan Star have long been extinct, and there are no human beings in this world. "

Rong Bao spread his hands and said: "Then there is no way, of course pure blood is the best way, but the blood of Xiefeng is too special, and the second is to find the human race, and the human race is really rare, what kind of blood is similar to theirs? Once the bloodlines are combined, they can be all pure blood, but as you said, it is really hard to find, so these two methods are not feasible, so we can only gamble on luck."

The old man sighed: "That's true, there is no other way."

Rong Bao smiled and said: "Mr. Lan, don't worry too much, this matter is already so lively, the arrow is on the string, it has to be done, so don't think too much."

The old man nodded, closed the box, got up and said, "Let's go!"

When the old man left, the man came to Rong Bao's side and said, "Master, didn't you say you knew each other before..."


Rong Bao made a silent gesture and said: "If you want to watch the excitement, don't talk nonsense."

While talking, Rong Bao took out the folding fan from nowhere and fanned the wind leisurely.

"This matter..." Rong Bao smiled and walked towards the back hall and said, "It's so fun."


Cut off the flow, Jiulingpo!

On a hill, Xiao Ji was sitting there, with a bright moon above her head. The moonlight shone down and turned into countless halos, which rushed towards Xiao Ji and merged into Xiao Ji's body.

Qiao Ye sat on the edge of a big rock, leaning against the big rock, holding Si Buxiang in her arms, tearing apart the dried meat continuously, and feeding it into Si Buxiang's mouth.

To say that in this world of primordial emptiness, there are really many good things.

This Jiulingpo is just a small place with no reputation in the Duanli Jietian. Even, on the map that Qiao Ye bought, there is no special instruction for Jiulingpo.

But when I came here, I realized that at night, this place can gather the essence of the sun and the moon!

Yuehua is also one of the essences of heaven and earth.

Qiao Ye is useless, unless the essence of heaven and earth is extremely strong, as in the five-color clouds, the essence of heaven and earth has been transformed and overflowed, and Qiao Ye can absorb it. In other cases, Qiao Ye's jade token cannot absorb it.

However, Qiao Ye can't, Xiao Ji can!

Xiaoji is not picky about food, good or bad, more or less, as long as it is the essence of heaven and earth, she can absorb it, and it will greatly improve her cultivation.

That being the case, Qiao Ye didn't mind staying in Jiulingpo for one night to let Xiaoji improve her cultivation.

Of course, Qiao Ye himself was not idle. After feeding the Four Different Phases, Qiao Ye also started to practice.

There are two things Qiao Ye needs to practice right now.

First of all, the six evil spirits are naturally inanimate.

In addition to a set of exercises that can be converted into evil spirits by using magic energy, Liu Sha Wusheng also has three halberd techniques. Qiao Ye has learned the first halberd right now, but hasn't learned the last two halberds yet.

In addition to Liusha Wusheng, Qiao Ye had to go to the dragon head guillotine to learn the five sword skills other than the thirty-eight styles of sword control with the dragon head guillotine.

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, let's learn knives!

Liu Sha Wusheng's halberd technique is not in a hurry, I am used to using it, and I can practice it quickly. Secondly, if I use a halberd, I am not inferior to those two martial arts skills, but the dragon head guillotine, I want to show its power , Thirty-eight styles of sword control are definitely not enough.

The knife control method is only for Qiao Ye to master the most basic usage of the dragon head guillotine. If he wants to reach the upper limit, he has to learn all five knife skills.

In his consciousness, the dragon-headed guillotine turned into a human form and said: "Then let's learn the first form of angering the sky first. The key to it is the word anger. The so-called joy, anger, sorrow, joy and sorrow, among them, anger and sorrow are the things that can most arouse the human body. Therefore, to learn this blade skill, you must first know how to make yourself angry..."


One night, Qiao Ye was learning the knife from her spiritual consciousness, while Xiao Ji was absorbing the moonlight. When the moonlight disappeared at dawn, the Jiulingpo would lose its value.

Qiao Ye put Sibuxiang back into the beast cage, stretched and said, "Let's go to Fengming City."

From Ciyun Stream to Fengming City, with flying treasures like Rong Bao, naturally one or two hours is enough, but Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji walked for two days.

Firstly, Qiao Ye didn't bring the flying boat, and secondly, he didn't want to use it if he brought it. When he first came to Duolu Jietian, Qiao Ye thought it's better to take a look around more.

Two days later, a red city appeared in front of Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji.

The scale of the city is not small, and the city wall can reach a kilometer away. The wall is made of red bricks. Looking from a distance, it makes people feel that the whole city is burning.

Therefore, Fengming City is also called Chicheng.

Of course, there is another reason, because Fengming City was built by the Phoenix family, and what is the most representative of Phoenix?

Nature is flame!

And this is another reason why Fengming City is called Chicheng.

As for why the Phoenix Clan built a city here?

In fact, it is a very normal choice!

Judging from the two realms of Xiaoyaoyou and Dazizai, it can be said that Duanliu Jietian is one of the most suitable places for experience in the void, and there are many treasures and abundant cultivation resources here. Therefore, The top-ranked big families of the Hongmeng Void have regularly sent people to Duolui Jietian from ancient times to the present.

After a long time, for the sake of convenience, a station was built in Duanliu Jietian, and then slowly the station developed into a town.

Therefore, it is not only the Phoenix family.

Among the orc clans, the True Dragon lineage also built Tenglong City, the Golden Winged Roc lineage had Jiuxiao City, the Zhu Yan lineage had the Great Sacred City, the Qiongqi lineage had Chichi City, and the White Tiger lineage had the City of Wings. There are Zhu Xingcheng and so on.

Moreover, not only the orc race was intertwined in the Duanliu Jietian, other creatures with backgrounds also built cities or built strongholds in the Duanliu Jietian.

Like the Demon Star and Evil Spirit Clan, they not only made Tongbaozhai bloom everywhere in Duoliu Jietian, but also built three markets and a big demon city.

Another well-known demon spirit clan also built a demon city in Duolian Jietian.

However, generally speaking, Duanliu Jietian is a very ancient place, and as one of the oldest creatures in the primordial void, the orc race has the greatest influence in Duanliu Jietian.

However, the major bloodlines of the orc clan also compete with each other, and it is difficult to integrate, so it cannot be said that one family dominates.

Soon, Qiao Ye came to the front of Fengming City. The first thing he saw was not the city gate, but a huge fiery phoenix statue, which was lifelike, about 30 meters high, standing directly on the City gate!


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