Chapter 1830 Zhao Ziwu

Qiao Ye shrugged and had no objection.

Qiao Ye is not familiar with the situation in Sin City, nor does he know much about the so-called Jianghu rules.

Therefore, Qiao Ye still needs Rong Bao very much right now, so naturally he should do as Rong Bao said.

However, as far as the environment of the ghost shop is concerned, it is terribly dilapidated, and there are not many houses in the backyard that are airtight. How could they be in the mood of drinking a little wine and taking a bath, so the two just wiped it off casually, and then went to the appointment.

It was obviously not the first time for Rong Bao to come to Sin City, so he walked along the street familiarly.

"Actually, I haven't been here very often, only twice."

Rong Bao said: "The first time was out of curiosity, I wanted to see what Sin City was said to be so mysterious, and the second time was by chance, when I was negotiating a business, I passed by Sin City, and the things were robbed. , The money for that thing has already been collected, and it is a big deal to lose the goods, although you can lose money, but losing money will affect Tong Baozhai's reputation, so you can only go to Sin City to negotiate."

Qiao Ye said: "This ruffian, have you ever come into contact with it?"

Rong Bao said: "In order to get the goods back, I invited ten kings to a banquet, and eight people came, including ruffian, but I only met that side. If I want to talk about my impression of this person, what should I say?" Say?

The nickname of the Ten Kings of Sin City was not chosen casually, that guy was just a ruffian, he didn't have the style of a master at all, and the food at the banquet was like a starving ghost, but I still admire him, and the impression is not bad. "

Qiao Ye cast a glance at Rong Bao, of course you appreciate him, you are similar to him, do you look like the young master of the Rong family?

Also a ruffian!

Rong Bao said: "Besides, Zhao Ziwu is the most quack spirit among the ten kings, and he is the one who values ​​the so-called quack rules the most."

Qiao Ye said: "You just want to comfort yourself, there will be no accidents in this trip, right?"

Rong Bao spread his hands and said: "This is what I said, although the ruffian is very good at fighting, but with our brothers' skills, how can we be afraid of him?

Even if there are many others, we can still run. "

Qiao Ye took a look at Rong Bao, and thought of running away before hitting you, I can't believe what you said!

Qiao Ye can almost see what kind of person Rong Bao is now, at least he knows what kind of person he is on the surface.

To be honest, Qiao Ye still misses him somewhat. When he sees Rong Bao, he thinks of those two sluts, Lin Jiao and Zhang Liwang. The only difference between Rong Bao and them is that...

Rong Bao is a very strong slut, Lin Jiao and Zhang Liwang are both good and cheap.

However, Qiao Ye felt that Rong Bao was only on the surface.

What kind of person Rong Bao really is, Qiao Ye still doesn't know.


Qiao Ye thinks this is impossible, at least in terms of temper, he may be the same as the outside, but in terms of ability, it is absolutely impossible. A person who may inherit such a huge family business as Tong Baozhai is absolutely impossible to be a fool mentally.

While talking, Qiao Ye and Rong Bao had arrived at the gate of the dog yard, and they heard the roar of beasts from a long distance away.

After arriving at the door, there were already people waiting, and they politely nodded to Qiao Ye and Rong Bao, then stretched out their hands and said, "Our lord will be waiting for a long time."

The dog yard covers a large area, but there is no decoration at the entrance. It is just a huge empty yard with a huge pit dug in the center, surrounded by people standing around shouting. The roar of the beast came from the huge pit.

When walking through the huge pit, Qiao Ye saw two giant beasts biting inside the pit. They looked like dogs, but their bodies were as huge as tigers, with horns in the center of their foreheads, which were very fierce.

Rong Bao whispered: "Something called a wild beast was caught in a small secret realm in Duoliao Jietian, and then thrown into it to fight, and then..."

Rong Bao rubbed his fingers and made a "money" gesture.

At the same time, after bypassing the huge pit, a long table was set up behind, with big fish and meat and wine jars on it. A muscular man was naked, gnawing a leg of lamb in one hand, and hugging a man in the other. There were quite a few people around this pretty woman, but she only dared to stand, not to sit. From this, it can be seen that this person should be the ruffian Zhao Ziwu.

"Master Rong, long time no see."

Zhao Ziwu burst out laughing when he saw Rong Bao, but the next sentence was mixed with sticks: "However, I just want to catch up with you, why is there an extra one?

Can you not trust me? "

Rong Bao said: "This is my brother, he came to Sin City with me, why should I leave him behind?

Besides, besides him, have I brought anyone else?

If you really have other thoughts, do you think that Tong Baozhai is not a master of offerings? "


Zhao Ziwu was very angry, pointed at the bag, and said: "Please sit down."

After Zhao Ziwu finished speaking, someone immediately brought two chairs and placed them on the other side of the long table.

Rong Bao sat down and said: "Zhao Ziwu, I don't like politeness, so just tell me why you are looking for me?"

"Master Rong is really a cheerful person."

Zhao Ziwu laughed loudly, then threw away the leg of lamb, and directly wiped his greasy big hand on the buttocks of the woman next to him, motioning the woman to go away, and said: "First of all, I want to apologize to Master Rong, those of us The men who don't open their eyes, unexpectedly robbed you, their fault, you killed well, you deserve it if you die, I have no complaints, if you want to pursue it, draw a line, and I will follow."

Rong Bao said: "Everyone is dead, what should I pursue?

But you wouldn't be looking for me for this, would you? "

Zhao Ziwu said: "What I said just now is my fault, but I will talk about Young Master Rong's fault next."

Rong Bao said, "What did I do?"

Zhao Ziwu said: "My people rob Tao, they have no ability, they deserve to be killed, Young Master Rong, you have already killed people, if you are not angry, come to me, because they don't know Taishan, I will show you It is also right to make an apology with wine, but if you robbed my goods because of this matter, then it is your fault."

Rong Bao was stunned and said, "What did I rob you of?"

"Master Rong, dare to be brave, there's no need to do that, right?"

Zhao Ziwu said: "Before you entered the city, three miles outside the gate of Sin City, I had a batch of three carts of spiritual materials robbed, ten of the twelve died, and two came back. It is the name of Tongbaozhai, and the three carts should be regarded as an apology."

As Zhao Ziwu spoke, his expression became fierce, and he raised his hand to pat the table.

"Master Rong, if you want to make an apology, you can come and tell me."

Zhao Ziwu said coldly: "You are the owner of the ghost shop, and you help the power of our crime city to ship goods. It is my problem that you have been robbed. You killed people. I have nothing to say. It doesn't matter if you haven't gained enough popularity after killing, don't talk about three cars, why don't I give you three more cars?

I, Zhao Ziwu, am not such a stingy person, but you didn't come to the door, but directly took my goods. This is against the rules. I can't hold my breath anymore. "


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