"Where are there so many rules!" Rong Bao couldn't help complaining, then looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Besides, you are the one who provoked this shit!"

"Fart!" Qiao Ye also cursed: "Who sold me? It wasn't you bastard, how can there be so many things?"

"You fart too!" Rong Bao said, "Why are you a human being? Wouldn't it be nice if you weren't human? If you weren't human, would someone from the Phoenix family let Xie Feng marry you?"

Qiao Ye: "??"

I am guilty of being human?

Qiao Ye looked at Rong Bao and said, "It seems that I have to give you a one-person banquet."

"Don't worry, we have nothing to do with each other." Rong Bao hooked Qiao Ye's shoulder and said, "There's no need to play those fake things."

"Let's go!" Qiao Ye pushed the bag away, and said, "Lan Ji did this, didn't he run away?"

Rong Bao said: "Who else would do this besides him? Don't blame me for being too straightforward, except for this guy, who would dare to bully me?"

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes and said, "I don't make drafts for bragging."

Rong Bao said: "Okay, there are indeed such careless people, but that guy brought us to Sin City, and this kind of thing happened before we entered the city. You say it has nothing to do with people, do you believe it?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "What's the intention?"

Rong Bao pondered for a while and said, "Let us make enemies with the ruffian Zhao Ziwu?"

Qiao Ye said, "And then?"

Rong Bao wondered, "What else?"

Qiao Ye said: "We have an enmity with Zhao Ziwu? Then what? Will we fight?"

"That's right!" Rong Bao said, "Don't look at that bitch Zhao Ziwu who was so talkative just now, he is also a murderer, the conversation is really going to collapse, tomorrow he really dares to send someone to go straight to the ghost shop, and to fight with us in Baozhai , Tongbaozhai's name is useful in other places, but it doesn't work in Sin City."

Qiao Ye said: "I mean, if we fight Zhao Ziwu, what good will it do for Lan Ji?"

Rong Bao was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Yes, is there any benefit?"

Rong Bao is really not pretending at the moment. Although he knows that Lan Ji is Xiefeng Lan Jiaer, but Xiefeng is notoriously unpredictable, acts perversely, and does not play cards according to the usual rules. According to Xie Feng's order, Qiao Ye was brought to Sin City.

However, Rong Bao didn't know what to do when he came to Sin City, and what Lan Jiaer wanted to do.

Moreover, Rong Bao had a bad idea.

As soon as Lan Jiaer made a move, they wanted to fuck Zhao Ziwu, one of the Ten Kings of Sin City...

Rong Bao felt like being dragged into the water!

Lan Jiaer's target must be Qiao Ye, but Qiao Ye provoked the ruffian? Regardless of status, fame, or family background, they are obviously not qualified enough. Therefore, although Lan Jiaer went after Qiao Ye, she used Tong Baozhai's name.

Rong Bao broke into a cold sweat at the thought of this, he is young and still has a great future, don't tell me he is in sin city, right? My daughter-in-law hasn't married yet!

"Hey, hello..." At this moment, Qiao Ye's voice brought Rong Bao back to his senses and said, "What are you thinking about?"

"Ah?" Rong Bao came back to his senses and said, "Aren't you wondering what Lanji is planning?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's enough to see the trick. The matter of the ruffian is resolved. Tomorrow's one-person banquet, no matter whether it is a win or a loss, this matter will be over. Zhao Ziwu will not pursue it, but..."

Rong Bao rolled his eyes and said: "I hate the word "but" the most. Usually when there is a turning point, it is not a good thing."

Qiao Ye said: "This matter, even if we don't solve it like this, I believe there are still many ways to solve it. Isn't it just three boxes of goods being robbed? To tear face off with Tong Baozhai, to put it more directly, this is not something that harms interests, let alone hatred."

Rong Bao felt a toothache, and bared his teeth: "You mean, there will be a follow-up after this matter is over?"

Qiao Ye said: "That depends on what Lan Ji is thinking."

Rong Bao cursed, "Who knows what he's thinking!"

While talking, Qiao Ye and Rong Bao went back to the ghost shop.

Lan Ji's purpose is unclear, and Zhao Ziwu's matter has been settled for the time being. It's useless to think too much for the time being, so Qiao Ye and Rong Bao simply washed up and went to sleep.

The next day, Rongbao directly found a compound, set a table, and then ordered a banquet from Wanhualou.

There are no restaurants in Sin City, only brothels, and Wanhua Lou is the largest brothel, and it is the property of Miss Mei, one of the Ten Kings of Sin City.

It is obviously not suitable to hold a banquet for one person in a brothel. Rongbao can only find a venue by himself. No one cooks food and drinks, so he can only go to Wanhualou to order. The old bustard is also a little confused. This is the first time I heard that someone came Wanhualou doesn't want girls, it wants food and drink, but money can turn ghosts around, money can talk about anything, and you can get whatever you want.

Zhao Ziwu was also considered punctual, and came just before the hour. Moreover, besides Zhao Ziwu, two people with backgrounds also came.

Standing beside Qiao Ye, Rong Bao said in a low voice, "That peacock-like guy is the partridge boy Nan Yunqi!"

Nan Yunqi didn't look very old, only thirty years old, dressed in...

However, in the place of Primordial Void, it is impossible to judge the age by looking at the appearance. Taking the orcs as an example, a thirty-year-old is just a newborn baby.

Even after humans were able to cross the void, there was someone who was several hundred years older.

Looking at Rong Bao next to me, he looks only in his twenties, but Rong Bao is actually in his nineties, but to the evil spirits, Rong Bao is indeed a young man, because the average Shouyuan is about four hundred years old.

Apart from looking quite young, the most eye-catching partridge boy was the clothes. Qiao Ye looked at it for a long time, but couldn't describe what kind of clothes it was. It looked like a long robe, but the upper body was tight, and at the same time The whole set of clothes comes in more than a dozen colorful colors, even if you see a rainbow, you will have to bow down.

Rong Bao continued: "The one on the other side is Miss Mei."

Mei Jieer, the only woman among the ten kings of Sin City, her strength has always been a mystery, because Mei Jieer seldom fights with others, and the few who did fight with her are almost all dead.

As for how beautiful Miss Mei is...

Qiao Ye didn't see it.

The other party was wearing a luxurious blue shirt, with a black veil covering his face, and he was holding an umbrella with a bead curtain hanging down the side of the umbrella, so he couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Zhao Ziwu led someone forward and said: "These two friends have heard about the incident and came to join in the fun. I hope Young Master Rong will not blame you."

Zhao Ziwu felt a little helpless, he really didn't find these two.

Somehow, Partridge Boy got the news and came up by himself, and blocked the road halfway, saying that he wanted to join in the fun, so Zhao Ziwu couldn't just drive them away.

As for Namei, she was provoked by Rong Bao.


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