Chapter 1834

Qiao Ye chuckled lightly, got up and wanted to jump towards Bai Mu, but at this moment, Bai Mu leaped fiercely.

At the same time as he jumped up, Bai Mu directly raised his foot and kicked the row of chairs down, leaving Qiao Ye with nowhere to stand.

But at this moment, Qiao Ye slapped the ground fiercely, his body writhed in the air, and fell steadily back onto the square table.

Bai Mu was stunned and said: "You are cheating, use martial arts!"

Qiao Ye smiled and pushed a palm towards the ground, and flakes of dust were immediately rolled up on the ground.

"What are you pointing at?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said: "This move is called Qi Jin, if you don't believe it, just watch!"

Qiao Ye slapped six consecutive palms while talking, and then the chairs on the other two sides were knocked into the air by Qiao Ye, and the three tables in three directions also fell down.

When Bai Mu saw this scene, he had nothing to say. It is impossible to use martial arts continuously like this. Moreover, this power is far from the level of martial arts.

"Be careful!"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "I'm here."

There were only two tables left, and there was no room to avoid it. Qiao Ye jumped up and headed directly towards the round table, but Bai Mu had no choice but to connect it.

However, Shiraki felt that the advantage was still with him.

Qiao Ye came from the sky, and still had to face the problem of not having a foothold. As long as he could hit Qiao Ye, he could win!

While thinking about it, Bai Mu saw the moment Qiao Ye leaped forward, and swept out with one kick.

Qiao Ye chuckled, and at the same moment when Bai Mu made a move, he slapped Bai Mu's leg with his palm, and his body rose into the air again, writhing in the air.

Seeing this, Bai Mu reached out to grab Qiao Ye, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye grabbed Shiraki's sleeve violently, pulled Shiraki's sleeve away forcefully, covered Shiraki's fist, blocked Shiraki's punch, landed firmly on the table, and then leaned against him again, hitting Hit Bai Mu's chest, knocking Bai Mu into the air.

In mid-air, Shiraki exerted all his strength, forced his body to stabilize his fall, and wanted to grab the edge of the table when he fell, but...


Qiao Ye slapped the ground towards the ground with sudden vigor, and when it hit the ground, the table was pushed backwards, pulling away a distance, and Bai Mu naturally fell firmly to the ground.

After succeeding, the moment Bai Mu stood up, Qiao Ye jumped down from the table, cupped his hands and said, "I've accepted it."

Bai Mu looked dissatisfied, but Qiao Ye seemed to guess that he was dissatisfied, and preemptively performed the etiquette enough, making Bai Mu want to get mad and didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Zhao Ziwu laughed loudly and said, "Brother Qiao is very capable, let's stop this matter."

Zhao Ziwu helped Bai Mu out of the embarrassment, Rong Bao also smiled and said: "Since everyone is here, don't waste the food and wine. I will let someone heat it up and serve it. How about a few drinks?"

"It's better to let the slave family call someone to bring new food and drinks over."

Sister Mei smiled and said, "This meal will be my Wanhualou's meal."


Zhao Ziwu nodded and said: "Then I will trouble Miss Mei."

"No trouble, it's what the slave family should do."

Sister Mei smiled and called one of them to mutter a few words, and that person took orders to make people prepare the food and wine.

Qiao Ye asked someone to push a table and chairs, and they planned to sit down.

However, just as the table and chairs were set, one of Zhao Ziwu's subordinates suddenly walked in, secretly glanced at Nan Yunqi with a gloomy expression, and then whispered in Zhao Ziwu's ear.

Zhao Ziwu had just sat down here, and after listening to his subordinates whispering a few words, he immediately jumped up and cursed at Nan Yunqi: "Partridge boy, you dare to play tricks on me, you son of a bitch."

Nan Yunqi said: "I don't know why you are crazy!"

Zhao Ziwu said: "The mine in the north of the city, don't tell me, it's not your good deed."

Nan Yunqi sneered and said, "Is there any problem then?

It was you who snatched it from me. "

"I robbed it based on my ability, and you are sneaking up on me while I'm not around."

Zhao Ziwu gritted his teeth and said, "You blocked me on the street early in the morning, saying you wanted to see this one-person banquet, and co-authored to keep an eye on me, afraid that I would receive the news in advance, right?"

Nan Yunqi said: "So what, the place is with me now, and the goods have also entered my warehouse. If you have the ability, you can snatch them back."

Zhao Ziwu said: "I think you are tired of work, brothers, copy guys!"

Nan Yunqi laughed loudly and said, "You think I have no brothers?

Come on, let's do it! "

Almost instantly, Zhao Ziwu raised his hand and slapped Nan Yunqi. Nan Yunqi, not to be outdone, slapped Zhao Ziwu, got up and floated backwards, kicking the chair at the same time Fly, throw towards Zhao Ziwu.

With a crash, Zhao Ziwu smashed the chair to pieces, and the two of them fought into a ball.

The two bosses were in a fight, and the others naturally didn't want to be negligent. They drew out their weapons one after another, and they fought into a fight in an instant, and there were shouts of killing in the courtyard.

Qiao Ye got up and kept retreating towards the rear, so as not to hurt Chi Yu.

At this moment, Qiao Ye suddenly felt that his trouser legs were being grabbed.


Rong Bao poked his head out from under a table and said, "Hide here, be safe."

Qiao Ye squatted on the ground, went under the table with Rong Bao and asked, "What's the situation?"

"I don't know what's going on."

Rong Bao said: "However, this is the normal state of Sin City, and it will be strange if we don't do it one day."

"There is a mine in the north. This season happens to produce purple mother liquor. According to the rules, the purple mother liquor drips at three o'clock in the noon. Everyone occupies the space according to their ability, and whoever occupies it will take it. But these five or six days have been occupied by ruffians. Landing on the ground, presumably the partridge is not convinced."

Rong Bao and Qiao Ye poked their heads out to take a look, and found that it was Sister Mei sitting on the table with a jug and glass, drinking in small sips.

Rong Bao smiled and said, "Miss Mei, are you not going?"

Sister Mei said: "What am I going to do?

This business has nothing to do with me. Anyway, if these stinky men make money, they will spend it in my Wanhua Building. "

Qiao Ye asked curiously: "In the jingle, isn't the partridge boy in front of the ruffian?

Can Nan Yunqi beat the ruffian?

Let the ruffian occupy the place for a few days? "

"This matter has been talked about."

Sister Mei smiled and said: "Half a month ago, there was a treasure out of Jiuxi, and everyone snatched it. The ruffian is a thief, knowing that there are too many monks and less meat, so he didn't go, and then a group of people went to Jiuxi. The beating was turned upside down, and the ruffian took the opportunity to knock down the mine in the north of the city. If there were no bad rules, he could have snatched it, and whoever took it would have it. I failed to snatch it, and was beaten by the King of the North Spear, so I had to come back to recuperate, but just after I came back, my site was taken by ruffians, can you be happy?"

"Have a baby?

What baby? "

Rong Bao immediately became excited and said, "I feel like I can do business again!"


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