Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1837 I Want Caiha Building

Chapter 1837 I Want Caiha Building

Qiao Ye still knows the origin of the things.

I have hacked a lot of people before, and if I have something, I just throw it into the jade card space. Spiritual materials and medicines are easy to deal with, and they can be handed over to the defenders. The points in exchange can be used daily. You can also buy pills. As for the valuable things, they will naturally be sold, while other miscellaneous things are just thrown away.

Nine out of ten times out of ten, that broken alchemy formula was left by some pervert who was hacked by himself.

Rong Bao patted Qiao Ye on the shoulder and said, "No wonder you don't want to marry Xie Feng. It turns out that you have problems in this area. It's really hard for you brother."


Qiao Ye rolled her eyes and said, "There must be something wrong with Dan Fang?"

Rong Bao said, "Then why do you have Dan Fang?"

Qiao Ye said: "Make money!"

Rong Bao wondered, "Can this thing make money?"

Qiao Ye said: "The one who has a problem wants this elixir."

Rong Bao said: "Isn't this nonsense, if there is a problem, naturally no matter what the problem is, they want a prescription that can be used."

Qiao Ye said: "Those who are fine also wish to become very powerful."

"This..." Rong Bao thought for a while and said, "It seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that."

Qiao Ye continued: "Does that mean that anyone who is a man can buy this kind of elixir?"

Rong Bao nodded and said, "It should be."

Qiao Ye said, "Will it make money?"

Rong Bao's eyes lit up instantly, feeling that this business is quite profitable, but...

Rong Bao wiped his cold sweat and said, "Let my father know that I'm selling this thing in Tongbaozhai, so he must break my legs."

Qiao Ye said: "Is it business, is it making money, it's not shabby."

Rong Bao said: "I'm not afraid of being poor, I'm afraid of breaking my leg."

Qiao Ye said: "Then kneel down and make money."

Rong Bao said: "Is there any trick to make money while standing still?"


Qiao Ye said: "Take out your private money and open a Rongbaozhai to sell this stuff that nourishes yin and nourishes yang."

Rong Bao's eyes lit up and said, "Gao Ming!"

As soon as Qiao Ye stretched out her hand, she took Dan Fang back and stuffed it into her arms.

Rong Bao wondered, "What do you mean?"

Qiao Ye said: "You think I'm stupid. I signed a contract with Tongbaozhai. I feel somewhat secure. A big firm won't cheat me for such a small amount of money, but Rongbaozhai is different."


Rong Bao said: "You don't trust me."

Qiao Ye said: "Look at yourself, from head to toe, is there even one hair that is worthy of trust?"


Rong Bao said: "I think we can talk about this matter again, why don't we open a shop first?"

"Idiot, why do you want to open a shop?"

Qiao Ye said: "You just let people take the medicine to the brothel to sell, are you afraid that you won't be able to sell out of stock?"

"This trick is seconds."

Rong Bao said: "Then the Dan Fang?"

Qiao Ye said: "Let's talk about it."

Qiao Ye was joking with Rong Bao, but at this moment, a clerk hurried into the backyard.

"Young Master, Young Master..." The man said, "Something went wrong."

"What a fuss, accidents happen every day in Sin City."

Rong Bao said: "Tell me, who is fighting with whom again?"

"It's not just a fight."

The guy said: "Nan Yunqi is dead."

"It's normal to die a lot of people. One day, no one will die in Sin City..." Rong Bao finished speaking halfway, and suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Who do you think is dead?"

The guy said: "Nan Yunqi!"

Rong Bao and Qiao Ye looked at each other, and said in unison, "Partridge boy?"

The guy nods.

Rong Bao said: "Be clear, what's going on?"

The guy said: "I don't know what's going on. This morning, someone found Nan Yunqi's body hanging on the Caiyu Building. It was already too cold. Now everyone is fighting. The ruffian Zhao Ziwu and Han Fei took the lead. Sister Mei also seems to be moving, and the other companies seem to be afraid to move because the boss is not there."

Qiao Ye looked at Rong Bao and said, "Didn't you say that Zhao Ziwu and Nan Yunqi wouldn't kill each other?"

"Of course not, they don't care who dies, the structure of this sin city will be in chaos."

Rong Bao said: "Besides, if it was Zhao Ziwu who did it, he would have to lie on the bed even if he is not dead. Moreover, it is more likely that Zhao Ziwu will be killed."

Qiao Ye said, "Who did that?"

Rong Bao said: "I don't think it is likely to be any one of the ten kings of Sin City. Although they have a rivalry, they probably don't want the pattern to be broken."


The clerk hastily took out an envelope and said, "Someone delivered it to the door of the shop just now, saying it was delivered to Master Qiao."


Qiao Ye was stunned, then took a look at the envelope, there was no signature on it, after tearing off the seal casually, Qiao Ye took out a piece of paper and looked at it, his face gradually became ugly.

Rong Bao said: "What's wrong?"

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, handed the paper to Rong Bao and said, "Look for yourself."

Rongbao took it and looked at it, and it was written on it: I want Caiyu Tower.

Rong Bao said, "Lanji?"

Qiao Ye said, "Otherwise, who could there be?"


Rong Bao took a breath and said, "Are you kidding me?

The Caiyu Building is the base camp of the Partridge. After the death of the Partridge, everyone must be staring at it. Not to mention that it is a symbol of the Partridge’s status. Yulou, just the two of us took Caiyulou down? "

Qiao Ye said: "You and Baozhai are one of the three major firms, don't you have any thugs?"

"Brother, of course there are other places, but do you think it is useful to have thugs in Sin City?"

Rong Bao rolled his eyes and said: "No one is going to attack Guipu, even if you really want to do it, you can't stop them."

Qiao Ye said, "Then it's only the two of us..."

"Your Majesty, Yuwen Lianghua, has been ordered to come here. Dare I ask if Master Rong and Master Qiao are here!"

At this time, a voice like a bell suddenly sounded, making Qiao Ye and Rong Bao stunned at the same time.

what's the situation?

Qiao Ye said: "Let's go and have a look!"

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao quickly walked through the front hall and came to the door of the ghost shop, and were immediately taken aback.

The door of the ghost shop was crowded with people, at least two hundred people, lined up in three rows, all dressed in black military uniforms, obviously trained.

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao were still in a dazed state. A strong bearded man in the lead came to Qiao Ye and Rong Bao and said, "I'm Yuwen Lianghua. I've seen Master Qiao and Master Rong."

Rong Bao couldn't help but said: "Where did you come out?"

Yuwen Lianghua said with a smile: "Master Rong, don't worry about where I came from. My master asked me to take the lead, knowing that you two are short of manpower. From now on, our two hundred brothers will all be named Qiao." Well, if Master Qiao points to the east, we will go east; if Master Qiao says west, we will go west, so that killing people will not set fires, and setting fires will never kill people."


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