Chapter 1839 Charge Forward

Almost instantly, the thugs brought by Yuwen Lianghua began to charge forward.

There were shouts and killings all around.

The battle between the two groups of people was already chaotic enough, but now Qiao Ye and Rong Bao led people to join in, instantly making the already chaotic situation even more unpredictable.

Rong Bao sighed, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a black iron fan and said, "Let's fight, let's fight, if you kill them all, you'll be warming up for the throne ring."

While talking, Rong Bao jumped up and came directly to Qiao Ye's side.


Rong Bao said: "Let's go directly to Caiyu Building, the experts should be there, I don't know if Zhao Ziwu and Han Fei are here."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Let's go!"

Qiao Ye's words fell, and then the black smoke on his body surged and turned into a black smoke dragon, and rushed out towards the front.

As the black smoke dragon passed by, the surrounding crowd were pushed aside one after another. Qiao Ye also took advantage of the black smoke from the sky demon to quickly travel through space and move forward.

On the other side, Rong Bao jumped straight onto the roof.

Right now there is chaos, Rong Bao leaping onto the roof is like a target, because it is too conspicuous.

There are people around who want to jump onto the roof, but at this moment...

Rong Bao raised his hand and waved the fan in his hand.

In an instant, streaks of black light flew out of the black light.

The black light quickly condensed into human silhouettes, holding various weapons and rushing down from the air.

"Do you think it's over?"

Rong Bao snorted coldly, and took out another treasure from his bosom, it was a gold ingot!

Rong Bao threw the gold ingot into the air, and then the gold ingot grew crazily, like a hill, and fell down.


When the gold ingot fell, a room was smashed to pieces with a bang.

The two treasures forcibly suppressed more than twenty people, but at this moment...

A gust of wind suddenly appeared, and behind Rong Bao, a figure suddenly jumped up, raised his hand and slapped Rong Bao.

Rong Bao snorted coldly, turned around abruptly, and also moved his palm forward.


Rong Bao slapped the opponent, and the man's face changed instantly, and then he flew backwards, and after hitting the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood from the side of his face.

The man looked at Rong Bao and gritted his teeth, "You..."


Think I'm good? "

Rong Bao opened his fan and fanned the wind: "It's just a matter of turning your hands over your hands, but I just like to use treasures, because I have money, and I just want to play. Are you biting me?"

Rong Bao growled while talking.

"Ghosts and spirits!"

Rong Bao's roar turned into a devil's cry in an instant, everyone around covered their ears one after another, their faces showed pain, they kept screaming, and blood flowed from their eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Rong Bao sneered and said, "Nothing interesting, let's go!"

Rong Bao jumped off the roof, followed Qiao Ye, and went straight into Caiyu Tower.

Arriving at the bottom of the Caiyu Tower, a fierce fight has already taken place here, but only in front of the door.

Although the partridge son Nan Yunqi died, the people under his sect had not given up and were still resisting desperately. In other words, they could only choose to resist.

Partridge is dead, and they will definitely not be able to get along in Sin City in the future.

However, as long as you can keep the property left by the partridge boy, even if you leave Sin City, you can still eat and drink. Therefore, Caiyu Building cannot be lost, because it is full of money!

Partridge's men defended firmly and did not retreat, while the others attacked fiercely, but they were still unable to break into Caiyu Tower for the time being.

at the same time……

It was also dark upstairs in Caiyu.

Ruffian, Zhao Ziwu...

Come in person!

Qiao Ye walked out of the black smoke and looked up at the battle above.

Rong Bao followed closely, landed beside Qiao Ye and said, "The two guys in black and white are Han Fei's masters, called black ghost and white ghost, and they are Han Fei's left and right arms." , These two guys are here, which means that Han Fei should have gone to other places instead of here, and the other guy with the big beard is a master of Partridge Boy, named Long Feixiong!"

The four of them fought on Caiyu Building, but it wasn't a chaotic situation.

The black ghost, the white ghost and Long Feixiong seemed to have reached an agreement. At this moment, the three of them are teaming up to deal with Zhao Ziwu, or to put it another way, if the three of them don't join forces, they won't be able to stop Zhao Ziwu from entering the Caiyu Tower.

"We have to intervene."

Qiao Ye said: "Those three guys belong to you, and Zhao Ziwu belongs to me."

"Are you sure?"

Rong Bao is already planning to do hard work.

Although none of the Ten Kings of Sin City intends to compete in the Throne Arena, everyone knows that the Ten Kings of Sin City have the strength to be the master of the throne. , However, these guys in Sin City only want to make money, and they are not very interested in such a grand event as the Throne Ring.

As the leader of the fourth round, Rong Bao is already planning to break the wrist with Zhao Ziwu.

And if Qiao Ye plans to go...

It's not that Rong Bao looks down on Qiao Ye, but that Qiao Ye's cultivation is almost meaningless.

First of all, Qiao Ye definitely didn't have the cultivation base of Dazizi, while Zhao Ziwu was at the peak of Daziwu. Qiao Ye was obviously at a disadvantage when he challenged with the cultivation base of Xiaoyaoyou.

Secondly, even if the cultivation level is the same, Rong Bao doesn't think that the method learned in Canglanxing's broken place that has been closed for so long can be compared with the monks who wandered in the void, so Qiao Ye should also be at a disadvantage.

Rong Bao thinks that Qiao Ye has great potential. This potential means that Qiao Ye has traveled in the void of primordial realm for several years, and his cultivation level has improved, and his methods are no longer limited to the methods of Canglan Star. His strength will naturally improve by leaps and bounds.

As for now...

Rong Bao felt that he was in the same class as Zhao Ziwu, while Qiao Ye was obviously in a lower class than them.


"I am sure!"

Qiao Ye answered decisively.

Rong Bao said: "Brother, don't get beaten to death, you are one realm behind Zhao Ziwu in cultivation."

Qiao Ye took a deep breath and said, "Fuck you, you can give it a try."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he stepped forward, and then the black smoke scattered under his feet, lingering continuously.

next moment...

Qiao Ye condensed the black smoke, turned into a black halberd, and slashed towards Caiyu Tower.

The four people who were fighting felt the howling wind, and immediately jumped towards the surroundings.

Qiao Ye followed the trend and climbed up Caiyu Tower continuously along the eaves.

Qiao Ye was already on it, so Rong Bao naturally had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Zhao Ziwu narrowed his eyes and said, "So it's Master Qiao, and Master Rong, what's the purpose of the two of you coming here?"

Qiao Ye said: "Caiyulou, I want it!"


Zhao Ziwu raised his eyebrows and said, "Young Master Qiao, do you know what this means?"

"Partridge is dead, and if you want to, you can get a piece of the pie."

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of her mouth and said, "So, I'm greedy, isn't this a bad rule?"


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