Chapter 1844 Arrived

This Caiyu Building is not an ordinary thing, it is built by top-notch spiritual materials, and it will definitely become something to be contested. Not to mention using this place as the base camp, but demolishing the Caiyu Building, that would be a windfall .

However, Zhao Ziwu agreed very happily, because...

The fight for Caiyulou should not be now!

It may not be a good thing to occupy Caiyu Building right now, you can keep it if you occupy it, right?

Looking back, it's not like facing the attack of one family, it may be two, three, four or five...

Zhao Ziwu has his own lair, so he doesn't insist on the Caiyu Building, and the disadvantages of occupying the Caiyu Building are more than the advantages. He could have rushed into the Caiyu Building, but Zhao Ziwu only planned to evacuate his things. If Qiao Ye wants this building, then let Qiao Ye take it. Anyway, Zhao Ziwu is not so rare right now.

As for Qiao Ye...

Qiao Ye didn't know that there would be a lot of troubles after Caiyu Building was taken down. It was far more troublesome to guard this building than to take it down.

But, that damn Lanji, the envelope says he wants Caiyu Tower, who knows if he wants the things in Caiyu Tower, or together with Caiyu Tower?

Therefore, Qiao Ye must take down the Caiyu Building.

One is not interested, one wants to...

The two sides quickly reached a tacit agreement!

Qiao Ye and Zhao Ziwu changed their targets at the same time and headed towards the four of Rong Bao.

Qiao Ye fell beside Rong Bao, and Rong Bao wondered, "What's going on?"

Qiao Ye said: "A deal has been reached, one person is half."

"Depend on!"

Rong Bao said cursingly: "It's rare for a slacker like me to make a move, and even tell me that I'm half of one person?

I want it all! "

Qiao Ye said, "Zhao Ziwu is behind you."

Rong Bao quickly put on a smiling face and said: "Zhao Gangzhu, I have long wanted to cooperate with you once, this Caiyu Building will be eaten by our two families!"


Zhao Ziwu snorted coldly, Zhao Ziwu didn't have a bad impression of Rong Bao, but it wasn't a good impression either, but Zhao Ziwu didn't pay much attention to Rong Bao's nonsensical virtues. In Zhao Ziwu's world, it should be Compared with the world of drinking heavily and eating large pieces of meat, Qiao Ye is more suitable for Zhao Ziwu's appetite.

Of course, there are also grievances and grievances, after all, Zhao Ziwu has already classified Rongbao as the ranks of those who rob his own business.


That's a thug!

On the other side, the black and white ghosts took a look and jumped down the Caiyu Tower decisively.

A Zhao Ziwu is no longer an opponent, and now there is a fourth ring leader Rongbao who can compete for the throne, and there is a guy who came out of nowhere who can be tough with Zhao Ziwu, this is still a fight a hammer.


The black ghost and the white ghost jumped down from the Caiyu Tower, took out a horn and blew it, and retreated without delay.

Zhao Ziwu and Qiao Ye didn't give orders to chase them. Although the situation in Sin City is in chaos, it hasn't reached the point of death. There is no need to kill them all. The most important thing is to take Caiyu Tower.

Watching the white ghost and the black ghost leave, Zhao Ziwu looked at Long Feixiong and said: "Long Feixiong, you have been following Partridge for many years, I will give you a chance to take my three palms, you are next, things I will let you take 10% of it, and then take your people to leave, from now on, don't appear in the city of sin again, if you can't continue, I will spare your life and let you leave the city of sin."

Rong Bao couldn't help muttering: "Now half of it belongs to us, why don't you just give away 10%?"

Zhao Ziwu glanced at Rong Bao and said, "Master Rong, Sin City has always followed the rules. If you want to hang out in Sin City, you'd better abide by Sin City's rules. Otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you. You can't do anything. Take it here!"

Rong Bao spread his hands and said, "Just as long as you are happy."

Long Feixiong took a deep breath, then cupped his hands at Zhao Ziwu and said, "Then, please enlighten Master Zhao."

There is no suspense about this matter!

Although Zhao Ziwu is strong, Long Feixiong, as the second in command next to Zheguzai, is definitely considered a good player in Sin City. He will definitely not be able to defeat Zhao Ziwu, but no matter what, he will not be able to defeat Zhao Ziwu with three moves. I can't take it.

This rule, to put it bluntly, is to let Long Feixiong take away 10% of the things and get out immediately.

What are rivers and lakes?

The rivers and lakes are all about the world.

Long Feixiong took Zhao Ziwu's three palms, and stopped those who were still fighting. As for those who were unwilling, Long Feixiong struck without hesitation and killed them directly.

The 10% of the things were not for Long Feixiong alone, if he took the things, he would have to make all the old partridges outside the Caiyu Tower disappear, if he couldn't do that, why would Long Feixiong take the things?

As for how much Long Feixiong plans to distribute to other people after taking it away, it doesn't matter about Zhao Ziwu.

This is the way of the world.

Things are not taken for nothing, you have to work!

It's good to take a layer of things in exchange for more time, and to kill less people with the subordinates.

Rong Bao couldn't understand this matter, because he was a businessman, and a good businessman must know how to balance gains and losses with interests, but this matter can't be measured, who will make more money?

Is Long Feixiong worth the price?

These are all bad things to say.

However, Qiao Ye could understand.

Sophisticated people, when you need to understand, Qiao Ye also understands.

"Since the Caiyu Tower is mine..." Qiao Ye smiled and stretched out his hand to Zhao Ziwu, "Master Zhao, please go first!"

Zhao Ziwu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Master Qiao."

Zhao Ziwu led people into Caiyu Building.

Looking at Zhao Ziwu's back, Rong Bao was dissatisfied and said, "How can you let him choose first?

Even if it's half for one person, he keeps more garbage and takes away more good things, even if the total value is half for one person, we still lose money, and it's still a big loss. "

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "He won't."

Rong Bao said, "Why?"

Qiao Ye said: "This is the rules of the world."


Rong Bao cursed, "I hate the rules of the world."

Qiao Ye spread out her hands and said, "Actually, I think it's good for my brothers to settle accounts clearly."

Rong Bao said: "I like this too."

Qiao Ye smiled, different people, different styles, it's normal.

Qiao Ye said: "Speaking of which, we have taken Caiyu Building, right?"

"Otherwise what else?"

Rong Bao said: "However, having said that, it is occupied, unless we quickly demolish Caiyu Building and transport the things away, otherwise it will be a disaster to keep this broken building."

Qiao Ye said, "Will Lan Ji let it be demolished?"

Rong Bao was stunned for a moment, and then cursed: "Forget that it was because of that guy that we stirred up this muddy water. It seems that we have to hold this hot potato in our hands, but..."

Rong Bao said halfway, suddenly his eyes lit up!

"Lanji only said that he wants Caiyu Tower, but he didn't say that we can't move anything, right?"

Rong Bao rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "It's in stock, it's in stock, this time it's really a big stock."


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