Chapter 1852 Pictured

Rong Bao thought for a while, and then said seriously: "Contentment and happiness!"

Qiao Ye looked at Rong Bao with a look of disgust. When the co-author needs your help, does he become like this bird?

Rong Bao said: "Aren't we short of people? Even if we want to fight, we have to wait for me to find someone."

"Okay, then work hard."

Qiao Ye said: "By the way, don't forget to explore Yuwen Lianghua's background."

Rong Bao said: "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

The two returned to Caiyu Tower, and Qiao Ye told Yu Wenlianghua to let him be on duty in different shifts. Although Luo Kuang had learned from the past, Qiao Ye felt that there should be no one who was so blind-eyed, and wanted to give it a try. Saiba House is gone.


Is it possible that someone is stupid?

After giving orders to Yuwen Lianghua, Qiao Ye and Rong Bao broke up for the time being, and it was really tiring after fighting for so long.

After returning to the room, Qiao Ye sat there cross-legged, and quickly fell into meditation. In addition to adjusting his breath, Qiao Ye also took out the Dragon Slaying Saber in advance, and entered the dragon's consciousness to practice the sword.

This thing may not be of great use in hindsight, because...

Among the ten kings of Sin City, there is a dragon.

I don't know how long it took, but Qiao Ye also managed to learn the second dragon-slaying technique. However, it is not difficult to learn martial arts. A few days is enough, but there have been so many things, Qiao Ye has no chance to calm down and learn, and learning is one thing, and it will obviously take a lot of time to fully master it, but right now Qiao Ye has a similar Not bad.

"Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye..."

Suddenly, Qiao Ye heard Rong Bao's noisy voice, opened his eyes involuntarily, and glanced out of the window. The sky was bright, and the night had already passed.

Qiao Ye opened the door and said, "What's wrong?

Noisy. "

Rong Bao entered, closed the door and said, "Two things. The first thing is that I found out Yuwen Lianghua's identity. It's so surprising."

Qiao Ye said, "Huh?"

Rong Bao said: "He is from Wang Lang!"

Qiao Ye asked in confusion, "Who is Wang Lang?"

Rong Bao slapped his forehead and said, "The Lord of Sin City."

Qiao Ye touched his chin and said: "Although there are rumors that the one who can beat the most in Sin City is not any one of the ten kings of Sin City, but the Lord of Sin City, but in fact, in the eyes of most people, he is the A trash city lord?

Although it can be regarded as a place in the city of sin, it is not the opponent of the ten kings of the city of sin at all. "

"Yeah, so I was surprised too."

Rong Bao said: "I'm even more surprised how he got involved with the Phoenix lineage."

Although Rong Bao knew that Lanji was Xiefeng, his mood at the moment was not fake, and he was extremely surprised that Xiefeng had a connection with the city lord of Sin City. Does this mean...

In fact, Xiefeng didn't bring herself and Qiao Ye to Sin City on a whim, but what was she planning?

After all, the line of the city lord of Sin City cannot be reached by casual talk.

Rong Bao said: "Yuwen Lianghua is a master of Wang Lang's subordinates. This guy is quite powerful, and his level may be a little worse than that of the ten kings of Sin City. That useless city lord is still sitting in the city lord position. First of all, he sees There is really no threat, another reason is that there are three masters protecting him, and one of them is Yuwen Lianghua."

Qiao Ye rubbed her hair and said: "I'm a little confused, Yuwen Lianghua is the owner of the city, but Lan Ji asked him to help us, and now he is ours, but in fact the person behind it is Lan Ji , but he followed the city lord, so why did he get more and more chaotic."

Rong Bao said: "If there is one, it may not be chaotic."

Qiao Ye said, "What's possible?"

Rong Bao said, "Wang Lang is also Lan Ji's man."

Qiao Ye said: "The city lord of Sin City belongs to Lan Ji, so the Phoenix family wants to get involved in Sin City?"

"It's really incredible."

Rong Bao spread his hands and said: "After all, Wang Lang has been the city lord for almost twenty years, and the last one was his father. If the Phoenix lineage moves Sincheng's mind, it will take twenty years?

Even, counting from his father, it would take decades?

Feels unlikely, but…”

Qiao Ye said, "But?"


Rong Bao said: "What's even more impossible is that Lan Ji is actually Wang Lang's man."

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes. Isn't this just talking nonsense? He is from the Phoenix lineage, and his surname is Lan, which means that he is a member of the Phoenix lineage patriarch's family and works for the city lord of Sin City?

Isn't this nonsense!

To say that in Duoling Jietian, Sin City is really capable of breaking arms with Fengming City, but this matter has already involved things other than Duoling Jietian. In front of the entire Phoenix lineage, Sin City sucks.

Then, Rong Bao silently added something in his heart, not to mention that Lan Ji is still Xie Feng.

Qiao Ye said: "However, this means one thing."

Rong Bao said: "What is it?"

Qiao Ye said: "Lanji has something to do with Sin City. It's definitely not a whim that brought us to Sin City, but what he intends to do. I feel that he wants to make trouble in Sin City. I even It is suspected that the chaos in Sin City has something to do with him."

Rong Bao was surprised: "You mean that the partridge was killed by Lan Ji?"

After Rong Bao finished speaking, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking that this matter is really possible.

The Ten Kings of Sin City are not that easy to kill, they are very strong in their own right, and they have a bunch of younger brothers under their command, and they have occupied Sin City for so many years.

Therefore, even if Xie Feng took action, it would not be easy to kill the ten kings of Sin City.

However, among the ten kings of Sin City, there are two exceptions.

The first one is the partridge!

The second one is for walking birds!

Because, these two are orcs, and...

Partridge is a mixed blood of Partridge and King Peacock Ming. The blood of the former is not very good. It belongs to the weak bloodline in the beast clan, but the bloodline of King Peacock Ming is strong. The top ten and top twenty are definitely no problem, and the partridge boy belongs to a very rare mixed race, and the two bloodlines are catalyzed to become extremely powerful.

Of course, if it wasn't for the weak bloodline of the partridge, the upper limit of the partridge would be higher, so the partridge actually doesn't like his title very much, and he is more eager to be called a peacock, so he likes to wear fancy clothes.

The other bird walker, like the partridge boy, is of the orc race, but he is not of mixed blood, and his blood is not weak, it is the blood of the Nantian Xuanniao.

And what they have in common is that...

Their bloodline will be suppressed by the evil phoenix innately.

Because, in the Phoenix bloodline, there is a bloodline power called the King of Birds. The only function of this bloodline is to suppress the bloodlines of all the birds and beasts!


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