Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1866 The City Lord Arrives

Chapter 1866 The city lord arrives

The King of Spears stared wide-eyed, watching the Liuli sharp gun being stopped, with an incredulous expression on his face.

At the same time, the sound of the iron hoof stamping was getting closer, and soon, two teams of black armored cavalry appeared on both sides of the street, blocking everyone in the middle.

Gun King snorted coldly and said, "Mu Yushan, do you even dare to intervene?

Wouldn't it be good to be your city lord? "

"Gun King, that's not right."

The black armored cavalry dispersed, and a man on a white horse came from behind the black armored cavalry, and said with a smile, "Since I am the lord of Sin City, I should naturally quell the dispute, shouldn't I?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help but look at the man twice more.

This is the legendary Sin City Lord?

The city lord of this sinful city is interesting. The rumors about him in the market are completely two extremes. Some people say that the lord of the sinful city is a waste. He is obviously the lord of the sinful city. The ten kings of Sin City have the final say.

Some people also say that the real hidden master of Sin City is the Lord of Sin City. This guy is actually the boss of Sin City.

For now it seems...

At least on the surface, Mu Yushan, the lord of Sin City, doesn't look very special. He looks about 30 years old, and he is dressed in white long clothes, which looks a bit ordinary.

At the same time, Gun King snorted coldly and said, "Can you take care of our dispute?"

Mu Yushan smiled and said: "I don't know if I can manage it or not, but my black iron black cavalry has already headed towards Longwenlou and Badao Mountain Villa. You two are not here, and almost all the people under my command have sent I went out to occupy the territory of the kings, can you say that these two places can resist my black iron black cavalry?"

Gu Beichen was furious in an instant: "How dare you!"

"Dao Zun, this is not a matter of daring or not, but I have already done it."

Mu Yushan said: "If you two go back now, I will naturally withdraw them, but if you don't go back, then don't blame me for being rude. Count me as one more in this battle, what chance do you have of winning?"

"Mu Yushan, you are promising."

Gun King sneered and said, "I thought that with your personality, even if you broke the sky, you would hide in your own city lord's mansion."

Mu Yushan smiled and said, "Sword King, times have changed."

Gun King sneered: "Do you really think that I will be afraid if you have one more?"

Mu Yushan said seriously: "I'm the only one, of course you're not afraid, I'm not your opponent, but if I'm one more, I think you should still be afraid."

Gun King gritted his teeth, and said: "This time I admit defeat, let's go!"

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao were just listening to gossip, but as real people from Sin City, they all knew the strength of Mu Yushan. The other eight kings.

How did the pattern of the Ten Kings of Sin City come into being?

In fact, it was Dao Zun, Spear King, and Mu Yushan who restrained each other.

With the strength of Dao Zun and Gun King, it is not impossible to completely unify Sin City. However, Dao Zun and Gun King fear each other and fight each other a lot. This time they joined forces purely for profit.

At the same time, Dao Zun and Gun Wang used the other eight kings to restrain Mu Yushan and restrain the city lord.

And Mu Yushan is also using the other eight kings to control the Sword Master and the Spear King.

As for the eight kings, they are just playing the role of grass on the wall. If you want to say that the strongest in Sin City must be Dao Zun, Spear King and Mu Yushan, but with the eight kings, the situation can be balanced, because the eight kings fell to Whoever is powerful.

But now, the situation is finally about to change.

"Gun King, if you want to leave, of course I won't stop you."

Mu Yushan smiled and said, "Of course Master Dao is like that, but Xie Lingyan can stay."

Gun King took a deep look at Mu Yushan, and then said, "Is he none of my business?"

Mu Yushan looked at Gu Beichen and said, "What about Dao Zun?"

Gu Beichen said contemptuously: "Then it's none of my business."

Xie Lingyan was shocked, and shouted loudly: "You two didn't say that before, you said yes..."

"Shut up!"

Gu Beichen shouted: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

After Gu Beichen finished speaking, he turned around and left. The Spear King didn't stop, and flew directly into the air, and soon disappeared into the clouds and mist.

"Do not!"

Xie Lingyan roared angrily: "You two bastards, you lied to me, you lied to me!"

Xie Lingyan kept wailing, but no one sympathized with him. After doing some things, he had to bear the consequences of failure.

Xie Lingyan chose Dao Zun and Spear King, so he can only count on them to win. If they lose, Xie Lingyan will naturally have to be buried with him. Do you still want to be one of the ten kings of the sin city?

Where in the world is there such a good thing?

Moreover, Xie Lingyan never saw his position clearly.

Dao Zun and Spear King wanted to leave, but no one would stop them, because the result of a dead fish and a broken net would be a loss for both sides, but Xie Lingyan wanted to leave?


Dao Zun and Spear King have the strength to be proud of everyone, what does Xie Lingyan have?

Therefore, Xie Lingyan is the price for Dao Zun and Gun King to give in.

Thus, Xie Lingyan died!

The Ten Kings of Sin City lost one more!

Mu Yushan rode forward with a smile, cupped his hands and said, "Everyone should have a lot of things to deal with, so let's stop here for today. For other things, we will make an appointment to talk about them at another time, and we will talk about them at that time."

After Mu Yushan finished speaking, he simply waved his hand and led them away. The others were not idle, and they bid farewell to each other and left quickly.

Of course they have something to do, and it's still urgent. At this moment, who doesn't want to run back to their own territory to take a look?

Soon, Qiao Ye and Rong Bao were the only ones left on the street in a daze.

Rong Bao looked at Qiao Ye and said, "What's going on?"

"How do I know what's going on?"

Qiao Ye pondered for a moment, then waved decisively: "Go, find Yuwen Lianghua."

Qiao Ye and Rongbao went back to Caiyu Building, and after entering the door, Yuwen Lianghua had returned.

Without saying a word, Qiao Ye condensed a black halberd and fell towards Yuwen Lianghua.


Yuwen Lianghua did not hide.

The halberd blade hung about half an inch above Yuwen Lianghua's head, and was stopped abruptly by Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye said, "Why don't you hide?"

Yuwen Lianghua smiled and said, "Master Qiao doesn't really want to kill me, why should I hide?"

Qiao Ye said, "Are you so sure?"

Yuwen Lianghua said: "Of course, if I die, who will answer the two questions?"

"According to your tone, you will answer my question?"

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of her mouth, and said, "Okay, the first question, answer me, who are you?"

Yuwen Lianghua said: "I obey the orders of the city lord."


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