Chapter 1874

Rong Bao could understand Qiao Ye's reluctance to meet Xie Feng, after all, how embarrassing it was to recruit a relative.


People are sitting right behind you, okay?

"If you don't participate, don't participate. Just join in the fun. Who doesn't join in the fun?"

Rong Bao spoke halfway, and suddenly became interested and said: "By the way, when the matter of the throne ring is over, what is our business?"

Qiao Ye cast a glance at Rong Bao and said, "Ning Xin Po Cocoon Pill?"

Rong Bao nodded hurriedly and said, "It's time for our business to start, right?"

"It's okay, it's not impossible."

Qiao Ye said, "I'm thinking about something."

Rong Bao said: "What is it?

As long as I can do it, I will help you! "

Qiao Ye sneered, "It's not the trouble you caused."

Rong Bao said: "Are you still entangled with the matter of the Phoenix family?"

"Shouldn't I be bothered?

Is it not because of you that I can be in so much trouble? "

Qiao Ye said: "Hey, there are a lot of humans on Canglan Star. You said that if I take people from the Phoenix lineage to Canglan Star, they will have other humans to find, so they don't need me?"

Rong Bao thought for a while and said, "Theoretically, that's the case."

Qiao Ye said, "Actually?"

Rong Bao said: "Actually, are you the only one in Canglan Planet who has the ability to cross the void?"

Qiao Ye nodded, there are not many gods, let alone a leisurely tour, crossing the primordial void, and, although the crisis of the evil beast has been lifted, the Canglan Star is still in an era of waiting to be rebuilt. It would be very difficult for a master to break through to the divine realm.

Qiao Ye also thought about whether he could bring the resources of the Void World of Primordial Origin back to Canglan Star. This is also the reason why he did business with Rongbao. It is the resource of Hongmeng Void World.

But after thinking about it carefully, Qiao Ye felt that this matter should be able to bring some help to Canglan Star, but it was very limited, because, compared with a big star, this resource is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket. If you want to revive Canglan Star However, it still takes a long time to accumulate the status of human beings in the Void World of Primordial Mist.

Rong Bao said: "Then let me ask you, you obviously have a stack of stewed beef in front of you, so why do you eat bran swallowed vegetables?"

Rong Bao's words are rough and reasonable, Qiao Ye understands the meaning, he is stewed beef, and the other humans in Canglan Star belong to bran swallowing vegetables, there is obviously a high cultivation level, why choose a low cultivation level?

There is obviously a handsome one, why choose an ugly one?

Rong Bao said: "Moreover, to a certain extent, the decline of the Canglan Star and the misery of the human race all the more highlight how valuable you are."

Qiao Ye asked strangely, "Why?"

"Isn't this nonsense?"

Rong Bao said: "You say that the lineage of the phoenix is ​​the lineage of the real dragon, what's the big deal about being a genius?

Are there few geniuses in the family?

To be valued, you need to be talented, extraordinary geniuses can be compared, and people with innate bloodlines like Xiefeng can't be ignored. Therefore, geniuses in their prime are worthless, but your human race is now a pile of useless wood. You are the only one who can cross the primordial void, does it mean that you are one of thousands, a genius among geniuses, or a pervert among perverts?

The worse the situation of the human race, the greater your future and the higher your value. I advise you to bring people from the Phoenix lineage into and out of Canglan Star, otherwise you will never be able to get rid of them in your life. "

Qiao Ye said weakly: "Then is it possible for me to get rid of them now?"

Rong Bao rolled his eyes at the evil phoenix, then spread his hands and said, "Unless you can find a second evil phoenix, you probably won't be able to get rid of it. By the way, let me remind you that the second evil phoenix has to be male. If it is a female, then congratulations, you will have another wife."

"Depend on!"

Qiao Ye couldn't help scolding: "This is the first time I've heard that you have to eat hard!"

"Just be content with it. Anyway, I still have something to eat. I don't want to work hard, but no one wants me."

Rong Bao said: "Let's talk about Ning Xin Breaking Cocoon."

Qiao Ye sneered, and then said: "When the time comes, I will make a list. After you collect the things, I will naturally give you the Ning Xin Po Cocoon Pill."

Rong Bao said dissatisfied: "Brother, you don't believe me."

"Yes, I don't believe you."

Qiao Ye said seriously: "I won't trust anyone in this matter, because it may bring a new disaster to Canglan Star."

"I'm not that kind of person."

Rong Bao was silent for a while, and then said: "However, I can understand your worry, I will not go to Canglan Star with you."

Rong Bao understands what Qiao Ye is worried about. If someone can enter and leave the Canglan Star, then there is no need to cooperate with Qiao Ye. If it is just that, Qiao Ye will not worry too much. Just the price difference.

However, the overall strength of the Canglan Star is too weak in front of the masters of the Primordial Void World!

The law of survival of the weak is applicable everywhere, if Rong Bao has evil intentions, why would he make a deal with the human race of Canglan Star?

Rongbao can lead people to snatch it, and even imprison those who can refine the Ningxin Pococoon Pill, forcing them to refine it.

Qiao Ye said: "Although you said that you are not that kind of person, I still advise you, without me taking it with you, it is best not to send people into Canglan Star, they will die!"

"I don't need you to tell me about this, and I won't do it. The human race was strong in the ancient times, and there were many things that were coveted by people. After the void world of Hongmeng faded away, many people thought about going straight to the blue star. , to look for human footprints, but those who went to the blue star, without exception, never came back."

Rong Bao sighed, "Do you think I would be stupid enough to send someone?

However, there is one thing I'm curious about. "

Qiao Ye said, "What are you curious about?"

Rong Bao said: "It is reasonable to say that your human race has not even had a strong man who can cross the primordial void for so many years, so it should be in decline, right?

However, since it has fallen, why haven't the people who entered Canglan Star returned?

You humans shouldn't be able to kill those people, right?

But those people never came back. Why? "

Of course it was because of Evil Beast and Ye Xuan.

If you don't break through the realm of great freedom, those evil beasts alone can swallow people up. Don't forget that before the three realms and nine realms were broken, the two realms of gods and demons were not without great freedom. So what happened?

Even if one breaks through the realm of great freedom, it is just a chance to escape after entering the blue star.

However, it depends on whether Ye Xuan will let those people leave.

Of course, Rong Bao's curiosity is justified, but what would Qiao Ye say?


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