Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1876 Lord of Nine Beats

Chapter 1876 Lord of Nine Beats

"never mind!"

Rong Bao waved his hand indifferently and said: "I can win the ring leader without the Ningxin Pococoon Pill, but I can't win the Throne Ring with the Ningxin Pococoon Pill, so why waste it so much."

While speaking, Rong Bao let his flying carpet land.

In front of Tiandao Mountain, there is a small town, and there are a large number of temporary sheds around the town, forming a market.

Right now, this place is unimaginably bustling. After landing, looking up, the front is completely densely packed with people, a sea of ​​people. If you want to enter the town, you have a feeling of difficulty. You can only follow the flow of people little by little. forward.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "Isn't this too lively?"

"It's like this every time."

Rong Bao said: "Because there are a lot of people gathered, it becomes a natural trading place. This side of the town has already been calculated. You go to the two sides. There are more people in the market. Let's go, find a place to live first. .”

Qiao Ye said: "Do you still have to live here?

Isn't the Throne Arena about to appear? "

"It's about to appear, not already."

Rong Bao raised his head and pointed to the strange appearance in the sky, saying: "When the appearance of the strange appearance is as short as three to five days, and as long as seven or eight days, the throne ring will definitely appear."

Qiao Ye looked around and said, "There are so many people, do you think we can find a place to live?"

Rong Bao said: "This is what you said, have you forgotten who I am?"

Qiao Ye said, "Little bee?"

Rong Bao almost spit out a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth and said, "Master Tongbaozhai! We have a place here in Tongbaozhai, okay?"

Qiao Ye said: "The young master of Tongbaozhai can't be a little bee?"

Rong Bao gritted his teeth and said: "Even if it is possible, bees are bees, why add a small word?

Look where I'm getting smaller all over my body? "

Qiao Ye said: "I haven't seen it, how do I know whether it's small or not?"


Rong Bao grabbed Qiao Ye and said, "Let's go find the hut!"

Xiefeng suffocated laughter behind the two of them, almost suffocating herself, pulled Xiaoji to laugh and said, "Why don't you laugh?"

Xiaoji looked at Xiefeng with a puzzled face, is this a funny thing?

Xiefeng looked helpless, well, sure enough, the one who popped out of the rock had a good laugh.

Soon, Qiao Ye and the others arrived at Tongbaozhai's shop in the town. When a shopkeeper saw Rongbao, he immediately leaned over and said, "Young master, you are finally here. If you don't come again, master You must kill me."

Rong Baoman said nonchalantly: "What's the hurry, hasn't the Throne Ring appeared yet?"

The shopkeeper said: "The abnormality has come out, the throne ring will appear at any time, we must hurry up, you haven't won the ring yet."

Rong Bao said: "I still want to take my brother around."

The shopkeeper said anxiously: "Can you go shopping after taking the champion?"

Qiao Ye sat aside indifferently and said, "I don't have anything to buy, and I'm more interested in Tiandao Arena than in the market here."

Rong Bao thought for a while and said: "Okay, give me the list, who is the current Nine Beaters?"

The shopkeeper hurriedly took out a piece of paper from the counter and handed it to Rong Bao, saying, "It's been prepared a long time ago."

Rong Bao glanced at the list.

The first challenger...

This is nothing to look at, the leader of the first round is still the devil dragon Qingmei.

The master of the second round was also from the lineage of the real dragon, Jin Jiu from the lineage of the five-clawed golden dragon. This guy also went to Fengming City to recruit relatives, but nothing happened, and then he ran back to Tiandao Mountain to defend the ring.

The host of the third round turned out to be from the lineage of the real dragon, from the lineage of the Qinglong.

"Good guy!"

Rong Bao said: "Those long worms are a bit arrogant recently, the first three are all theirs?"

Xiefeng smiled and said, "Demon dragon doesn't count, does it?"

"Oh yes!"

Rong Bao said: "She doesn't count!"

Qiao Ye said, "Why, isn't he a dragon?"

"It's a dragon."

Rong Bao said: "However, the lineage of the magic dragon is also called the dragon of exile. Outsiders don't know the specific reason, but since ancient times, the lineage of the magic dragon has drifted away from the dragon clan, and even, We haven't dealt with the Dragon Clan very much yet, although the blood of the Demon Dragon is undoubtedly a real dragon, but the contradictions between the two sides are very big, and there are many conflicts."

After Rong Bao finished speaking, he continued to look down.

The fourth is the lineage of ghosts, the fifth is the lineage of Bingfeng, the sixth is the lineage of Fengling, the seventh is the lineage of Qiongqi, the eighth is the lineage of Yuanhai, and the ninth is the lineage of gold. Iron people.

The Beast Clan is still the most powerful. Out of the nine masters, five are Beast Clans, among which the True Dragon is the most ruthless. Even if the Demon Dragon is not counted among them, they still snatched the two masters.

Rong Bao said: "However, many of them are soy saucers. Some of the people who can become the champions have not yet exerted their strength. Many of them are just to join in the fun."

Qiao Ye rolled his eyes and said, "Are you putting gold on your face?"

Rong Bao said angrily: "My uncle just wants to fight. Among these gangsters, who can beat me?"

Qiao Ye said: "Demon Dragon!"

Rong Bao almost choked to death, and then said: "She doesn't count, good men don't fight with women."

Qiao Ye said: "Five-clawed golden dragon!"

Rong Bao almost choked to death again, and then said: "He doesn't count, I don't lock men up by force."

Qiao Ye spread his hands and said, "Then tell me which one of the nine champions is the eunuch. Anyway, except for the eunuch, you can't fight men or women."

Xiefeng grabbed Xiaoji's wrist and tried her best to endure it. She is a professional and usually doesn't laugh unless she can't help it.

Qiao Ye said, "How many rounds do you want to play?"

Rong Bao thought for a while and said, "Except for the first two rounds, it's actually okay. However, if you want to deal with it well, I have absolute confidence in the fourth, sixth, and ninth rounds."

Qiao Ye said, "Then let's go?"

Rong Bao said: "What's the hurry, let's talk about it after a meal, when can't we fight?

Besides, now that the fight is over, it's very troublesome to have to defend the ring later. "

Rong Bao didn't care much about Tiandao Arena, if his father didn't force him to come, Rong Bao would rather lie at home and bask in the sun.

However, the emperor was not in a hurry with the eunuch, and the shopkeeper hurriedly said, "I'm going to prepare the food and drink now, my young master, little ancestor, can you go to the beating immediately after eating?"


Rong Bao waved his hand and said, "Go after eating, it's done."

The shopkeeper went to prepare the food and drink, Rong Bao led the people towards the inner hall, then quietly waited for Qiao Ye to leave, then leaned over to Xiefeng and whispered: "What should you do?"

Xiefeng said: "What should I do?"

"You also want to fight the throne ring."

Rong Bao said: "With your current status as a little maid, will you go directly to the ring later?

Wasn't it recognized at a glance, and you still want to hide it from Qiao Ye? "

Xiefeng was a little tangled, because this matter was beyond her expectations.


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