Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1878 There Is Someone in the Throne Arena

Chapter 1878 There Is Someone in the Throne Arena

To put it simply, the member of the Yuanhai clan seemed to have tried his best, but Qiongqi on the opposite side obviously hadn't done his best yet.

However, Qiao Ye didn't care.

Qiao Ye didn't really want to fight the opponent, but needed a chance to make contact, and if the opponent was in the ring, Qiao Ye couldn't make contact with the opponent unless Qiao Ye was in the ring.

Well, it doesn't matter if the opponent is shot down, Qiao Ye can go directly to find someone.

But Qiao Ye felt that it would take some time. Although the Yuanhai people were defeated, they were still far away from defeat.

Rong Bao said: "Actually, if it is in a place with water, such as the sea, the Yuanhai people are very strong, and Qiongqi is definitely not an opponent, but in the ring, the Yuanhai people can also play six or seven points." strength."

Qiao Ye nodded, there's no rush, you can wait until the fight is over.

But at this moment...

Below the mountain road, there was a sudden exclamation.

Qiao Ye and the others were also attracted to the attention, and they couldn't help but look down the mountain road.

Rong Bao shouted, "What's the matter?"

"How do I know what's going on?"

Qiao Ye suddenly frowned and said, "Look at the sky!"

At this moment, everyone looked towards the sky one after another.

In the sky, the five-colored radiance floated, which was significantly more intense than before. Immediately afterwards, countless golden lights came from all directions, gathering continuously at the top of Tiandao Mountain.

"Fuck, shit, shit..." Rong Bao widened his eyes and said, "No way!"

Qiao Ye said, "What's the situation?"

Xiefeng said: "The Throne Ring is about to appear."

"Is this a joke?"

Rong Bao said frantically: "I haven't fought yet, I'm not the master yet."

Qiao Ye said: "Didn't you say before that after the out-of-phase appears, it will take two or three days at the shortest time, or seven or eight days at the most, before the Throne Arena will appear?"

"Yeah, it's always been like this!"

Rong Bao said: "We rushed here after we saw the abnormality in Sin City, and it only took a day and a half. There should be plenty of time. According to common sense, the throne ring should appear tonight at the earliest, and there is a high probability that it will be tomorrow. Only then will it be possible.”

When Rong Bao was talking, the golden light continuously condensed in the sky, and unexpectedly, within a short period of time, it condensed into the appearance of a ring.

As Xiefeng said, the Tiandao Arena is really about to appear, and it is gradually taking shape at this moment.


Rong Bao knelt down directly, grabbed his hair and rubbed it vigorously, and in the blink of an eye, he rubbed his head into a chicken coop.

"It's over this time."

Rong Bao said: "If you can't win the ring, you can't play the throne ring. After returning, my father insists on chopping me up and drinking!"

After Rong Bao finished speaking, he shouted to the two people on the seventh ring: "His grandma, you two will fight with me, and I will fight you both. If you lose, get out of here."

Qiao Ye glanced at Rong Bao and said, "Do you think there is still time?

Besides, can the rules of the Tiandao Arena be one against two? "

"It's over!"

Rong Bao said with tears in his eyes, "It's really over this time."

At this moment...

"Look, why is there a person sitting on the throne ring?"

Someone suddenly shouted in surprise, attracting everyone's attention.

The throne arena has not yet been fully revealed, but it is taking shape very quickly, and it should be fully revealed within ten breaths.

But at this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that there was a person sitting on the edge of the throne ring!

That person seemed to be unreal, and along with the golden arena, he slowly took shape from the golden light.


Qiao Ye's eyes widened sharply, showing an incredulous expression.

"Jiang Liuxue?"

The person sitting by the edge of the ring looked exactly like Jiang Liuxue, or...

This guy is Jiang Liuxue?

Qiao Ye was dumbfounded. Jiang Liuxue should have fallen into the void and died. Why did she appear here?

at the same time……

The throne ring was also formed at this moment, a piece of gold, and then Jiang Liuxue stood up directly, standing on the edge of the ring, watching condescendingly.

"All of you can enter the throne!"

In the next moment, on the throne ring, a large piece of golden light suddenly burst out, swinging towards the tearing face in all directions.

After the golden radiance joined together, it fell from the sky like a golden silk cloth, as if it wanted to completely cover Tiandao Mountain.

Everyone on Tiandao Mountain was puzzled, but at this moment...

Among the crowd at the foot of the mountain, some people seemed to have doubts, and they didn't want to stay under the golden light of the throne ring, so they jumped up directly, wanting to rush out of the golden light.

But the moment his body touched the golden light curtain...


A shrill scream sounded suddenly!

The golden radiance fell, and actually passed directly through the man's body, and then...

The man's body was chopped into two in an instant, and then fell from the air, hitting the ground fiercely.

The two parts of the body fell to the ground, and the bright red blood flowed continuously, which looked shocking.

There was a moment of silence in the mountain, and then the sound of shouting was everywhere, and it became a mess in an instant.

Someone pointed at Jiang Liuxue on the throne ring and cursed or questioned her.

Someone directly attacked the light curtains that were approaching, trying to break through a gap.

And Joey...

Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

Black smoke instantly rose from Qiao Ye's feet, and then wrapped Qiao Ye's body.

Almost instantly, a strong aura erupted from Qiao Ye's body.


Click, click, click!

The crisp sound continued to appear, and then...

Behind Qiao Ye, a pair of huge ice crystal wings spread out, ice crystal horns appeared on the forehead, ice crystal thorns appeared one by one on the elbows, knees, and back, and the gauntlets and boots of the ice crystal armor turned into claws look like.

After being enchanted, Qiao Ye didn't hesitate at all, the ice crystal wings on her back flapped, and immediately after, Qiao Ye jumped into the air.


Rong Bao shouted, "Where are you going!"

Qiao Ye ignored Rong Bao, but went straight to the sky. Right now, Qiao Ye only had Jiang Liuxue in his eyes.

Xie Feng slapped Rong Bao and said, "Hurry up and follow!"


Rong Bao agreed and threw out his flying carpet. After Xiaoji and Xiefeng stepped on it, the flying carpet quickly lifted into the air and chased after Qiao Ye.

At the same time, Qiao Ye had already arrived at the front of the throne ring. Looking at Jiang Liuxue, Qiao Ye swung his halberd without hesitation.

The next moment, the ice crystal wings on Qiao Ye's back suddenly spread out, and the surrounding frost and fog surged, and countless ice cones flew in the direction of Jiang Liuxue.


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