Bachi raised his head and looked towards the sky, and then saw thunderbolts continuously falling towards him.

Boom, boom, boom!

The thunder hit Ba Chi continuously, and then Ba Chi's body was scorched black, and countless arcs were entangled.

Ba Chi looked at Qiao Ye in astonishment and said, "Why is deprivation of the five senses useless to you?"

"He's quite big, but he has no brains." Rong Bao said contemptuously, "I'm a spirit body. I've abandoned my body, and you deprived me of my five senses? Do you think spirit bodies have five senses? I use the sixth sense." !"

Qiao Ye closed her eyes at the moment, curled the corners of her mouth and said, "I know how to see!"

Ba Chi was stunned for a moment, then roared again, waving his tentacles and sweeping around!

To say that Ba Chi is unlucky, the deprivation of the five senses is one of his bottom-line abilities, and the deprivation of the five senses is actually very strong, if you can't feel anything, it is naturally difficult to fight.

It's a pity that Ba Chi, who was unlucky, happened to meet two opponents who were not afraid of this move.

Facing the sweeping tentacle, Rong Bao transformed his body into a virtual spirit again, and then, the tentacle penetrated Rong Bao's body.

"Spirit Prison!"

Rong Bao roared angrily, raised his hands, and immediately after that, six beams of light appeared again, but this time it wasn't the tentacles that blocked, but directly blocked Ba Chi's body.

"Qiao Ye!" Rong Bao roared, "Fuck him!"

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw the black halberd into the air, stuffed a Ning Xin Po Cocoon pill into her mouth, and then clenched her fists.

Breaking the sky and breaking the earth, the punch is the same: the whole body is penetrated with one punch, the supremely powerful person can open up the world, shatter the void, and cross the realm. , Hence the name: Fist out of no two.


The moment Qiao Ye clenched her fists, she roared angrily, and then black smoke gushed out of her body continuously.

In an instant, the black smoke billowed and became extremely violent, and then the black smoke shot up into the sky, turning into huge black smoke columns!

The aura on Qiao Ye's body was soaring crazily, and Ba Chi felt a bit of fear at the moment, after all, the aura erupting from Qiao Ye's body at this moment was too terrifying.

After all, this was Qiao Ye's desperate punch!

next moment...

Qiao Ye took a step in the air, raised her fist and blasted forward!

The huge black smoke column collapsed like a huge black waterfall, and soon, the flowing black smoke condensed into a huge smoke fist, which hit Ba Chi from top to bottom.

Ba Chi quickly gathered the tentacles together and folded them in front of him, like a big net, but...


The fist hit Ba Chi's tentacles, making a loud noise, and then Ba Chi's tentacles were broken in an instant.

Countless pieces of shattered tentacles scattered around, hitting the deck continuously, but the huge fist of smoke did not intend to stop, but continued to move forward, and slammed heavily on Ba Chi's body.

In an instant, Ba Chi's body was completely sunken into a big hole visible to the naked eye, and his huge body was directly pressed against the deck, and his body was constantly squeezed.

"Impossible..." Ba Chi was in pain, with incredulous words in his words: "How could I lose to two brats..."


At this moment, the place hit by the giant fist of smoke suddenly exploded.

A large piece of black blood splashed out, like a heavy rain, splashing crazily on the deck.

Rong Bao fell back to the deck from the sky, trying to get rid of the spirit state, but at this moment...

"Don't take it lightly!" Qiao Ye shouted, "This guy is not dead yet!"

Rong Bao was stunned for a moment, and quickly became vigilant, but the two waited for about a quarter of an hour, but there was no movement from Ba Chi, only blood flowed down the deck, and then fell from the hull towards the sea, like a waterfall .

"Hey!" Rong Bao shouted at Qiao Ye: "Brother, you've been beaten like this, you should be dead, right?"

Qiao Ye also showed doubts on his face.

If Ba Chi is dead, his jade card should be able to absorb the martial soul value, but there is no movement right now, which naturally means that Ba Chi is not dead.

However, if you are not dead...

Qiao Ye glanced at Ba Chi, a big hole was punched out of this guy's head, his body was like a balloon, but now it's completely deflated, countless fluids mixed with blood flowed out, and some internal organs were also mixed in .

To this extent...

It seems that no matter how powerful the regenerative ability is, it should be completely dead.

But how could there be no martial soul value absorbed?

With doubts, Qiao Ye gestured to Rong Bao to be calm, then came to Ba Chi's body, observed it carefully, and then confirmed that this guy was indeed dead.

"Should be dead." Qiao Ye frowned, still feeling something was wrong, but couldn't tell, so he could only say, "Call someone up, let's explore the ship."

Rong Bao said: "Hey, think about it clearly, I won't be able to re-enter after the spirit body state is released."

"Understood." Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "I miscalculated, I should have asked one more question just now."

Rong Bao left the spirit state and said, "What's the problem?"

Qiao Ye said: "What is his purpose of attacking this ship?"

Evil beasts should not need wealth, let alone ships to sail on the sea. In this case, what is the purpose of Ba Chi attacking ships? Will it be related to the Kuroshio?

at the same time……

The bottom of the golden ship...


Suddenly, there was a sound of something breaking, and then a crack appeared on the bottom of the boat.

The crack quickly became bigger and turned into a hole. A white jade-colored octopus the size of a palm came out of the hole.

"Little ghost, we will see you again."

The octopus waved its tentacles and quickly swam towards the deep sea.

On the other side, Rong Bao called the others up, while Qiao Ye entered the cabin.

The cabin was severely damaged, Bachi's tentacles spread all over the cabin, and everything they passed was destroyed.

At this moment, after Ba Chi's death, Ba Chi's tentacles began to shrivel rapidly.

Bloody water and a large amount of seawater ooze from the tentacles, making people feel sick.

Qiao Ye walked along the passage of the cabin for a while, but found nothing, so he could only return to the deck.

"How?" Yizhuo said, "Did you find anything?"

"Nothing was found." Qiao Ye said: "There are a lot of cabins inside, but they are completely destroyed."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he pointed at Ba Chi.

"This guy's body is very huge." Qiao Ye said: "When we first saw this ship, the hull was intact, but it was just a shell, and the inside was already beyond recognition."


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