Rong Bao leaned over to Qiao Ye and whispered, "Brother, your wife already has a weapon family, so what about the gun you found in the weapon book?"

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes and said, "Can you think of something else every day?"

Rong Bao said: "Hey, what you said is wrong, it's not that I don't give money!"

Qiao Ye waved his hand indifferently and said, "I've given it to you."

"Ah?" Rong Bao scratched his head uncomfortable, feeling uncomfortable, and said to Qiao Ye, "How much do you charge?"

Qiao Ye rolled his eyes and said, "Are you sick?"

"I feel bad if you don't take money." Rongbao said: "If you don't take money, it's called a gift, if you take money, it's called a sale. I'm not looking for things, I'm enjoying the joy of trading."

"Oh?" Qiao Ye said, "Then I'll sell you three times the price in the market."

Rong Bao took a breath and said, "Why don't you go grab it?"

"Snatching is not called business, but selling to you is called." Qiao Ye said: "You think about it slowly, whether you like to buy or not."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she ignored the bag, grabbed the rope of the mast, climbed to the top of the mast, and then lay on the top of the mast to bask in the sun.

But at this moment...

"Young master, I'm so excited."

Qiao Ye opened her eyes and found that Xie Feng was actually sitting on the other side of the mast, with two smooth legs hanging down and shaking slightly.

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "Are you there?"

Xiefeng smiled and said, "Jiaer comes up to see the scenery."

Qiao Ye said: "It seems that you have occupied this place first, how about I change a mast?"

"No need." Xie Feng smiled and said, "Young master just lie down."

Qiao Ye nodded, put his arms behind his head as a pillow, closed his eyes and began to bask in the sun.

Life on board is actually pretty boring.

The guy who said that the sea is the home of a good man has never been to the sea in all likelihood.

It is true that when I first went to sea, seeing the magnificent sea, I felt my soul was healed, but after a long time, all that was left was boring and boring.

So, you gotta have some fun for yourself.

Fortunately, after another day of sailing, theoretically, we were near the island that the old drunkard mentioned.

"The area he said was in this area." Qiao Ye looked at the chart, then looked at the sea ahead and said, "But I don't know exactly where it is."

Everything in the blood remains area is not marked on the chart, because serious people don't come to this place at all.

And there is no sign, just relying on the old drunkard's finger, in fact, it is not so easy to find the place accurately.

Don't forget, the sea chart is proportional, and the area covered by the old drunkard's finger is not small.

Qiao Ye couldn't help looking at Xiefeng, Xiefeng smiled and said, "It should be fine."

While talking, Xiefeng took out a porcelain bottle.

This is the treasure that Xiefeng used before. There are bees in the porcelain vase. When Xiefeng opened the porcelain vase, those bees flew out in all directions.

Rong Bao asked curiously: "Are these things flying fast? Why do you feel so unreliable?"

Xiefeng smiled and said, "I bought this at Tongbaozhai."

Rong Bao changed his face instantly and said: "Good baby, absolutely good baby, with this thing, we will definitely find the way, and we will definitely be able to land on the island today."

Qiao Ye sighed and said, "I just realized today what it means to give up a little bit of embarrassment."

However, the complaints belong to the complaints, the bees in the porcelain vase are really useful.

"We found a place." Xiefeng called everyone over, and then said with a strange expression: "However, it always feels that something is not right."

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Xiefeng said: "A lot of boats, a lot of people!"

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously: "There are many boats and people in the blood corpse area?"

Xiefeng said: "That's why it's wrong."

Rong Bao said, "Abandoned ship?"

Xiefeng said: "I can tell whether it is an abandoned boat or not, and there are obviously many people on the island."

"This is a strange thing." Qiao Ye said: "Anyway, let's go and have a look."

The others had no objections, and started sailing in the direction Xiefeng pointed, and soon, an island appeared in front of everyone.

What is quite miraculous is that as Xiefeng said, there are many ships docked around the island, and they are not wrecks of ships, nor are they abandoned ships.

When they came near the island, there was a possibility of running aground if they continued forward, Qiao Ye and Rong Bao threw the anchor into the sea, and then used Yizhuo's safety buckle to send everyone to the island.

Qiao Ye, Rong Bao and Xiao Ji went first, and soon, the three of them landed on the beach of the island.

The moment he landed, watching Ping An Kou fly back to the boat, Qiao Ye raised his nose and sniffed, "It smells like blood."

Rong Bao walked aside, rubbed some sand from the ground and said, "The red one is blood, what's the matter?"

"According to the old drunkard, this should be an uninhabited desert island, and, from the geographical point of view, this place has already entered the deep part of the blood corpse area." Qiao Ye said: "There is no need for merchant ships and security forces Having said that, pirates don't like to come here."

Rong Bao raised his head and said, "There are quite a few pirate ships."

There are many ships around the island, and some of them even directly hang the pirate flag.

Qiao Ye said: "It seems that something happened here."

"This is nonsense." Rong Bao said: "Anyone with a discerning eye knows that there must be some reason for everyone to gather here."

But at this moment...

Behind the rocks on the side, a head secretly lifted up, glanced at Qiao Ye and the others, and then quickly shrank back.

Qiao Ye said, "Did you see it?"

Rong Bao said: "I see."

Xiaoji also nodded.

Qiao Ye said: "You wait here for other people to come over. I'll go and have a look. Since I can't figure out what's going on, just grab someone who knows the situation and come over and ask."

Rong Bao said: "Go and come back quickly."

Qiao Ye nodded, and a plume of black smoke appeared under his feet, and it floated out in the direction of the reef.

The man hiding behind the reef was also the first to notice the black smoke rushing towards him, and immediately got up and ran.

Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and he immediately came to the top of the reef group with black smoke, just in time to see the other party jumping below the reef group.

"Oh? Quite clever."

Qiao Ye jumped directly, jumped off the reefs, and chased after the opponent.

When the man saw it, he sacrificed a treasure immediately: "The wind of the gods!"

The surrounding air suddenly converged, and after wrapping around the man's body, the man's speed instantly increased by a few minutes.

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, the speed was quite fast.

As Qiao Ye was thinking, his figure flashed, black smoke billowed up behind him and drifted forward again, chasing behind the other party.


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