Zhang Zhen said speechlessly: "Brother, say it twice!"

Qiao Ye glanced at Zhang Zhen and said, "Say it the third time, is there any problem?"

Zhang Zhen could only tell Xie Feng the matter with a helpless expression.

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao were still discussing the previous topic.

Rong Bao said: "Let's assume that the Yuanhai clan has what those monsters want, so the octopus attacked the ship. Is this inference reasonable?"

"Reasonable!" Qiao Ye nodded and said, "There is such a possibility."

Rong Bao said: "If this inference is reasonable, then there are many possible situations? Let's assume that the things are on the Golden Sea Breeze, and those people from the Yuanhai clan are here to recycle the things. Is there such a possibility? ?”

Qiao Ye said: "It can also be for support, or the thing is in the hands of the Yuanhai Clan. The Golden Sea Breeze came for support, but it was also killed in the end, right?"

"That's right, it's very reasonable." Rong Bao said, "Hey, don't think I'm talking casually. The armed force of a marine general cargo is very terrifying. Generally, there are at least two or three large formations on board. There are still a large number of people in charge of defense, and there may not be any masters above the gods on the Yuanhai Clan's ship before, but on the Golden Sea Breeze, I dare to guarantee you that there are at least fifty masters above the gods. There are at least 20 people who have surpassed the realm of leisurely excursions and can reach the cultivation base of great freedom, and there may be one or two masters who are calm and clear. If the octopus attacked the Golden Sea Breeze before, 100% of them will be educated."

Qiao Ye couldn't help raising her eyebrows and said, "Is it so powerful?"

"It's because you have no concept of what's on board the Maritime General Cargo." Rong Bao said, "The value of the goods on a Maritime General Cargo is at least equal to the value of the goods in the warehouses of ten shops, and there are usually a few more After all, marine groceries tend to lose money, but the business volume is small, but there are still many big businesses, and sea auctions are often held."

At this time, after Ping An detained Qi Ling twice, he finally brought Yizhuo.

Looking at Zhang Zhen, whose skin was blue and swollen from being beaten on the ground, Yi Zhuo couldn't help saying: "What's going on?"

Qiao Ye pointed at Zhang Zhen and said, "Say it again."

Zhang Zhen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and said speechlessly: "Brother, how many people do you have?"

"How can there be so much nonsense." Qiao Ye kicked Zhang Zhen and said, "I'll let you say it again."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she said to Rongbao, "I don't care how many treasures are on the Golden Sea Breeze, I only care about what we are looking for now."

"En!" Rong Bao nodded and said, "No matter what, let's go and have a look first."

Qiao Ye said: "I remember the old drunkard said that it was a cliff near the sea. There was a hole there. I didn't see a cliff near here."

Rong Bao said, "Is there a general direction?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "North."

Rong Bao pouted at Zhang Zhen who was on the ground.

Qiao Ye grabbed Zhang Zhen and said, "Are you finished?"

"It's over, it's over..." Zhang Zhen thought of something, and quickly changed his words: "It's not over, it's not over!"

Qiao Ye said, "Are you finished or not?"

Zhang Zhen said with a mournful face: "After I finish speaking, should I die? I don't want to die. Brothers and sisters, I am an eighty-year-old mother and have a baby to feed. Just let me go."

"You have an old mother for sure, but with your ugly face, can you still have a wife and children?" Rong Bao raised his hand and slapped Zhang Zhen's head and said, "Do as we tell you, and you will be happy." You can live, or I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish now, understand?"

Zhang Zhen hurriedly said: "Understood, understood!"

Qiao Ye said: "Is there a cliff near the sea in the north of this island?"

"Yes!" Zhang Zhen pointed to the side: "There."

Qiao Ye took a look and said, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Zhen said: "Our current location is the northwest, that direction is the north, and the cliff you are looking for is there."

Rong Bao said, "Where did the cliff come from?"

Zhang Zhen said: "It's broken, Jin Qianchen and Huo Tong fought, and then they beat it like this."

"Damn it!" Rong Bao cursed, "Beating so hard? No, those two guys are also on the island?"

Qiao Ye said, "You know him?"

Rong Bao said: "That Huo Tong just heard a little bit about it. Some idlers who have nothing to do, once compiled a top 100 ranking for the pirates and generals of the Hundred Yuan Sea. Huo Tong is called Double Gun General, the general list is fifty-six!"

Xiefeng interfaced and said: "If Huo Tong is not a well-informed person, not many people know about it, so he can be regarded as a famous figure in the sea of ​​​​hundred yuan, but Jin Qianchen's reputation is very big. Jietian's Throne arena takes place once every ten years, and the Lord of the Throne twenty years ago was Jin Qianchen, who is very strong, but what is even more frightening is that he does things insanely, that's why everyone called him He is insane, and some people call him Jin Crazy."

Rong Bao said: "Jin Qianchen is not a native of the Hundred Yuan Sea, but after winning the throne ring twenty years ago, for some reason, he went to the Hundred Yuan Sea as a pirate, and now he is on the list of pirates. Ranked 12th, even though he didn't make it into the top 10, considering Jin Qianchen's age, he can only be regarded as a rising star. Compared with those old immortals, Jin Qianchen's ability to reach the twelfth position is already very powerful .”

Qiao Ye said: "You shouldn't be so flattering, are you? Aren't you also going to fight in the Throne Ring?"

Rong Bao said: "The me who fights with him twenty years ago, I really don't have to be cowardly, isn't it just that I won the one-person throne ring? But, brother, if I fight with him now, then I There are ten chances of being beaten, and it is normal to be beaten, and it is strange not to be beaten."

Qiao Ye thought about it, don't say it, it makes sense.

"However, does it have anything to do with us?" Qiao Ye said: "They robbed their treasures, and we looked for ours, and the two sides were not in the way. Let's go and have a look."

Qiao Ye took the lead and walked towards the place pointed by Zhang Zhen.

The others followed Qiao Ye, and Rong Bao said, "You are right, but that cliff was broken, how can we find something?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said: "It's not a bad thing. The old drunkard said that the cave is quite hidden, but with so many people on the island, no matter how hidden they are, they might be discovered. It's good now, the cliff has been smashed, and the cave's The entrance of the cave has been buried in all likelihood, so if you think about it, the things might still be there.”

Rong Bao said: "So it's a blessing in disguise?"

"Who knows?" Qiao Ye spread out her hands and said, "Let's go and see the situation first."


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