Qiao Ye pondered for a while, but she didn't think about what to say, so she simply didn't say anything.

"Try it!"

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao lay on both sides of the light sphere, and then began to pry the wooden boards of the deck.

The wooden board is already very old, and it can be flipped up easily with a pry, and then...

A red pattern appeared in front of the two of them!

Qiao Ye immediately scolded her in her heart, and she felt that something was wrong!

Think about it, it’s not enough to open the door to enter the cabin, but can you pry the deck? Although Qiao Ye and Rong Bao's intention was actually the ball of light, theoretically speaking, they could also enter the cabin by prying open the deck.

Obviously, the formation of the ship is perfect, there is no such loophole for people to take advantage of.


In the next moment, the roar of the explosion sounded, and flames gushed out of the red pattern, and then Qiao Ye and Rong Bao were blown out.


Rong Bao screamed, fell on his back, rolled continuously on the deck, and hit the mast directly.

After finally getting up from the ground, Rong Bao felt that all the bones in his body were loosened, and then looked at Qiao Ye, who was no better than himself, and directly hit the side rail of the boat.

However, Qiao Ye did not stand up, but sat there blankly.

"Hey, get up!" Rong Bao stepped forward and said, "Isn't it so fragile? Is it okay to take a hit?"

Of course, Qiao Ye didn't die after being hit a bit, but...

Absorbable item found: Fragment of Origin.

When Qiao Ye was blown away, the palm of her hand just touched the ball of light, and then, Qiao Ye discovered that the ball of light could be absorbed by her own jade token.

However, absorbing does not mean taking it away. When I absorb that thing, the light ball enters my body, which is not in line with their original intention of finding something.

And just as Qiao Ye was thinking, Rong Bao's voice brought Qiao Ye back to his senses.

"It's nothing, I suddenly thought of something." Qiao Ye stood up, patted the dust and said, "Don't mess around, let's see if we can enter the cabin first."

"Oh!" Rong Bao agreed, and then said to Yi Zhuo: "Senior, what do you think?"

Yizhuo pondered for a while and said: "The formations on this ship were arranged by experts. There are eleven in total, all over the ship. The eleven formations are one by one, and the formations are interlocked, and the formations are connected, which is very mysterious."

Rong Bao said: "You always directly say whether it can be broken or not."

Yi Zhuo said: "Thirty percent sure."

Qiao Ye said: "If it can't be broken, will there be any impact?"

Yi Zhuo said: "It doesn't matter. The people who set up the array may be afraid of damaging the goods, or there may be other scruples. These arrays are mainly defensive, and the destructive power is not great. If you can't break it, you can't break it." , but there is no need to be afraid that these formations will fold us all here."

Qiao Ye said: "Although the 30% certainty is a bit low, but since it has no effect and there is no other way, then let the seniors give it a try."

Yizhuo nodded and said, "I'll try my best!"

But at this moment...


A roaring sound suddenly appeared, and then the whole cave suddenly trembled.

The ground was shaking, and fine cracks gradually appeared one after another, and countless stone chips fell from the top of the cave.

Everyone held on to the railing of the boat and stood firm. After a while, the movement gradually subsided.

Qiao Ye raised his hand and released a stream of smoke, which drifted towards the cave.

The next moment, Qiao Ye's expression changed slightly and he said: "Someone is coming, and the rubble piled up at the intersection was completely blown away."

"Hahahahahahaha..." At this time, Zhang Zhen, who had been silent all the time, laughed loudly and said, "You are finished, my boss has received my summons and rushed over."

Qiao Ye and the others frowned. They never took Zhang Zhen lightly, and they kept staring at this guy. They didn't expect to send a message under such circumstances. It can only be said that this guy is also a talent.

Rong Bao grabbed Zhang Zhen's hair, pinned him on the railing of the boat, and said, "You really didn't tell the truth, come on, tell me, who is your boss? I want to know, how can I be finished!"

Zhang Zhen suddenly became stiff and snorted coldly, "I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I say it!"

"Hey!" Rong Bao said with a smile: "Come on, tell me, I really want to know what it's like to be scared to death."

Zhang Zhen said: "My boss is Jin Qianchen!"

Rong Bao was stunned for a moment, it turned out to be Jin Qianchen's person?

Zhang Zhen laughed again and said, "Are you afraid? I've said it a long time ago, and I'm afraid I'll scare you to death!"

next moment...

Rong Bao raised his fist and hit Zhang Zhen on the face. With one punch, Zhang Zhen's face was covered in blood and he said, "Scare me? I'm so scared!"

Isn't it Jin Qianchen? Rong Bao said that he is not vain, well, he is still a little vain, but isn't there a big boss like Yizhuo, those weapon spirits are not easy to deal with, and it is obviously not Yizhuo's only one. means.

Besides, although I can't do it myself, there are still evil phoenixes!

Is the Lord of the Throne Ring amazing?

If this year hadn't been terminated suddenly, then the Throne Arena would most likely be Xiefeng...

Well, there is also the girl with green eyebrows that I have been dreaming of, most likely it is the two of them, what is so great about you, Jin Qianchen, who is a former champion.

Rong Bao silently told himself not to panic, but to be tough, and then...


Rong Bao raised his hand again and punched Zhang Zhen in the face, emboldening himself.

at the same time……

In the direction of the entrance of the cave, a large group of people rushed in. It looked like there were at least thirty or forty people. The leader was a rough man with a big beard and a golden knife with nine rings in his hand. .

Zhang Zhen, whose face was covered with blood, suddenly shouted, "Vice Liang, save me!"

Rong Bao stood beside Qiao Ye and said, "Liang Shibao, the chief mate of Jin Qianchen's ship."

Qiao Ye said, "It's a little troublesome."

Rong Bao nodded and said, "It's very troublesome!"

Under normal circumstances, when people come, people come, and if they take something and kill it, it is still unknown who will die, but the troublesome thing now is that Qiao Ye and the others cannot take the light ball away, which means that only Can stick to it.

Rong Bao said: "The good news is that Jin Qianchen is not here?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's indeed good news, but it's not very useful. Even if we can wipe them out, if Jin Qianchen sees that his people won't go back, do you think he will come?"

Rong Bao said: "Then what should we do now?"

"Things must not be let go." Qiao Ye said: "Buy time first, deal with these guys, you should be able to buy some time, and then see if you can break the formation and find a way to take things away."


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