Phantom of the Heavenly Demon: Attract the power of the Heavenly Demon from the void, and form the Phantom of the Heavenly Demon to appear in front of people and fight.

The black smoke billowed continuously in the air, and then turned into a huge demon figure.

That day, the fiend was about fifteen meters tall, with three heads and six arms. It had no ears, no mouth, no nose, but twelve pairs of eyes. It was covered in ancient armor. past.

Boom, boom, boom!

The black beams of light falling from the sky kept hitting the arm of the Heavenly Demon's phantom, and then it was blown apart continuously.

There seemed to be a gust of wind blowing all around, blowing up the surrounding trees and the sand on the ground, and rippling them in all directions.

When the black beam of light in the Falun dissipated, the Heavenly Demon Void slapped Jin Qianchen fiercely, and knocked Jin Qianchen down from the air.


Jin Qianchen smashed directly towards the surface of the sea, smashing a huge hole in the surface of the sea, and the waves rolled up, pushing away all the ships moored around.

Qiao Ye's chest was heaving, and at this moment, his gaze was like a wild beast, looking in the direction of Jin Qianchen, suddenly jumped up, jumped onto a boat, and then used all his strength.

With a bang, the ship was pried up directly under the huge force, and the bow sank towards the sea, while Qiao Ye jumped into the sky and came directly to the top of Jin Qianchen.


Qiao Ye roared, and the phantom of the demon behind him turned into a large cloud of black smoke again, covering and falling in the direction of Jin Qianchen.


There was another loud noise from the sea surface, and the hole that was closed just now split open again, and the black smoke directly engulfed Jin Qianchen completely.

The sea surface was completely pierced, and the black smoke turned into a huge smoke column, which directly penetrated to the bottom of the sea.

But, in the next moment...

On the black smoke column, a crack suddenly opened, and a large piece of light burst out from the crack, and then Jin Qianchen roared, and suddenly rushed out of the crack.

Jin Qianchen's speed was very fast. After flying straight into the sky, he collided with Qiao Ye fiercely, and then the two fell from the sky.


The two of them smashed into the sea surface, causing countless waves, one after another water jets shot straight into the sky, and then fell towards the surrounding buildings.

Almost instantly, the surrounding ships were smashed to pieces.


"Damn it, it's not a problem for these two guys to fight like this!"

"It's the lunatic Jin Qianchen again, as long as there is him, there will be no good things."

"Don't talk about these useless things, hurry up and think of a way, let these two guys continue to fight, our boat will be useless, and everyone will be trapped on the island and can't get away, and no one can get anything good !"

The commotion between Qiao Ye and Jin Qianchen was so loud that people from the shore kept coming to hear the noise, but as soon as they arrived, they felt dizzy.

There are a large number of ships docked in the coastal waters in this direction. Every time Qiao Ye and Jin Qianchen collide, some ships will be destroyed. Therefore, if the fight continues like this, there will only be a pile of wooden boards left in this place. Everyone, don't worry. want to leave.

"What else can we do now? Of course, do it!" A one-eyed burly man dragged his knife to the front of the crowd and said, "Let's go together, stop these two guys, if you can kill them, kill them, if you can't kill them, stop them Continue to fight, if they don't listen, force them to fight on the island and have to save the ship."

The one-eyed strong man seemed quite authoritative, and after he took the lead to speak, everyone nodded one after another.

The one-eyed strong man said: "Stop talking nonsense, I'll go first!"

The moment the one-eyed burly man said that, he jumped straight up, and when he fell into the sea, his toes were a little above the sea surface, and his body immediately flew up again, constantly borrowing strength from the sea, and quickly moved forward.

the other side……

Qiao Ye fell from the sky and stepped on a boat, and the boat sank downwards because of Qiao Ye's stepping on it.

At this moment...

Qiao Ye felt something in his heart, and looked behind suddenly, and saw several people rushing behind him.

Someone held a treasure in his hand, but it was a black iron ball covered with thorns. When he threw it forward, the iron ball slammed towards Qiao Ye.

At this moment, Qiao Ye's eyes were already blood red, and everything she saw was blood-red. Seeing the treasure being hit, she turned around and punched it out.

The surrounding black smoke quickly condensed and turned into a huge black fist, which smashed against the treasure.


After a moment of stalemate, the treasure cracked a gap, then fell apart, and was smashed to pieces by Qiao Ye's punch.

Jin Qianchen also said angrily: "Get out of here, don't disturb my interest!"

The one-eyed strong man jumped out of the crowd and said: "Jin Qianchen, if you go crazy, we have nothing to do with it, but don't fight here!"

Jin Qianchen laughed loudly and said, "When does I fight, where do I fight, and how do I want to fight? Who cares? What are you guys?"

As Jin Qianchen spoke, he raised his hand without warning, and directly punched forward.

The one-eyed strong man quickly stretched out his hand and pushed forward. There was a loud noise from the surrounding sea, and two fountains of water gushed out and rushed forward.



The spurting water spring appeared to be vulnerable in front of Jin Qianchen, and Jin Qianchen's punch directly shattered the water spring.

The one-eyed burly man's face changed, and he stepped back several steps.

The one-eyed burly man gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go together, we must stop the two of them, we can't let them go crazy."

The others nodded in agreement, and rushed towards Jin Qianchen.

"Come on!" Jin Qianchen said disdainfully, "I see how many lives you have to die!"

Jin Qianchen jumped up from the boat, faced the two of them head-on, and blasted out his fists. Although the opponent defended, he couldn't resist Jin Qianchen's fist at all, and was blown away directly.

It was originally Qiao Ye and Jin Qianchen fighting, but at this moment it suddenly turned into a chaotic battle.

Jin Qianchen is rebellious and rebellious, he doesn't pay attention to everyone at all, if you don't accept it, you will hit him, and I will follow suit, this is Jin Qianchen's style.

As for Qiao Ye...

He is still in an unconscious state at this moment, and he is more vicious than Jin Qianchen, and he will beat anyone who comes except himself!

There was a sudden storm on the sea, and those individuals wanted to save their own boats, but after such a commotion, those boats were destroyed even faster.

at the same time……

Xiefeng and the others finally rushed out of the cave.

Looking at the chaotic battle in the distance, Rong Bao couldn't help but said: "What's the situation? Why are they all fighting? Where did Qiao Ye go?"

Xiefeng pouted to one side and said: "The center of that group of people is being besieged!"


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