"No waste, can't such a little thing be done well?"

With the appearance of the arm, a hoarse voice sounded, and then, the arm pushed the soil away, and drilled out from the ground bit by bit.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath...

It's an evil beast!

It was a human-shaped evil beast, about two meters tall, with naked body, but the body was covered with gray-white bone fragments, which almost completely wrapped the body. It had a single horn on its forehead, and its feet were in the shape of a beast. , one arm is a normal human hand, and the other arm hangs down to the ground, it is a bone whip.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, looked at him and said, "Who are you?"

The evil beast in front of him has a powerful aura, which is definitely not inferior to the eight chi beasts he has seen before. This is another terrifying evil beast that is comparable in strength to the six evil beasts of Canglan Star!

"You can call me Broken Bone!" Broken Bone looked at Qiao Ye and said, "I know you, that human being who ran out from Canglan Star, I heard that Zhu Huai and Gu Diao are all dead?"

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows and said, "How do you know?"

Broken Bone paused for a moment, then laughed again and said, "Do you really think you killed Ba Chi?"

Qiao Ye was startled, that guy is not dead? I checked the body myself, and it was obviously cold.

Broken Bone twisted his neck and said, "It's useless to talk, do you want something?"

While talking, Broken Bone stretched out his fingers to swipe across the ball of light, and then his fingers easily passed through the ball of light.

Broken Bone looked at Qiao Ye and said, "If you want something, make me unable to stand up first."

While talking, Broken Bone walked forward. Wang Jun, Sun Qian and Jin Shi also stood on both sides of Broken Bone.

Qiao Ye couldn't help frowning, feeling something was wrong.

Originally thought that the three of Sun Gan were controlled by other witches, but now it seems that they are getting involved with the evil beast? Or, is it because the Wu Clan and the Evil Beast got mixed up?

at the same time……

Xiao Ji, Qingmei and Rong Bao also moved closer to Qiao Ye's side.

Rong Bao said, "That dead octopus?"

"Hmm!" Qiao Ye bared his teeth, "This guy might be stronger than that octopus."

"Afraid of a fart." Rong Bao spit on the ground, showing a bit of a fierce look: "At first, he was at sea and couldn't show his strength, but this time he is on the ground. Even if he is stronger than that octopus, he will still be given to him." chopped into pieces."

Qingmei had never seen Bachi before, so she couldn't help but wondered: "What are you talking about? It has something to do with that monster?"

"This guy is an evil beast..." Qiao Ye said: "I can't explain it clearly in a few words. Anyway, it's troublesome. The strategy is to divide and attack. I will hold him back, and you will kill the other three first."

Broken Bone laughed loudly and said, "You know what? Everyone thought they had a strategy before they were killed."

After Broken Bone finished speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Get rid of them and you will live, otherwise you will all die!"

The expressions of Sun Qian and the three became gloomy, and then they walked forward slowly.

For the three of them, advancing and retreating is death!

If they couldn't stop Qiao Ye and the others, they would definitely die, but if they tried to intercept, although they were quite afraid of Qingmei, there was still a chance of survival.

Qiao Ye also said decisively: "Go!"

Xiao Ji appeared in front of Sun Qian at the first moment, the earth spirit was facing the origin of the earth, even though Sun Qian's cultivation might be slightly higher than that of Xiao Ji, but the backgrounds of the two determined that Sun Qian could not be Xiao Ji's at all. Opponents, one is just an earth spirit, a creature born from the origin of heaven and earth born from the soil, and the other side is a creature born from the first piece of soil in this world—the rare earth of Hongmeng!

The concept of both is like...

Xiao Ji is fully qualified to be Sun Qian's ancestor!

On the other side, Qingmei walked towards Wang Jun, his eyes turned cold and he said: "I heard that all the ghosts are people who have died once, I really want to know, can I kill people who have died once? It should be a very interesting thing.”

Wang Jun licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes gloomy.

In fact, Wang Jun has never fought against Qingmei, and he has never even seen Qingmei make a move. However, the name of a person, the shadow of a tree, can sweep Duoliu Jietian, and the dragon who has always been sitting on the first ring, the other His strength will definitely not be blown out by others.

Rong Bao naturally found Jin Shi, and after looking at her for a while, he suddenly burst out laughing.

The hairpin on the head, the bracelet on the wrist, the sachet on the waist, the ruby ​​ring on the fingertips, the gold-studded jade earrings on the ears, the clothes on the body, and the pair of goose yellow embroidered shoes, It can be said that Jin Shi's whole body is full of treasures, and it can also be seen that Jin Shi is rich and powerful. You must know that with Rong Bao's eyesight, it is natural to see these objects at a glance. All of them are not ordinary goods, half of them are first-class , and the remaining half are even treasures of the first rank or higher.

"A very smart woman, she is not strong enough, so here are the treasures!" Rong Bao laughed loudly, and then unexpectedly broke away from the state of the spirit body, returned to the normal form, opened the folding fan, pointed to the golden poem and said, "But it's a pity, you bumped into me!"

No one can be richer than Rongbao!


As if he had found something interesting, Rong Bao took out a lot of treasures and threw them on the ground, then looked at Jin Shi.

"I'll compare you to a treasure!"

at the same time……

Qiao Ye also met Broken Bone, and moved her body slowly with small steps.

Qiao Ye looked at Broken Bone and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's not what we want to do, but what the world needs us to do." Broken Bone said with a smile, "We just follow the destiny."

Destiny? Ye Xuan?

"Oh, by the way, I know what you're thinking." Broken Bone laughed and said, "He's already in the past tense, and today's fate is not with him!"

The moment the broken bone words fell, with a sudden force, he rushed out towards Qiao Ye, raised his fist and slammed towards Qiao Ye's face.

Nine-turn golden body!

Qiao Ye's body was full of golden light, and then he raised his arms to resist.

The next moment, Qiao Ye felt a huge force coming from him, causing Qiao Ye's expression to change slightly. The bone-crushing fist pierced through the golden light of the nine-turn golden body and hit Qiao Ye's arm!


With the dull sound of collision, Qiao Ye was sent flying, hitting the wall of the courtyard, and his whole body was embedded in it.

Broken Bone smiled and said, "I heard that you killed Ghost Che and Xing Ming, why do I not believe it?"

While talking, Broken Bone stretched out a finger and shook it towards Qiao Ye, which was full of provocation.

Qiao Ye didn't pay attention to the broken bones, but began to invoke the aura contained in the surroundings. Soon, with the aura fluttering, the Wanfa spiritual map emerged behind Qiao Ye, and quickly condensed into shape!


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