Lies are such things that are often difficult to distinguish.

Qiao Ye and the others couldn't tell whether Yizhuo was telling the truth or a lie, but at least from the attitude, everyone could feel Yizhuo's sincerity.

Qiao Ye pondered for a moment and said, "So, your goal is to stop the Kuroshio?"

Yizhuo smiled and said: "I've always said that, haven't I? Moreover, in terms of everyone's current situation, if the Kuroshio breaks out, then everyone will be dead, because there is no way to leave the sea of ​​​​100 yuan. "

Qiao Ye nodded, then looked at the others, and after confirming that there was no problem, Qiao Ye said: "It seems that we have reached a consensus?"

Yizhuo said: "I've always been looking forward to it."

Qiao Ye looked at Qingmei and said, "Let's stop this matter for now, let's go to the place you mentioned."

Qingmei said: "No problem, but, there is no way to move in the void with the ship, let's send two weapon spirits to stay behind."

Rong Bao said: "You can let the ship continue on the original planned route, and find Tongbaozhai's company. What island are we going to?"

"Tianming Island, Fenglei City." Qingmei asked suspiciously: "But if the ship is not on standby, how can we come back?"

Rong Bao immediately put on a smiling face like a blooming chrysanthemum, rubbed his hands together and said, "Miss Qingmei, it's like this, as long as you find the shop in Tongbaozhai, although the treasure that moves in the void is very precious, that's all there is to it." Ah, I'm not talking about your treasure, the treasure you use must be top-notch, it's hard for ordinary people to see..."

Qiao Ye grabbed Rong Bao's collar impatiently, pushed the guy aside and said, "He means that as long as he can find Tongbaozhai's shop, he will take care of it, and, if we can make it in time, we will be able to do it in Tianming Island." Should be able to get other ships too."

Qingmei nodded and said: "In that case, let's go!"

Qingmei took out the treasure, and with the radiance overflowing, it enveloped everyone, and everything around them became blurred.

When the light dissipated, Qiao Ye first heard the sound of the waves. Looking to the side, he could see a large group of reefs and high cliffs.

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye raised his head and looked forward, and his eyes lit up.

"It's the lighthouse!" Qiao Ye pointed to the front and said, "I saw it after I passed out."

Now it can be completely confirmed that Qiao Ye and Qingmei are talking about the same thing.

At the same time, Qiao Ye looked around and said, "We should have caught up this time. In the future picture I saw, a large number of corpses have already appeared in the seaside area."

Qingmei nodded and took the lead towards the lighthouse.

When they came to the lighthouse, they didn't force their way in, they waited behind, while Qingmei stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After a long time, a voice suddenly came from the lighthouse: "Who is it?"

With a shout and a creak, the door of the lighthouse opened, and a man in his forties looked outside.

Qingmei smiled and said, "Uncle Yuan."

Yuan Ke glanced at Qingmei and said, "So it's you, little girl, haven't you already left the island?"

Rong Bao was dissatisfied and said: "Who are you calling little girl..."

Qiao Ye quickly covered Rong Bao's mouth and dragged the guy aside.

In terms of appearance, it doesn't matter if Yuan Ke calls Qingmei a little girl, but in terms of actual age, Qingmei is a demon dragon!

However, Qingmei herself doesn't care, so what are you talking about? Therefore, Qiao Ye decisively told Rong Bao to shut up.

Qingmei smiled and said: "Uncle Yuan, I have something to say when I come back, can you go in and talk about it?"

"Come, come, come, come in!" Yuan Ke was very enthusiastic, he smiled and led everyone into the lighthouse and said, "Sit down first, I'll pour you a cup of tea."

Qingmei said: "Uncle Yuan, we have something very important to do here."

"You can talk slowly about how important things are. The place is a little small, so you can find a place to sit."

While talking, Yuan Ke walked to the back kitchen.

Rong Bao said: "Miss Qingmei, you don't mean to tell this old man about the corpse monster? Shouldn't we go to the city lord now?"

"He is." Qingmei explained: "Tianming Island is a small place. It is not so much a city as a small town on the island. There is no city lord in the broad sense here. The most powerful person on the island It's Yuanke, he selected some good people to form a security team on the island, this lighthouse is where Yuanke lives, it's actually the so-called city lord's mansion."

While talking, Yuan Ke brought a tray with various cups on it, smiled and handed it to everyone: "I'm sitting on the sea salt tea, you can drink and see."

Everyone thanked and took the cups.

After taking a sip, Qingmei said: "Uncle Yuan, do you know corpse monsters?"

"Corpse monster?" Yuan Ke was stunned and said, "I heard about it when I went to Yanlong City. It seems that some fishing boats and cargo ships there were attacked, but I haven't seen it before."

Qingmei said: "Uncle Yuan, soon, there will be a large number of corpses attacking Tianming Island."

"The corpse monster attacked Tianming Island?" Yuan Ke was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Did you make a mistake?"

Qingmei said: "Uncle Yuan, I'm not joking, there will really be corpses coming."

Yuan Ke smiled and said, "Why are there corpses in our poor place? Besides, I heard that those monsters are transformed from dead people, so occasionally corpses will appear on ships that have died at sea, and then attack passing ships. But I have never heard of corpse monsters coming to the island to attack, do those guys know how to drive a boat? They will only float in the sea, even if they come to us by chance, it shouldn’t be a problem, just kill them.”

Qingmei explained: "It's not a corpse monster of that scale."

Yuan Ke said: "What scale is that?"

Qingmei choked.

This is purely a difference in cognition. Yuan Ke obviously doesn't know much about corpse monsters. He is limited to general hearsay. Most of the corpse monsters in the sea area still appear occasionally. There are indeed some troublesome ones, but they are not difficult to deal with. Condition.

As for the contagiousness of the "plague", Yuan Ke obviously didn't understand it, let alone that a group of corpses could turn the entire island into corpses.

Qiao Ye said: "That's enough corpses to kill everyone on the island, the number is too large to count."

"Why are there so many corpses?" Yuan Ke still didn't feel vigilant because of Qiao Ye's words, but asked in confusion: "And, why do you know such things?"

Qiao Ye said, "I saw it."

Yuan Ke was even more puzzled: "See it?"

Qingmei explained: "He has the ability to predict the future, which is divination."

Yuanke laughed, then shook his head.


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