Tianming Island spends one-third of the year in the rainy season, and half of the one-third of the rainy season is rainstorms, and these torrential rains, for the residents of Tianming Island, are Harvest season, because they can get a lot of thunder and rain crystals.

Yuanke is also straightforward. When it is not raining, or even in the normal rainy season, as long as Rongbao is willing to pay enough wages, the people in the town can help all the time, but it is not possible in rainy days. Everyone must collect thunder and rain crystals.

"That's not a problem." Qiao Ye said with a smile: "I've been searching for two days, but I still can't find it. This matter should be slowed down, but I don't know if Senior Yuan has time to come with me?"

Yuan Ke asked doubtfully, "Go for a while? Where are you going?"

Qiao Ye said, "Look at the corpse!"

Yuan Ke laughed, he didn't expect Qiao Ye to give up.

"Okay, if you're free, be free, I'll walk with you!"

Qiao Ye nodded, and said to Yi Zhuo, "Senior, borrow the treasure."

"Use mine." Yuan Ke flicked his hand, and a wine gourd flew out of Yuan Ke's sleeve, and after falling on the ground, it quickly grew in size. Then Yuan Ke smiled and said: "Little friend, please!"

Qiao Ye nodded and sat on the wine gourd. After Yuanke followed closely, the wine gourd flew into the air.

Yuan Ke said: "Little friend, where are we going?"

Qiao Ye said: "Follow the direction of the storm, wherever the clouds are thick, go in that direction."

Yuan Ke couldn't help but said: "Little friend, according to what you mean, could it be that this corpse still fell from the sky? It's going in the direction of Leiyun?"

"Senior, believe it or not, I'm telling the truth." Qiao Ye sighed and said, "Actually, I hope I can't find it, so that nothing will happen."

Yuan Ke hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I don't want to doubt you, but this is a big matter. I can't let the people on the island move because of your one-sided words, especially when the storm is approaching and Tianming Island is in the harvest season. The people on the island are looking forward to it every day and waiting for the storm to come, but I want them to leave the island, and they may not listen to me without an explanation."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "That's why we are here."

Yuan Ke nodded, no more words, but urged the wine gourd to move forward.

The rainstorm is approaching, the sky is gradually changing, and the sea surface is gradually feeling rough, with the waves constantly churning.

Yuan Ke is quite happy, this situation means that the storm may be quite terrifying, but a terrible storm is not a bad thing in Tianming City, because Tianming Island can harvest more thunder and rain crystals.

But Qiao Ye was not very happy, because he still got nothing.

There was no trace of the corpse at all.

"Is the corpse monster farther away?"

If the zombies really came with the storm, the journey would only take a few days at most, but now Qiao Ye and Yuanke are using the flying boat, and in just three hours, the distance by sea is almost three to five days.

Yuan Ke said: "Little friend, it's almost dark, and the storm trend is becoming more and more obvious. The flying treasure has been greatly affected. I think it's almost the same. How about we go back?"

Qiao Ye is not very reconciled, because, apart from letting Yuanke see the corpse monster with his own eyes, he really has no other way to win Yuanke's trust, but the current situation is in front of him, there is no trace of the corpse monster. Qiao Ye admitted that he could not prove everything he said.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, she looked down and said, "That whirlpool!"

Yuan Ke glanced down, and then said: "In stormy weather, the water flow is unstable, and a vortex will form when it hits a low-lying area, or some sea beasts pass by below, disturbing the current and causing the vortex to form. This is not surprising. things."

What Yuan Ke said was the truth, but Qiao Ye preferred the latter!

Because, Qiao Ye thought of something!

Corpse monsters are not just humans!

"Then give it a try!"

God of War map!

Sky False Blade!

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Void Blade of the Void: Call the energy of the whole body, penetrate the sky and the sky, draw all things in the world for your own use, coincide with the realm of heaven and man, shatter the void with one blow, and destroy everything.

Qiao Ye let out a low snort, then raised her arms high!

A large cloud of black smoke quickly appeared in Qiao Ye's palm, and it kept churning, turning into a black halberd and falling into Qiao Ye's palm.

A feeling of terror arises!

A breath directly penetrated the world, and the breath contained in all things in the world converged in the direction of Qiao Ye.

An extremely heavy sense of oppression, like a hill!

Yuan Ke showed a bit of surprise, marveling at Qiao Ye's strength.

Although Yuanke is very strong, the strongest person on Tianming Island, he is only at the peak of the divine realm, and does not yet have the strength to cross the void of the primordial realm.

And strength is sometimes good evidence!

If Yuan Ke knew that Qiao Ye was so strong from the beginning, he would naturally trust Qiao Ye a little more.


Was there really a zombie attack?

And when Yuanke was thinking...


A bang!

Qiao Ye had already chopped the raised black halberd forward.

Almost instantly, a terrifying ray of light broke through the sky and the earth, piercing through the sky. In an instant, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and a huge crack in the void appeared, in which the chaotic haze appeared.

That blow was extremely terrifying, and it tore a piece of this space apart violently.

In the void crack, the incandescent light is extremely dazzling, like a shining ribbon, like a flowing galaxy, illuminating the pitch-black color under the void crack.


A light blade carrying a terrifying aura broke through the cracks in the void, and fell crazily, as if cutting the sky into pieces, and fell towards the bottom!

As Qiao Ye's black halberd fell, the light blade also slashed suddenly!


The second loud bang appeared at this time!

The light blade slashed fiercely on the vortex below, and then amidst the loud noise, the sea surface was split open by the blow, and the rolled up waves were tens of meters high.

That feeling is really frightening.

Yuan Ke pouted, but was also speechless, completely unable to understand why Qiao Ye would do such a thing.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, and he pointed down, "Look below!"

Yuan Ke looked towards the sea suspiciously, and then saw white waves turning up in the sea, and then, a huge sea beast came out of the sea.

"The stickleback beast?" Yuan Ke was stunned and said, "This is rare. There have never been any large sea beasts in the waters near Tianming Island. How could this behemoth appear here?"

Qiao Ye said in a deep voice, "Look at the sea beast's back and its mouth!"


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