Benlei Tiger Soul plus Thunderbolt!

These two treasures are a type that complements each other perfectly, and the thunder treasure also has a high demand for the environment. Now that the stormy weather is coming, is there any better time than using these two treasures?

King of Thunder and Lightning: Infuse thunder into one's body and enter the state of King of Thunder and Lightning. The duration is as long as a cup of tea. Using thunder treasures, skills, and martial arts can double the power.

Qiao Ye let out a low snort!

The thunder that rolled around suddenly came towards Qiao Ye, and quickly entered Qiao Ye's body.


Qiao Ye was hit by the thunder, and her hair stood on end. Thunder was entwined around her body. The thunder light that was constantly emitting wrapped around Qiao Ye's body, making Qiao Ye look like a blue sun.

next moment...

Thunderbolt Tiger Soul, Tiger Stripe Thunder God!

Tiger-pattern Thunder God: Attracts thunder and thunder from heaven and earth, and can control thunder to fight within a certain period of time.

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, then raised his fist and slammed down.


Accompanied by Qiao Ye's punch, the sound of electric current surged continuously, and then a stream of electric current condensed from Qiao Ye's fist and fell downward.

The electric current made a sound of "Zi, Zn", and at the same time it fell, it continuously transformed into a solid body, and soon, it turned into a thunder tiger, running crazily in the air, and swooped down.

The surrounding thunder followed in an instant, following the thunder tiger's whereabouts continuously.

In an instant, a waterfall of thunder appeared in the sky, falling crazily downward.


After a while, with a loud noise, the Thunder Waterfall shot down and hit the sea.

Amidst the loud noise, the surface of the sea exploded directly, and even the bottom of the sea could be vaguely seen. The sea beast corpse wandering in the sea was also blown away by the blow, and it kept churning in the sea!


Yuan Ke let out a low growl at this moment, unsheathed the sword in his hand, and pointed the sword downward.

"Heavenly Dragon Sword Art!"

Amidst Yuan Ke's roar, the sword stabbed downwards, and then the sword light was cold and burst out.

The silver sword light fell and directly turned into a silver dragon, surrounded by countless sword qi, and as the silver dragon fell, it continued to surge towards the surroundings.

Puff puff……

The sword energy entered the sea, making muffled sounds continuously!

Yuan Ke also put in a fight, this move is definitely his most powerful sword move at the bottom of the box.

At this time, Qiao Ye turned over, fell back on the wine gourd, and said to Yuan Ke: "Senior, let's go, the level of seat road is almost the same, I believe it should be able to delay for several hours."

Yuan Ke nodded, without saying much, urged the wine gourd to turn around, and quickly flew back towards Tianming Island.

Back on Tianming Island, Qingmei and the others were waiting outside the lighthouse. After seeing the two of them coming back, they immediately stepped forward and asked, "How is it?"

Yuan Ke patted his thigh and sighed: "I regret that I never listened to you!"

"Ha!" Rong Bao said happily, "Old man, have you seen the corpse monster?"

Qiao Ye waved her hand to signal Rong Bao to shut up, and then said to Yuan Ke, "Senior, let's go to town first!"

Yuan Ke nodded and said, "I'll go ahead!"

Yuan Ke was very anxious, and hurried towards the town.

Those corpse monsters will arrive at Tianming Island in two or three days at most, and there is not much time left for Yuanke. Therefore, what Yuanke said was the truth. Now he regrets not listening to Qiao Ye and others in the first place. It would take two more days to evacuate. Moreover, it was not a rainstorm two days ago, and it was easy to sail in calm weather. Evacuation is of course more convenient.

As for Qiao Ye and the others, they had no intention of following Yuan Ke.

Qiao Ye and the others couldn't help with the evacuation, so Yuanke had to do it, because Yuanke was quite prestigious in Tianming Island, and he was the only one who could get the people from Tianming Island to leave.

Moreover, even so, Qiao Ye felt that this matter was not easy to handle. Leaving the place where he had settled down for a long time was still in the upcoming harvest season. Even if Yuanke was quite prestigious, he might not be able to convince everyone easily.

Qiao Ye said: "However, we have already done what we can, and the next thing has nothing to do with us. If someone insists on not listening to Yuan Ke's advice and leaving, that is his own business."

Qiao Ye took care of this matter purely because of Qingmei, otherwise, according to Qiao Ye's wishes, he would just have to notify her. People on the island would believe it or not, anyway, he notified him, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

However, Qingmei is not a bad person, she is only because Yuanke has helped her, since Yuanke already knows, it is considered as the utmost benevolence for Qingmei.

Rong Bao said: "Then what should we do now?"

"We have to wait until the corpse monsters attack. Don't forget that the reason we came here is not to stop the corpse monsters from attacking, and that thing can't stop them. The purpose of our coming here is the source fragments." Qiao Ye said: "At present we have no The fragments of Siyuan were found, which means that the fragments of Siyuan probably appeared with the attack of corpse monsters, we have to wait, of course, we can also make some preparations in advance."

While Qiao Ye was talking, she wanted to see Xiao Ji and Xie Feng.

Xiao Ji nodded and said, "The boat is ready."

Xiefeng said: "In the southwest, you can predict the future and see the direction of the lighthouse, so the opposite direction should not be attacked by zombies immediately. After we get the source fragments, we can go from there immediately." Evacuate."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Since everything is ready, let's wait. By the way, has Qi Ling's boat arrived at its destination?"

Yizhuo shook his head and said, "There are still two or three days of voyage."

Rong Bao said: "I have been trying to find a way to send a message, and now I have contacted the Tongbaozhai shop in the twenty yuan sea area. After they receive the person, they will find a way to get us there. Look, the Void Noble Phantasm is indeed not that easy to find."

Qiao Ye said with a look of disgust: "Whoever swore before is absolutely fine."

"There must be a way." Rong Bao said dissatisfied: "What are you in a hurry for?"

Qiao Ye said: "Let's leave it at that for the time being, and then we'll see when the Shiyuan fragments appear."

Qiao Ye has a clear goal here, while Yuan Ke has indeed encountered a headache.

Yuanke's reputation is indeed very high. After convening everyone to talk about the matter, there are indeed many people who trust Yuanke and are willing to leave immediately.

But there are still quite a few people who are unwilling. Normally, they respect Yuanke, headed by Yuanke, but leaving now involves interests. Most people don’t really care about Tianming Island, because everyone is skeptical. But the storm is coming, and losing a lot of thunder and rain crystals is equivalent to losing a lot of money.

In the face of interests, Yuan Ke's words are not so easy to use!


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