Qiao Ye kept receiving moves, finding the right gap, raised his hand fiercely, and swept out with a halberd.

Tie Lang didn't dodge or dodge, he straightened up his chest.


The black halberd hit Tie Lang, and made the sound of gold and iron clanging again, unable to bring any harm to Tie Lang at all.

Qiao Ye couldn't help frowning, remembering that this guy belongs to the Metal and Iron clan!

The Metal and Iron tribe has two major characteristics. The first characteristic is that they were born from a small diet of iron. Eating rare ores can increase their cultivation, and eating iron can restore injuries. A good hand.

Therefore, it is obviously not a very wise choice to fight with the metal and iron clan. The black halberd is useless at all when it is chopped on Tie Lang's body.

But also at this time...

"Open the stone and crack the stele!"

With a fierce roar, Tie Lang flew towards Qiao Ye, and his hands suddenly showed a metallic luster.

Qiao Ye sensed the danger and jumped backwards.

next moment...

When Tie Lang arrived, he punched down with both fists, hitting the ground hard, and then...


A loud roar suddenly appeared, and the ground was pulverized by Tie Lang's punch, not just smashed, but completely annihilated into ashes.

The surrounding black mist was also under the impact, and was forcibly pushed away by the wave, and the surrounding scenery gradually became clear.


Qiao Ye looked around, showing some surprise.

where is this

Qiao Ye found that he and Tie Lang were on a cliff and looked around. They were still on Tianming Island, but they were far away from the lighthouse. Normally, no matter how much they moved, they would not be so far away.

"The black mist..." Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Space technique? To separate people?"


Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, Tie Lang had come over again, his fists interlaced, and blasted at Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye hurriedly raised his halberd to block it. After a sound of crowing, a huge force struck, and Qiao Ye stepped back again and again.

Tie Lang sneered, "Your skills don't seem to be as strong as your mouth!"

"You're so proud!" Qiao Ye directly threw the black halberd away and said, "You really treat me like a master and I can't do anything about you?"


After throwing away the black halberd, Qiao Ye clasped his hands together and made a crisp sound, and then a large piece of aura emerged around him, slowly condensing into a magic map!

In hand-to-hand combat, the metal-iron clan does have an innate advantage. The physical bodies of these guys are even stronger than many orcs. Moreover, the orcs still know pain, and the metal-iron clan hardly feels pain.


No one stipulated that he must fight Tie Lang in close combat!

Since brute force is not enough, use skill!

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, all phenomena in the mirror!

Jinghua Vientiane (field ability): One mirror illuminates Kyushu, and all phenomena are in it, one side is dry, one side is Kun, one side is yin, and one side is yang, just a mirror, shining in the world.

Accompanied by Qiao Ye's soft drink, an incandescent light appeared and continuously spread towards the surroundings.


In the white radiance, mirrors suddenly appeared one after another, and in the blink of an eye, they became densely packed, covering the surrounding area.

Those mirrors are made of crystal, and each side is irregular. There are about a dozen of them. Some stand on the ground, some float in mid-air, some are straight, and some are inclined. of.

Tie Lang kept looking around, and soon found that he was completely surrounded by those crystal mirrors.

"Spiritual Diagram of Ten Thousand Laws!" Qiao Ye shouted in a low voice, "Thousands of Winds and Clouds!"

In an instant, Qiao Ye attracted thunder.

After the thunder fell into a mirror, it split apart quickly and moved continuously along the mirror.

In the next moment, lightning appeared in all the mirrors and struck towards Tie Lang.

Which one is true?

Not only did Tie Lang sink slightly, but he quickly looked at the thunder around him, but couldn't tell which one was real, and then...


All the thunder blasted on Tie Lang's body. After a loud noise, Tie Lang was blown out directly, his body was scorched black, but soon another carp stood up and stood up from the ground.

Qiao Ye couldn't help grinning and said, "It's really hard to beat!"

Tie Lang sneered and said: "It's just some tricks, so what if I can't dodge it? Even if I can't tell the truth of the attack? Do you think you can break my defense?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Then try again?"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he took a step forward.

The next moment, Qiao Ye's aura suddenly changed!

Absolute world, the forbidden area is king: Expand the forbidden area, within the forbidden area, the user can randomly get a kind of martial art, if there is already a martial art in him, he can change his own martial art at will.

A ray of light appeared on Qiao Ye's body, and then pushed it away, forming a forbidden area.

Qiao Ye opened her pace, spread her hands one after the other and said, "Please!"

Tie Lang frowned, and couldn't understand Qiao Ye's posture at all. This was a fighting posture he had never seen before. However, Qiao Ye put down his weapon and opened his fists, which should mean that he wanted to fight in close combat.

Tie Lang couldn't help but let out a cold snort, he had never been afraid of anyone in close combat!

While thinking about it, Tie Lang roared angrily, and rushed towards Qiao Ye, raising his fist and blasting it forward.

Qiao Ye watched the fist attack, not rushing, the moment the fist came to him, he stretched out his hand fiercely, resting his palm on Tie Lang's wrist injury, lifted Tie Lang's fist, and then slammed Taking a step forward, his shoulder hit Tie Lang's chest.

Tie Lang felt a tightness in his chest, but he didn't have the slightest intention to back down. He raised his leg and swept towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's movement was not fast, she just retreated a little, and the toes of Tie Lang almost swept across Qiao Ye's chest, and then, Qiao Ye reached out and patted Tie Lang's chest.

Tie Lang staggered from being slapped, and retreated two or three meters in a row to stabilize his body. Immediately afterwards, Tie Lang patted his chest disdainfully and said, "The skill is exquisite, but is it useful..."

Before Tie Lang finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Tie Lang showed disbelief on his face, looked at Qiao Ye in astonishment and said, "What did you do?"

"Frog at the bottom of the well." Qiao Ye sneered: "Although the body is as steel as iron, but the energy can break through the body and directly hurt the internal organs. I heard that you metal and iron clansmen can eat iron. I don't know if your internal organs are also Made of gold and iron?"

Hearing Qiao Ye's playful teasing, Tie Lang was furious, and after a low growl, he rushed towards Qiao Ye again.

"Is anger useful?" Qiao Ye said: "Unless your internal organs are really made of gold and iron, you should think about where you should bury yourself later!"


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