Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 2009 The Calamity of the Kuroshio

Qiao Ye said: "Then let's follow them to Hongshan City? There is Tongbaozhai over there!"

Qiao Ye and the others didn't care about Yuanke's sending someone to take a look. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you look at it or not. After being messed up by Longmai, Tianming Island is now sinking into the sea in all likelihood.

As for whether it was something done by the corpse monster, does it matter?

Rong Bao said confidently: "As long as you arrive at Hongshan City and my base camp, I will handle all the rest."

Yizhuo couldn't help but said: "Then my people?"

Others scratched their heads, just remembered that Yizhuo sent his people to find Tong Baozhai, but...

Can Yizhuo's weapon spirit be taken care of in this situation?

Rong Bao said indifferently: "If they can find Tongbaozhai, how can my guys treat them badly? If they die in the sea, it's their own problem. What can I do? So don't think too much, Gu We can do it ourselves."

Yizhuo still feels sorry for his own weapon spirit, but he can't say anything when it comes to this point.

Moreover, it turns out that Qiao Ye's foreign visitors, although Yi Zhuo was born and raised, has lived in the deep sea for a long time, and he doesn't know much about the sea of ​​​​100 yuan. Without Qiao Ye predicting the future and providing instructions, they even I can't make a decision where to go, and I'm running around like a headless chicken.

And right now is an opportunity to change this situation. As long as you go to Hongshan Island and find Tongbaozhai, as Rongbao, you can use Tongbaozhai to collect and measure information. After you have a lot of information, you can make some judge, and then make decisions based on those judgments.

Yi Zhuo said: "Then go."

Qingmei said: "Then you have made up your mind?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "That's it."

Qingmei said: "In this case, I will go to Yuanke and ask him to send some sailors to help. We are really not good at sailing things."

Qiao Ye said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Rong Bao rubbed his hands flatteringly, "Why don't I go about running errands?"

Qingmei glanced at Rong Bao, then refused: "Forget it, I'm afraid you will offend someone with your mouth."

After Qingmei finished speaking, she jumped up again, stepped across the sea, and headed towards the boat where Yuanke was.

"Leave the matter here to Qingmei." Qiao Ye said to Xiaoji and Xiefeng, "You guys should help me a little bit."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she grabbed Rong Bao by the collar and dragged him towards the cabin.

"Let's go!" Qiao Ye said: "If you are injured, you should take care of your injuries and stop messing around."

After returning to the cabin, Qiao Ye threw the bag back to the room, and he also found a room at random to start adjusting his breath to recover.

But also at this time...

Qiao Ye's mind suddenly tightened, and he felt a force in his body suddenly move.

"Huh?" Qiao Ye frowned and murmured, "The power of the law of reincarnation? Are the Shiyuan fragments already in order?"

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, with the emergence of that power, that familiar feeling also appeared continuously. Qiao Ye felt that his consciousness began to blur, and he gradually fell into the darkness.


Qiao Ye felt that she was sinking into the abyss, as if soaked in a piece of dark water, slowly sinking, until she sank to the deepest point, a bright light suddenly appeared, illuminating the dark abyss.


The next moment, Qiao Ye suddenly raised his head and got out of the water.

It was dark, and it seemed that it was night.

Qiao Ye wiped the water off his face, looked around, and then realized that he should be at sea, but it should be near the sea, the water is not deep, and the coastline can be seen in the distance.

Is it a sign of dreaming again?

Or have you seen things from the ancient times again?

Or, the so-called ancient god is really an ancient thing, and I don't know if I can see it in a dream.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye swam towards the coastline.

Soon, Qiao Ye discovered that this was a port with many fishing boats moored, but no one was seen, nor were there any lights.

There was a sense of dead silence all around.

Qiao Ye was puzzled for a moment, and then began to walk along the port.

In the sea of ​​100 yuan, many urban structures are like this, the seaside port, the city is built close to the port, or a small road is built from the port, extending towards the city, and a waterway is directly dug to bring seawater into the sea. Among them, you can enter the city by taking a boat along the waterway, and there are many ferry terminals in the city.

This port belongs to the third category. Qiao Ye quickly found several waterways leading to the city, but the strange thing was that there were no people on the pier, and there was no one on board.

"What the hell kind of place is this?"

Qiao Ye also felt weird as she walked. How could there be no one in such a huge port?

Moreover, the traces of use of those ships moored there are very obvious, which means that they are often used, and naturally there should be no one there.


Qiao Ye looked up again and looked around, feeling that he couldn't see anything, then jumped into the small boat, and then drove the small boat forward along the waterway.

Although Qiao Ye doesn't know where this is in the Hundred Yuan Sea or which city it is, it should be a very typical water city. There are several coastal ports around the city, and dozens of waterways have been dug from the ports. Leading to the city, after entering the city, these waterways still exist, criss-crossing in the city, but using the waterways, people can be sent to various places in the city.

However, before entering the city, Qiao Ye's boat was stopped.

The entrance and exit dedicated to the water channel were lowered with gates, and each gate was as thick as an adult man's wrist. Water could pass through it, but boats could not.

Qiao Ye frowned, stepped forward to grab the grille and tugged it, and was surprised to find that he couldn't pull it open. This thing was not made of ordinary metal, but a very hard spirit ore.

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, then jumped off the boat, came to the side wall, leaped fiercely, and jumped upwards. At the same time, black smoke swirled in his palm, and soon turned into a short dagger and fell into Qiao Ye's body. In his hand, Qiao Ye stabbed it into the wall forcefully.

next moment...

Qiao Ye stepped on the wall to use his strength, continued to jump upwards, and then inserted the dagger into the wall above. After three or five times of this cycle, Qiao Ye came to the top of the wall.


Qiao Ye glanced at the wall, and then found that there were a lot of feathered arrows, rolling stones, kerosene and other things piled up here.

However, what's still weird is that...


There was no one on the tower, and the soldiers guarding the city didn't know where they all went.


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