Night falls!

The surface of the sea is fairly calm, and the ups and downs of the waves show a clear rhythm.

But at this moment...

Suddenly some black smoke rose from the sea.

The black smoke rose slowly, spread slowly, and slowly covered the surrounding area, covering a large area of ​​the sea.

at the same time……

Below the surface of the sea, a large black shadow also appeared, as if there was something huge and incomparably swimming quickly through the sea.

for a moment...

On the surface of the sea, a group of black shadows gradually appeared, turning into a black ball, and then wriggling slowly, like a group of black mud, gradually turning into a human shape.

In an instant...

The surrounding sea area was shrouded in pitch blackness, and everything he could see was black. At the same time, the sound of the waves disappeared without a trace, as if everything disappeared at this moment, and time stood still, making it extremely terrifying.


Hongshan City, Tongbaozhai.

In the room, Qiao Ye simply washed up, then sat cross-legged on the bed to meditate.

The current situation is that Rong Bao has obtained some information, which cannot be said to be useless, but it cannot be said to be useless either. It can only be said that they have not received some decisive news yet.

However, Qiao Ye felt that the current situation was not too bad.

Corpse monsters, Shiyuan fragments, and the changes in Hongshan City.

The things that need to be investigated right now are nothing more than these three aspects. As for the corpse monster, after having the power of Tong Baozhai to borrow, it is indeed possible to grasp a certain trend. At least the situation in the surrounding sea area, as long as Qin Su is willing Go and inquire, then you will definitely know.

After all, this originally belonged to the trade area between Hongshan City and Baozhai. As for the farther ones, you can also use the news between the major semicolons of Baozhai to inquire.

As for the Shiyuan fragments, Qiao Ye is also very concerned about this thing, whether it is public or private, Qiao Ye wants it.

As far as Yu Gong is concerned, from the current point of view, Jiang Liuxue seems to want to get the Shiyuan fragments, and then the matter is simple. What Jiang Liuxue wants, Qiao Ye wants, and what can make Jiang Liuxue feel uncomfortable Qiao Ye wanted to do all the things!

This can be regarded as the experience that Qiao Ye and Jiang Liuxue have summed up in the long-term confrontation.

It is undeniable that Jiang Liuxue is mysterious in doing things, and he is good at using conspiracy. Sometimes, you know what he is doing, but you don't know his purpose. Leading by the nose, but still can only follow his arrangement.

Therefore, Qiao Ye felt that the best way to deal with Jiang Liuxue was not to think about what he was doing, but to be a shit-stirring stick and mess up what Jiang Liuxue was doing.

And on a personal level...

There is supreme law power in the source fragments.


The law of reincarnation!

Who doesn't want to possess the power of law and cross the watershed of becoming a superpower?

Of course, Qiao Ye also thinks that the law of reincarnation itself is very attractive to Qiao Ye. However, there are not many clues in this regard. Even if Rong Bao wants to ask people from Tongbaozhai to inquire, it will not be easy. matter.

After all, this matter is as troublesome as finding someone in the vast crowd.

Finally, there was the change of Hongshan City.

Qiao Ye also thought about using the power of the law of reincarnation again to spy on the future, but he didn't know whether it was because of the incomplete fragments of the source, which caused the power of the law to be incomplete, or because he had not enough control over the power of the law of reincarnation. Feeling the power of the law of reincarnation in the body, but this thing doesn't listen to Qiao Ye's command very much. When Qiao Ye wants to use it, it may not be able to use it. When he doesn't want to use it, the power suddenly jumps out.

After several attempts, Qiao Ye had no choice but to give up. Moreover, nothing happened in Hongshan City so far. Generally speaking, it should be regarded as good news.

As Qiao Ye was thinking, she closed her eyes and fell into meditation.

However, after closing his eyes, Qiao Ye soon felt something was wrong.

Quiet scary!

This is actually not a strange thing. Meditation is supposed to meditate and forget oneself, sink into the world of oneself, and isolate one's consciousness from the world.

Therefore, it is normal to be quiet, otherwise it means that you have not entered the meditative state well.

Of course Qiao Ye knew this, but she just felt something was wrong, a sense of irritability for no reason in her heart, not long after she closed her eyes, she opened them involuntarily, then came to the window, and pushed it open.

The courtyard at night is also very quiet, and occasionally the wind blows, the plane tree in the courtyard will continue to shake, the branches will sway, and the sound of "rustling" will continue.

Qiao Ye hesitated for a moment, then suddenly stepped on the window sill to borrow strength, then turned over on the roof, jumped out of Tongbaozhai's courtyard, and came to the street.

Qiao Ye walked forward along the street, and things finally went wrong.

This time, something was really wrong.

The previous "something wrong" may actually be a normal situation.

Meditation is inherently quiet. Tong Baozhai was closed at night, and only Qiao Ye and others lived in the courtyard. Everyone was in their own rooms, so the courtyard should naturally be quiet.

However, the streets are eerily quiet right now.

This is very abnormal!

There is no curfew in Hongshan City.

Of course, after night fell, the meditation practice and sleep should not be as lively as during the day, but it would not be silent.

Or more accurately, not all areas should be silent.

Taking the street where Tongbaozhai is located, it is a typical commercial street. There are a variety of shops here, as well as restaurants, teahouses, Goulan, Liyuan and other places. After night, there is a ghost market. He set up a stall and started selling some shady things.

Therefore, not only during the day, but even at night, this street will not be empty of people.

But now there is no one, not a single person!

Qiao Ye had a bad feeling. After all, the predictive future of the law of reincarnation has not been missed, but everything Qiao Ye saw happened. Even if the future changes, it is the result of Qiao Ye's human intervention. Now……

Qiao Ye's brows could not help but furrow deeply, and after walking around the corner, this feeling deepened again.

Because the streets here are still empty.

This is even more abnormal. This street is typically deserted during the day and lively at night, because there are several brothels on this street, which are well-known in Hongshan City, where men go to have fun at night .

At this time, lanterns will also be hung on the painted boats in the nearby waterway, and the sound of the piano means that the girls on the boat have begun to receive guests.

But right now it is deserted, no, deserted is not enough to describe it, but...



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