Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 202 Take your head and exchange it for some money

Chapter 202 Take Your Head for Some Money

As Qiao Ye spoke, he jumped directly from the roof and landed directly behind the two of them, blocking the only way out.

"You have two choices." Qiao Ye said with his hands behind his back: "Answer my question, or I will beat you up and then answer my question."

The two men looked at each other, then sneered, and looked fiercely at Qiao Ye.

"You are Qiao Ye from Blood Sea Academy, right?" A man said with a sinister smile, "There is no need to deny it, we have already seen you take out the identity token of Blood Sea Academy at the gate of the city."

"So what?" Qiao Ye looked at the two of them and said, "I don't seem to know you."

The other party smiled, and then said: "Don't worry, at least I'll let you be a sensible ghost. I am Liang Shicong and he is Li Qiao. I went to Lord Yan and you can report our names."

Li Qiao smiled and said, "We are from the Black Mongolian Kingdom, and we want to borrow your brains in exchange for rewards!"

Black Mongolia?

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood.

It turned out to be the Master Four Sharp Spears!

Qiao Ye killed Dongfang Shuo, and Dongfang Shuo's father, Dongfang Yao, is the famous Four Great Spears Dongfang Yao in the Black Mongolian Kingdom. The most important thing is that Dongfang Shuo is the son of Dongfang Shuo. He was not unpopular and was sent to Blood Sea Academy , but because of the title of the head of the four schools of Xuehai Academy.

Therefore, Qiao Ye had slaughtered many people, and Dongfang Yao was the most extreme.

Dongfang Yao didn't dare to go to Xuehai Academy to find Qiao Ye's trouble. Although the four sharp spears were strong, they couldn't stab at Xuehai Academy, but Dongfang Yao never gave up on taking Qiao Ye's life. The Mongolian children have all received Qiao Ye's killing order, but most of them don't have the ability to pick off Qiao Ye's head, or they think they have the ability, but they are all first-class and second-class students, and they are not in Xuehai Academy. no way.

Moreover, Qiao Ye remembered that Dongfang Yao had a Taoist inheritance in the land of Jianmen, which seemed to be called the Shenwei Daochang. Is he running on someone else's territory?

"No wonder!"

Qiao Ye remembered Ji Wuyuan's words, no wonder Ji Wuyuan would say that he was looking for trouble by himself, and it was more likely that trouble would find him.

"What? Are you scared?" Liang Shicong jokingly said, "Don't worry, we will take it lightly, simply, so that you will not die so painfully."

Qiao Ye's distracted appearance made them think that Qiao Ye was afraid. After all, he was only a young man, so what if he was a student of Blood Sea Academy? I don't have much experience in the world, so I'm already extremely flustered thinking about it at this time.

"Do you want to take my head off?" Qiao Ye came back to his senses and said, "That's not possible. I still have this head for use, so I'd better invite you two to die here."

"You want to kill us?" Li Qiao raised his eyebrows and said, "Just because you are a yellow-haired boy with no hair at all?"

Qiao Ye smiled with the corners of her mouth curled up, and she didn't want to say anything, so she stretched out her finger and ticked it off.


Liang Shicong snorted coldly, then strode towards Qiao Ye.

Both of them are at the fourth level of Martial Madness Realm. As for Qiao Ye, Blood Sea Academy is indeed very famous, but how good can a yellow-mouthed kid who just graduated from Blood Sea Academy and came here to practice? It's amazing that the peak of the ninth level of the Martial Spirit Realm, or just broke through the Martial Madness Realm, any one of them is enough to make a move, let alone two people!

While thinking about it, Liang Shicong came to Qiao Ye and punched Qiao Ye directly in the face without hesitation, but...

Just at this moment...


Liang Shicong suddenly felt a pain in his nose, and then he flew backwards, hitting the wall hard.

Li Qiao was stunned, looking at Liang Shicong's appearance, he seemed to have been punched, but he didn't even see clearly how Qiao Ye punched, Liang Shicong had already flown out.

Qiao Ye said with a smile: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to pick my head off for reward!"

Liang Shicong got up from the ground, wiped his face, and then found blood on his hand, he was furious, and growled, "Let's go together!"

Almost instantly, the two jumped up at the same time.

The alley was narrow, only three people wide, and there was no room to dodge at all. In this case, of course, they could only attack hard.

Seeing the two punching together, Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly punched out both fists at the same time, hitting the opponent's fist together.

When their fists collided, the two of them felt a huge force coming, they couldn't resist at all, staggered under their feet, and their bodies continuously retreated towards the rear.

Liang Shicong said in astonishment, "What is your cultivation?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "It seems to be a little taller than you."

Liang Shicong gritted his teeth, his body suddenly glowed brightly, but he wanted to display his martial spirit, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye jumped out suddenly. Since the alley was narrow and he couldn't dodge the opponent's attack, he could only block it, so naturally the opponent did the same.


Before Liang Shicong entered the Wuhun state, Qiao Ye had already rushed to him, grabbed Liang Shicong's throat with one hand, and pushed him against the wall.


Liang Shicong coughed lightly, and spit out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth. The next moment, blood oozed out of Qiao Ye's palm holding Liang Shicong's throat.

A hundred battle blood techniques, a dazzling style!

The blood in the palm directly passed through Liang Shicong's throat, leaving dense blood holes on this guy's neck.

hiss, hiss...

From the tiny blood hole, fresh blood spattered out continuously, spreading all over the ground, and Liang Shicong's body fell down limply.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fourth level of martial madness, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8300 points."

Qiao Ye withdrew her hand, and casually shook off the blood that had spilled on her palm.

Li Qiao was shocked. This was completely different from what they had imagined. Qiao Ye's cultivation was not at the ninth level of the Martial Spirit Realm, or he had just broken through to the Martial Madness Realm. On the contrary, it was even higher than the two of them. Too many, Liang Shicong didn't even have the chance to display his martial spirit.


This thought flashed across Li Qiao's head, and then he turned around immediately. Although the exit was blocked by Qiao Ye, and there was a wall on the other side, he could just jump over it, but...

As soon as Li Qiao turned around, he saw Qiao Ye appearing in front of his eyes.

Just, for a moment.

So fast!

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Where do you want to go?"

Li Qiao backed away involuntarily, and then...

Qiao Ye has an extra umbrella and a sword in her hand!

Qiao Ye pulled out the extremely thin sword from the green-clothed umbrella, and then there was a line of blood on Li Qiao's throat.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fourth level of martial madness, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8300 points."

Qiao Ye opened the green-clothed umbrella to block the splashing blood, then stepped over the corpse and walked out of the alley.

The faint smell of blood lingered in the alley all the time.


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