Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 2018 Feng Shui Bureau

"Well, try it!" Qiao Ye felt weird after finishing speaking, wondering, "Why do you have her communication method?"


Because your maid, that little maid is Xiefeng!

Rong Bao said: "Anyway, we have it. Do you want to try sending a message?"

"You contact her." Qiao Ye said, "I'll contact Xiaoji."

While talking, Qiao Ye took out the spirit paper of summons.

Soon, the spiritual paper of communication started to burn. However, although the spiritual paper of communication was burning, Qiao Ye did not get any response, and Xiao Ji did not establish a communication with Qiao Ye.

"Damn it!" Qiao Ye swears, watching the spiritual paper of the summons burn out, and then said: "Have you got in touch?"

Rong Bao said: "There is no reply."

Qiao Ye said, "What do you think is going on now?"

"First of all, your future prediction is right again. The current situation is the reason why you saw that Hongshan City was empty." Rong Bao said: "Everyone disappeared, or everyone thought they were in Hongshan City. city, but not in the same Hongshan city?"

Qiao Ye said, "The small world of the Primordial Void?"

"That's impossible!" Rong Bao said: "There are hundreds of thousands of people in Hongshan City. Is it necessary to build a small world of hundreds of thousands to trap everyone? Regardless of whether this thing is feasible or not, who can have such strength? ? Is it really a god descending?"

Qiao Ye said, "Then what do you mean?"

Rong Bao thought for a while and said: "A small world in the primordial void like Duanliu Jietian is definitely impossible, even if it is very small, it is impossible for only one city, no one can do this kind of thing, but if everything Are they all illusions, not real?"

Qiao Ye said, "Illusion?"

"Hmm!" Rong Bao said, "Do you think it's possible? Maybe the two of us are standing face to face, but because of hallucinations, we can't see each other."

Qiao Ye said, "Are you still sitting at the stone table?"

Rong Bao said: "Well, what's wrong?"

Qiao Ye kicked the stone table away, and at the same time knocked the surrounding stone chairs away.

Qiao Ye said, "Does it hurt?"

"Ah? Pain?" Rong Bao asked in confusion, "What does it hurt?"

Qiao Ye said, "It's not an illusion."

If it is an illusion, everything is an illusion, and the two are really facing each other, then Qiao Ye should have kicked the Zhongrong Bao with this kick, because the illusion is false, no matter whether it is his own ability or the powerful treasure he used It's all the same. To put it bluntly, hallucinations are blindfolds, and they can't erase the real things, they can only cover them up.

After Rong Bao was stunned for a moment, he quickly understood and cursed, "Did you hit me?"

Qiao Ye said: "What are you in a hurry for? Didn't you miss it? However, because you missed it, it must not be a hallucination."

Rong Bao pondered for a while, and then said: "It makes sense, how else can such a thing be done? The law of space?"

Qiao Ye said, "Can this kind of thing be done?"

Qiao Ye didn't know much about the power of laws. After all, compared with old fritters like Rong Bao, although Qiao Ye was no longer a rookie in the primordial void, he only knew a lot of things, but he didn't understand them.

Rong Bao said: "It can be done. Using the law of space, you can create a space similar to the small world of the Primordial Void. Of course, the grade will drop a lot. Generally, it is impossible to be as big as the small world. Secondly, the small world contains all kinds of space. The laws that make the world operate normally, such as the laws of nature, the laws of reincarnation, etc., the existence of laws such as spring and autumn, wind, thunder, rain and snow, birth, old age, sickness and death is a perfect world, and space is just a space, and there are no laws. , naturally it cannot last for a long time, it can only be produced in a short period of time, and there is a very crucial problem."

Qiao Ye said, "There's no way to create that much space, right?"

"Yes, it is possible to put hundreds of thousands of residents of Hongshan City in one space, but it is absolutely impossible to split up hundreds of thousands of spaces and imprison one person in each space. Even if you are an extremely powerful person with the Dao of No Arrogance, you can’t do it unless you are really a god.” Rong Bao said: “Besides, I have more say in this matter, and the law power I have is the law of space.”

"So, rule out this possibility." Qiao Ye said, "In other words, rule out all the impossible ones, and the rest is the answer we need."

Rong Bao said helplessly: "But I can't think of any other possibility. Illusion, space, and small world are all impossible. Is there any other way to do this kind of thing?"

Qiao Ye said: "There will always be some clues, or, we should think about it, why can we subpoena? Others can't?"

"Huh?" Rong Bao thought for a while and said, "This is really a strange place. To be precise, I have a domain card, and it's not very strange that I can send a message. Why can you give me a few pieces of broken paper? I send a message?"

Qiao Ye said: "What is the realm card?"

Rong Bao said: "Things like life and death name tags, many big forces have this kind of thing. After someone dies, the exclusive life and death name tag will be burned to let the power know that their child is dead, and the realm card is based on this. Made on the Internet, it is used to strengthen the Noble Phantasm of Communication, even in the Primordial Void, it can also communicate with people from the Seven Stars, of course, it is not 100% possible, and there is a little bit of luck in it."

Qiao Ye looked at the spiritual paper in his hand, burned another one to extend the time of the summoning, and continued, "I seem to be using a general spiritual paper?"

Rong Bao said: "So, why can you send me a message?"

"Who knows?" Qiao Ye said, "Maybe it's because I'm using Canglan Star's communication tool?"

Rong Bao said: "Don't put gold on your face, okay, your Canglan Star has been in decline for a long time."

"Then I don't know why..." Qiao Ye suddenly said, "Wait."

When Qiao Ye communicated with Rong Bao, he also wandered around Tongbaozhai, hoping to find clues and figure out how everyone disappeared.

However, Qiao Ye found nothing in Qingmei's room or Xiaoji's room. In the room of the two of them, nothing had been moved, not even the bedding on the bed. There were only some wrinkles on the cushion, and they both sat cross-legged on the bed to meditate after returning to their rooms.

However, when he walked into the third room, which was Yi Zhuo's room, Qiao Ye suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Vases, tables and chairs, screens, hanging paintings..." Qiao Ye looked at everything around him with a sense of disobedience, and then murmured involuntarily: "Feng Shui Bureau?"


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