Chapter 210 Tianwu Pavilion

After Jiang Liuxue entered, after a while, Qiao Ye came to the door, pondered for a while, and reached out to knock on the door.

Soon, the side door was opened, and the boy in green came out again, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "What are you doing? This is the back door, no one is allowed to pass through, go through the front door!"

Qiao Ye was taken aback, and looked at the top of her head. No wonder she felt that something was missing. There was no plaque on the door.

While closing the door, the young man in Tsing Yi said impatiently: "If you understand what you hear, leave quickly. It's really not allowed to come in and out at random, so please don't embarrass me."

"Wait a minute." Qiao Ye reached out to press the door and said, "Why did I see someone walk in from here just now?"

The boy in Tsing Yi rolled his eyes and said: "He is a distinguished guest, are you?"

Qiao Ye said: "How can you be considered a distinguished guest?"

"I don't know what an honored guest is, so naturally it can't be an honored guest." The young man in Tsing Yi smiled and said, "Please go through the main entrance!"

While talking, the young man in Tsing Yi pulled the door forcefully.

Qiao Ye didn't try to force her way in. She glanced at the walls on both sides. This place seemed to be a big mansion. It was enough to find out where this place was. Anyway, if you run away from a monk, you can't get away from a temple.

Qiao Ye walked around the wall while thinking, and soon found the main entrance.

The main entrance is more magnificent, the stone lions on both sides are even taller, and the door is inlaid with gold beads, and the plaque on it is impressively written: Tianwu Pavilion!

Qiao Ye was startled, this is the Tianwu Pavilion Grand Arena?

What is Jiang Liuxue doing here? Is it a competition, or a spectator?

Qiao Ye thought for a while, and went directly into Tianwu Pavilion.

The main entrance of Tianwu Pavilion is open to the outside world, and there are many people coming in and out. As soon as Qiao Ye entered, a servant in the same clothes as before immediately stepped forward and said, "I am a guest officer, is this your first time here?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

The boy smiled and said, "Then the guest officer is here to compete, or to watch the battle?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's all right, just watch the excitement, and you can play a game if you're interested."

The boy smiled and said, "Then let me introduce our place to you first?"

Qiao Ye said, "Okay!"

The boy said: "Most of the pavilions here are fighting arenas, and there are different games at different times, and this is a resting place, that is a restaurant, this is a tea house, as for the red building in front..."

The boy grinned and gave Qiao Ye a smile that any man could understand.

The boy continued: "The hall over there is a place to bet. There are daily matches and odds. If you spend some money, you can also know the winning percentage of the last ten matches and some personal information. "

Qiao Ye said: "I heard that you have a landlord here?"

The boy said: "Yes, but the host does not participate in competitions, he only accepts challenges, so they all live in the backyard, and outsiders are not allowed to come in and out at will. When a challenger appears, the host will challenge the competition, and each At the end of the month, two hosts will be selected among the ten hosts for a competition, and if the next one wins, the rankings will be changed among the hosts, it will be very lively at that time, there will be a lot of people watching, and you need to reserve a seat in advance."

Qiao Ye had a flash of inspiration and said, "The backyard is where the host lives? So you can't go in and out through the back door?"

The boy said: "The back door?"

Qiao Ye said: "I found the wrong door just now, but I was not allowed to enter, so I just asked casually."

The boy smiled and said: "The back door is not allowed to enter. Usually, they are servants of Tianwu Pavilion, such as those who deliver food in restaurants and tea shops. Sometimes, the girls in the red building over there will also be given some rouge." Here comes the gouache."

Qiao Ye said, "What if there are distinguished guests?"

"Distinguished guests?" The servant asked suspiciously: "There are indeed some regular guests who have even reserved boxes all year round, but since they are distinguished guests, they should go through the front door. How can we let the distinguished guests go through the back door?"

Qiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, that's the reason!

Since it is a distinguished guest, how can there be any reason to let people go through the back door instead of going through the main door?

That being the case, what happened to Jiang Liuxue?

Qiao Ye pondered, did Jiang Liuxue work in Tianwu Pavilion? If this is the case, there should be no need for the boy to lie to himself, saying that Jiang Liuxue is a distinguished guest. Of course, it is also possible that the boy in Tsing Yi is too lazy to break up with him, but Qiao Ye recalled that Jiang Liuxue was wearing clothes at that time. It's quite expensive, and it doesn't look like a slave working in Tianwu Pavilion.

"Guest officer, guest officer..."

At this time, the servant beside Qiao Ye called out softly, bringing Qiao Ye back to his senses.

"It's nothing, I'm distracted." Qiao Ye looked forward, and suddenly said: "Since this is a place for competitions, why do I think everyone is walking that way?"

"That's because there will be a battle of the kings today!" The boy said with a smile: "The other competitions will not be held, and no one will watch them anyway. Everyone is going to watch the battle of the kings. The stakes are high, and , if you win, you will not only get the title of Fighting King, but also a generous reward, which is said to be a sixth-grade treasure.”

"Dou Wang Zhan?" Qiao Ye said, "How do you say it?"

The boy said: "One game a day, 30 people fight randomly, and at the end you can become the fighting king, and you can also participate in the follow-up fighting god battle. If you get the title of fighting god fighting, you can challenge the host."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Everyone will watch?"

The boy nodded and said, "Everyone is here to watch the Dou Wang Zhan."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Are there any restrictions on cultivation?"

The boy said: "Of course there are still some. They are all fighting in the same realm. Yesterday was held at the Martial Spirit Realm, today is at the Martial Madness Realm, tomorrow is at the Martial Ancestor Realm, and the day after tomorrow is at the Martial King Realm, and then go up..."

The boy smiled awkwardly, then spread his hands.

"We can't afford to hire experts in the Martial Emperor Realm. Even if we can hire two or three, we still can't get that many people."

A strong man in the Martial Emperor Realm come to compete for others to see? Just kidding!

It's normal if you can't invite them. It is said that Tianwu Pavilion can invite so many martial kings to compete, which has already surprised Qiao Ye. The financial resources of Tianwu Pavilion are very strong. Thirty martial kings are going to compete. Fighting, there is bound to be a big price to pay.

A sixth-grade treasure in the martial madness state is enough to make people covet and make a move. If it is in the martial king state, wouldn't it be at least a fourth-grade treasure, or even a third-grade treasure?

Moreover, if you participate in the battle by yourself, can you confirm whether Jiang Liuxue is a guest of Tianwu Pavilion, and is he here to watch the battle? If Jiang Liuxue was not seen among the spectators at that time, nor did he see Jiang Liuxue participating in the battle, it meant that Jiang Liuxue's ability to enter and leave the Tianwu Pavilion had something to do with the Tianwu Pavilion itself.

Qiao Ye immediately said: "My cultivation is also at the Martial Madness level, can I participate in the battle?"

"Ah, the guest officer wants to fight?" The boy hesitated and said: "I can take you to ask, there are many people participating in the Wukuang Realm, and they have all been screened. Now the line is full. If you want to replace them temporarily, If there is no reputation and record, I am afraid it will not be approved."


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